Episode Vanessa: 6

With her finger, Vanessa swiped left, right, up, and down towards the mirror. On each motion, her outfit would change. Either elegant or cringy, Vanesa struck a pose for every look. The game took pictures for her, Jeff, and each of the girls as they bounced through the collections of the two assigned designers to their squad.

Benji was a little hesitant until one of the two, Christian, showed him a nice pair of sneakers. The other, Jean, threw an outfit on him to match his new shoes. It left Benji stunned in his new garments but warmed into a mindset that convinced him he was James Bond.

While the girls bought many outfits, Teddy slept in a chair near the dressing rooms. Kiki woke and reminded him that for this month there were two designers attached to every team. And though they didn't know what the theme's story was, it was obvious that it was connected to the designers.

The grumpy look on Teddy's face was more than a clear message to her that he didn't care and was in fact bored of it all. With a small smile, Kiki petted his head until he smiled back and ensured him that it was okay to leave. After giving her a kiss, Teddy left the game.

Vanessa couldn't help but watch the two. She never knew they were lovers. It only made sense that it was a secret before due to the culture of the game. With all the toxicity, they were likely bound to be apart the way she herself was. Instead of enjoying the shopping spree with everyone, Vanessa was staring into emptiness as her hands trembled.

"Don't worry Vanessa," Kiki's words snapped her out of the haze, "The main squad is out for the holidays. But I'll stick around for you".

Fighting back tears, Vanessa nodded, "Sorry... for everything".

Kiki gave her a hug, "It's 'oki'. You did nothing wrong. Maybe some bad choices, but nothing wrong".

Vanessa hugged tighter, "Thank you".

"Daniiii!!!" Leira, a thin Puerto Rican girl no older than 12, ran to the dressing rooms screaming.

Dani, being half-naked, looked back, "Hm"?

Mina, a thicc light-skinned Mexican girl the same age as Leira, was right behind her, "Our designer was arrested and the other one was murdered".

Dani's eyes widened, "Y'all are so lame. Get away from me with your bad juju. I love Christian and Jean".

Leira shook her hands, "Listen! The cops are after us because they think we murdered the dead one".

Dani pointed straight at the two, "Rule number one of The Isekai Game, figure it out for yourself".

"Yo," Jeff leaned back, "There's no leads or nothing"?

Five cops ran in and pinned both Leira and Mina down. Whereas Dani was quick to call Christian and Jean to her side, Vanessa and Benji stepped towards the cops. None of them spoke. They placed Leira and Mina in cuffs and walked them outside.

"That doesn't seem bad," Benji brushed his hair back.

Vanessa turned to him, "I don't think is for murder why they are arrested".

"Hey," Dani settled for a silk corset and jean shorts, "What happened over there"?

Benji faced her, "We don't think they got arrested for murder. The cops were too nice".

Dani shrugged, "Maybe just questioning or something".

"Ah," Vanessa snapped and twirled around, "I got it. Maybe is the clothes. Because if the designer is dead, their clothes are stolen".

"Wait," Nana dressed in streetwear attire, "That doesn't make sense".

Mimi dashed on a mini-dress, "That's what I'm saying. Who murdered the designer in the first place? Whoever it was is likely doing something to get them arrested".

"But," Vanessa rose a finger, "I know in France they take design theft very seriously".

Dani looked at everyone, "That's so common though".

Jeff was still flipping through his outfit next to Dezzy, "So basically somebody is killing the designers and stealing the clothes"?

"Sooo," Dezzy stared as her outfit turned into a mere bra and jeans, "What are we going to do"?

Kiki stared into a mirror, changing her outfit, "Hold on. No offense Jean, but none of this is for me," she came to a thin black dress, "This is like the only thing with that one black shirt that I see that I would wear".

Mimi peaked at her, "But the rest of us want the discounts on our designers' clothes for winning this theme".

"I know," Kiki selected the dress and shrugged, "I just don't feel, whatever," she turned to the squad, "So, we are down Hakim, who got banned and Teddy who already left," she pointed at Dezzy, "So you and Jeff will attach to Dani's team. And then we need to find this killer and a potential thief. Any questions"?

Dani licked her teeth and stared at their two designers, "How do we find this assassin"?

Benji stared up, "Any fashion shows going on for indie artists"?

"Wait," Vanessa rose a finger, "The killer is likely a famous designer already because they steal good fashion only".

Nana stepped towards the exit, "I don't think there are any shows with big-name designers today".

"Uhm," Dani snapped her fingers high into the air, "What's the name of that tall tower? The famous one".

Benji quickly answered, "I saw it earlier and 'Eiffel' for it".

Dani squinted her eyes at him, "What"?

Vanessa hummed for a second, "I know is a 'Paris-site'".

"No," Dani stared at her, "It's a tower".

Mimi smirked, "Eiffel for it too".

"Fell for what," Dani threw her arms, "Y'all are acting dumb. We need to go to that tall tower because it's nice and you can see everything from it".

Nana smirked towards the emergency exit, "Let's hurry up and get to the tower. I know it's pretty far".

Kiki walked to the main exit, "This way baby girl".

Benji stepped outside into the night, "Yeah, the Eiffel Tower is only three blocks away".

Ahead of everyone else, Dani stormed across the boutique, "I hate y'all. Always trying my nerves with y'alls jokes".

Vanessa walked out and looked down the street at the flashing lights, "Wow. There's a lot of designers being arrested".

Kiki pointed at Christian and Jean, "Y'all two need to stay with Dani's team," she turned towards the well-lit tower, "Team one will take front".

Vanessa began walking up the road to the Eiffel Tower, "Oki. But we need to be careful because-".

"Don't worry about the assassin too much," Nana waived, "Just focus on getting us to the tower and stopping any clear threats".

Vanessa stood in place, "But, I think there is something wrong".

Kiki came to her side, "What is it"?

Vanessa stared at the tower, "It looks weird".

Kiki batted an eyebrow, "That's because it's an illusion. We need to dispel it".

Vanessa and Kiki clapped their hands together and with their combined auras, they used their powers together to dispel the illusion. Eiffel Tower was closer than they thought. The viewpoint to it was only a few yards away. Kiki did one last check to make sure her squad was present and ready to fight before leading them onward.

They ran past the tower viewing area and on the edge by the water until they were able to jump onto the grassland between. Vanessa alarmed the squad that something was coming. But nobody knew what or where it was.

Lights flickered across the water. The lamps rose into the air. Vanessa informed that they were conjoined by a piece of metal. But with nearly everything around them being pitch-black, there was no way anyone could tell what was coming.

Dani shot her gun into the air, "Flare"! The bullet emitted a large light which exposed large metal pillars rising from the waters to assemble into on giant robotic creature. Dani's entire team fired at what they believed to be the creature's body.

Mimi held her palm up, "I can feel the electric power somewhere in the water".

Nana yelled for Vanessa and Mimi to freeze before turning into a hippo-sized spider with gold hairs known as a Spellgaunt. She jumped on and around the creature, tangling it in a long line of web as her two girls made it safely to the water and worked together to freeze it.

Kiki coordinated Team two's fire to not hit team one. Dani used the time to charge an explosive and blow the creature apart. Its limbs flew out into the streets as its abdomen fell into the water. The power source underneath the water floated up in a big block of ice. Mimi checked the water to find that it was safe to enter. However, Kiki was able to tell that given this was an alchemy theme, her squad expended a lot of energy on that one boss.

She lead them across the water and to the foot of the tower before asking if they were confident in fighting the boss up top. After receiving faithful nods from everyone and a weird screeching noise from Nana, who was still a Spellgaunt, she decided to lead them up.

Christian and Jean were confident to survive after seeing Dani's aggression. They rode up the elevator to the top of Eiffel Tower alongside Kiki's Squad with smiles on their faces. Upon reaching the top, those smiles vanished when seeing Abloh with a distasteful look about him.

Christian stumbled, "Hey friend! What are you doing up here"?

Abloh popped the collar of his suit, "Fashion is like a shark tank. And I'm one fierce orca".

There was a small moment of silence before Dani fired at him. It was on the rise of her gun that Abloh morphed his outfit into a large silver suit that deflected her bullets.

Vanessa and Mimi swung in with their blades. Their attacks were synchronized to dissallow a single second where Abloh wasn't being attacked. Though his defenses were strong, their strikes tore through his clothing and ripped out bits of his flesh.

However, his outfit changed to dark street style, causing a sharp jump of his reflexes. No longer was he being sliced apart. Instead, he flipped out two blades and held off Vanessa and Mimi.

Nana shot webbing at his feet to immobilize him. Vanessa and Mimi jumped away, allowing Benji to fire a headshot.

Abloh's garments morphed into a white robe, indicating that he was taking on the role of a white mage to heal himself. Nana sprung a web to pull Abloh within the clutches of her eight legs and ate him up, starting from the head.

Vanessa, Mimi, and Kiki gazed on the blood show displayed by Nana in her spellgaunt form. The rest of the squad looked away until the game announced their win.

They each forced a relaxed expression on their faces and striked a pose to the victory theme that played. As opposed to Vanessa, Kiki, and Mimi who were ecstatic to show off in pools of blood. Nana's screeching sprayed blood into the air, causing most of the team to run off to the edge of the tower.

The victory song ended and it was announced that all players will receive their currently worn garments at no cost.

"Woo hoo!" Vanessa sprang and punched up into the air, "I am classy girl".

"This city is so pretty!" Dani stared down a telescope, "I want to-" she looked at the Notre Dame, "Wait. I think I found that guy you were talking about".

Vanessa peaked through the telescope," Yes. that's him. He won't leave me alone".

"Well!" Mimi cocked her head, "Let's go get him"!

Dani continued to stare, "He... looks familiar. I think I've seen him somewhere before".

"Is funny," Vanessa held her chin, "Apparently I know him, this Jester, and Weasel from somewhere," she shook her head, "But I can't think of where or if ever at all".

Kiki turned to the two designers, "Alright, so you two can head to the fashion show. We'll meet up after we finish with this guy".

Just before the squad headed out, Dani stepped away from the edge, "I know I've met him before... 'Watson'. Even that name sounds familiar".


Not too long after, Kiki's squad ran up to the roof of Notre Dame where Watson was still sitting on the stone ledge. Nearly everyone was shouting insults at him except Vanessa and Dani. From creep and weirdo to stalker and predator, Watson was given it all.

Unphased, Watson stood to face them, "Well that's nice. A bunch of poppets insulting me with the things my enemies say".

Vanessa cleared her throat, "I'm done," she glanced away before staring into his eyes, "I don't ever want to see you again".

Dani kept her gun away, "Who are you? I think we met before".

"Wow," Watson exaggerated an expression of surprise, "You actually remember me"?

Benji aimed in, "Better yet, who is the Jester"?

Watson smirked for a second, "He, is I... As I am he," his voice grew deeper into a snarl as he positioned himself into a combat stance, "And together, we are one".

"Don't worry," Kiki shrugged, "He can't-".

Watson disappeared, leaving the squad questioning his whereabouts. Kiki waved her hands to create a ring of fire. Before her flames could form, Watson swung a weapon, that resembled a spear with a sword-like blade, at the back of her head. He threw a second blade which resembled it into Dani's chest.

Mimi swung at him, but he managed to parry with a lightning strike that ripped past her illusion to shoot through and left her dead. Before Benji and Dezzy could fire, Watson used Mimi's body as a shield and spat two fireballs that killed both of them.

"Hey!" Nana shouted, while in her human form.

Jeff aimed his gun at him, "You're done. Go home".

Watson glanced at the two and shrugged, "Funny how one is about to change into a bird, "Nana shook, "And the other is a guy who hasn't seen his sister in years," Jeff lowered his gun.

Watson shot glass from his hands at the two. Nana slowly died on the ground whereas Jeff was immobilized long enough for Watson to impale him with an extended blade from his palm. Jeff's body crackled away.

"Well," Watson faced Vanessa, "He'll be gone for a year as well. Honestly, I'm just glad Teddy wasn't here, or else I would've been done for".

"Why?" Vanessa shrugged and shook her head, "Tell me why you won't leave me alone".

"Well," Watson looked down at the cathedral, "It's my job," he stared into her eyes, "Guiding people to face their inner self and live a new life is the duty of a guide," he stepped towards her, "Although... you're not the only one I'm trying to save".

"Please," Vanessa bowed with tears running down her cheeks, "Please just leave me alone. You have done too much for me. And I thank you a lot. I think about it sometimes when I am home. But I want you to leave me alone".

Watson smiled a little, "How about something better," Vanessa raised her head, "How about I give you a chance to beat me. I won't use any weapons nor magic," Watson threw all of his weapons aside, "Meanwhile, you can use whatever you please".

A hollow feeling overtook Vanessa's heart which caused her body to shift into a combat stance with Magenta in hand, "How much do you know about me"?

The two sprinted at one another with Vanessa slashing a blade of wind at him. Watson ducked under and kicked her stomach. Having lost her footing, Vanessa spun around to strike again, but Watson caught her sword-wielding arm and struck it. Upon Magenta falling, he pulled Vanessa in and pinned her down to stare at her sword.

After a few tugs, Watson let Vanessa free to grab her sword again in time for him to kick her chin. She stumbled back and attempted to regain her sight. But Watson dashed in and slammed her flat to the ground. With Magenta out of her hand, Vanessa chose to lay down and look up at the night sky.

Seconds later, Watson dropped to his knees above her. Vanessa stared, worried about his next move. This scene of him reminded her of a previous incident which she could only recall as a nightmare.

Watson further dropped to his back and gazed at the stars, "Sorry. I know you never asked for any of this either".

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Vanessa spoke softly, "Is oki".

"No, it's not," Watson whined, "I'm not good with my own feelings," his voice cracked as though he was about to cry, "I'm going through a lot though and I have been taking it out at the wrong people".

Vanessa took a deep breath, "I think sometimes we all do that".

"I think..." Watson hesitated, "I'm just as lost as you. I care about a lot of people, including you. But everyone is out of reach. I can never get through to them. Now I'm finding out one of my closest friends nearly died and he still won't answer my messages. Makes you think all of this is a 'Waste of Time'," he chuckled.

"Maybe," Vanessa continued to speak softly, "He is lying to you so that you won't feel bad".

Watson almost smiled, "Understood. That could be the case. However, sometimes when people like you lie, it forces people like me to watch you die at a distance. But, it's not like you care. No matter how much people like me want to see you happy, you'll just keep on neglecting our love".

Vanessa cleared her throat, "But you know, it is kinda fun," she smiled, "When I was little, I was super hyper. I use to always ant to run around, play sports, and spoke really fast. And even when I get older," she blushed, "I'm sorry, is embarrassing. I'm shy, but I still act the same as when I was young".

"Wow," Watson refused to even glance at her, "You must've been one crazy child".

Vanessa shook her head at him, "When I play this game Mr. Watson, the creepy man, I feel so free and is always fun. I have to run around and fight people. And I can do everything I want. When I am not here, I can't do that because then I would just be weird and people would be like, 'what's wrong with that crazy girl'? But here I can just be myself and I like that".

Watson chuckled, "You know, I can see that in you".

"Buuut," Vanessa held up a finger, "When I was young, we never have this game in Italy. So I never play," her excitement brought out her real voice, "I only watch the videos and pictures on Youtube and Instagram. But now, I have the opportunity and... I like it".

"So," he smiled, "You're lazy with a beautiful voice that you refuse to let people hear".

Unlike anytime before, Vanessa chuckled to hear him tease her, "You know, that's why I like this game. I can find people like... Who accepts me".

Watson refused to break his sight from the sky, "I'm glad to hear it. You should play it".

Vanessa curled into his shoulder as for a hug, flipped out a knife and stabbed his heart, "I alays play this".

Watson struggled to speak, "You know, I think you're enjoying my little game".

With her hair hanging, Vanessa whispered into his ear, "I win all of your games"

He chuckled, "You still have to kill me. But at least you're having fun".

"Aaaaahhh," Vanessa smiled as she dug the knife deeper into his wound, "Because you're a cheater," she smiled.

"No," Watson grunted as Vanessa stood and picked him up, "I'm just somebody that fought and preserved against hardship".

Vanessa hummed over to the edge of the cathedral, "Then I will beat you in all themes," she threw him over, "Mwuahahaha"!

Having watched him fall to the ground and heal himself, Vanessa twirled around and picked up Magenta. She took a moment to enjoy the subtle breeze in the cool night's air before noticing her current state. It was something rare that she hadn't seen in a long time. Her smile was not only real, but her mood was genuinely... happy.