Episode Vanessa: 7

On a bridge to a temple, Vanessa waved her hand in the air and gripped Magenta. Her stance was low. Light shined upon her dark purple samurai armor which was themed after the constellations. A hairy red oni with three eyes sprinted towards her on all fours.

"Zantetsuken!" Vanessa swung her sword through the demon and sliced it in half.

Benji shot arrows at the smaller blues onis until they were all dead. Though his armor was lighter, the number of arrows he carried was rumored to be enough to wipe out an army. Likewise, Vanessa's strikes were rumored to be stronger than that of a thousand men. The two loved the bullshit rumors. Upon beating out the wave of oni, they played a victory song and struck their respective poses for another victory earned.

Dani sat on a cannon with Mimi and Nana. The three gossiped about life as opposed to actually putting in effort to do anything for the theme. When Vanessa asked for their remarks, her request was blatantly ignored.

Pattie rode out, with Logan and Steven, on Friesan horses and two spares. All three, along with the five horses, were heavily equipped with armor and swords. On the back of the horses were extra supplies and hand spears.

It didn't take long for Pattie to order both Benji and Vanessa to ride along with them to take out the Oni King Shuten Doji. Neither of the two could figure out why they would receive such an offer. It took both Steven and Logan to reassure them that they had proven themselves worthy of consideration to be on their team and that now they would be placed in more prominent roles to earn their respective positions.

Upon mounting her horse, Vanessa requested the details of the mission. There wasn't much for Pattie to explain. They were going all-in for a direct assault. The sound alone struck fear into Benji who opted for a more tactical attack.

However, with team one being the assault element in Carter's squad, Pattie was more concerned with their aggression and raw strength in battle. Steven and Logan added that this was also a test of courage and pain. In order to make it to the pro leagues, players can't be concerned with dying, nor the pain.

Benji sat on his horse and held on tight. Though he was scared to take the next step forward, he was compelled by those around him to follow.

Everyone lashed and rode their horses away. Past the outskirts of town, where they charged past a few wild demons, the team came to the mountains with an old molded stone castle at the top. There was a large dirt road leading up to it with two large oni guards protecting the entrance. They were equipped with battle axes and no armor as most oni had been.

"Wedge!" Pattie ordered as Logan came in front of her. Steven was on her right as Vanessa was to her left. Benji was in the back with his bow ready. Everyone, on their horses, kept no more than 10 meters of distance between them.

"Ready!" Pattie shouted for her team to ready their battle spears with the exception of Benji.

Upon readying his weapon, Logan held firm, "Let's 'Banzai' this thing".

After Vanessa and Steven agreed, Pattie smiled with her spear held in the air, "Banzaaaiii"!

Upon her team shouting "Banzai" after her, they rushed their horses up to the castle and struck through the guards. They stampeded into the castle and down its darken large halls. A wave of oni charged at them, only to be struck down by Benji's arrows.

There was a second wave running at them. They had shields and heavy armor in addition to their axes, leaving Benji almost useless in the encounter. Pattie ordered them to hit high. It was on impact that the horses rose up to stomp on and drag down the oni's shields, allowing the team to pierce them with their spears. They repeated the maneuver to kill the rest of the wave.

A giant red oni came charging at them. He wielded two clubs and stood three horses high. Pattie shouted for an encirclement, causing Logan to dash near the oni and stick him in the back. Steven struck the demon's hip whereas Pattie and Vanessa impaled him from the front. Before he could smash one, Benji shot his eye.

The team galloped down the hall and up the stairs where multiple oni archers shot at them. They each ducked behind the heads of their horses, allowing their armor to take the full impact. Benji rose up to shoot them all down, clearing the way for the team to run down the last hallway to a large closed room.

"Alright," Pattie stretched, "This is the king himself, Shuten Doji. We don't know anything about him," she smiled, "But we'll get in there and figure out a way to kill him".

"This place," Vanessa rose a finger, "Is spooky and..." she smiled wide, "I'm soo so so so excited to fight this monster and kill him".

Benji nodded, "She loves killing things up close".

Steven widened his eyes to look away from Vanessa, "She's scary".

Logan smirked, "She needs to be on our team".

"Well," Pattie cocked her head, "Let's see how these two do," she faced the door, "Logan... Get it".

Logan swung the door open to a large dark room with a chandelier hanging above the center. A giant red oni with 10 eyes and two mouths sat on a throne. He stood, showing off his spiked armor and long flowing hair that hung in his face. Vanessa pointed out how cool it was that his tongues were so long.

Pattie paid its looks no mind and charged her team in. The oni gripped two large axes that were the size of the horses and swung at them. On each swing, he displaced himself to not be hit by anyone. Benji kept his distance and took careful aim in an attempt to shoot his head. But he couldn't get a clear shot.

Logan dove in, leaving his horse to be strucken by Shuten's axe, to strike at the oni's feet with his spear. Vanessa forced her horse to stomp on the king's hand and impaled its wrist. Steven stuck the oni's back whereas Pattie aimed for its stomach. Benji rode his horse at a distance and shot multiple arrows into King Shuten Doji's eyes and mouth. For the finishing blow, he shot a long arrow into the oni's throat, sending him tumbling to his death.

Once the king died, Logan, Pattie, and Steven let out war cheers to celebrate. Vanessa shouted alongside them with Benji being the last to join. Music played as everyone performed their victory dance.

Steven stood in the center of the room, "I can't believe we actually won that".

Benji remained near the walls, "Do ya'll normally do crazy things like that"?

"No", Pattie stood near Steven, "But we know how to have fun every once in a while. In fact, that's how Carter led the stadium to beat the last June event. We all came together and had fun beating the game together".

Logan walked towards Vanessa, "It's also good training".

There was a deep chuckle from above. They all looked up at the chandelier crashing down on them. Logan managed to pull Vanessa out of the way. Steven was struck dead whereas Pattie's leg was crushed. Dust was in the air. Every time they breathed it, their lungs would hurt with a gradual tear over time.

Benji scratched at his bleeding eyes, "What is this crap"?

"Cover your mouth!" Logan yelled into a cloth, "It's glass".

"You know where you can go for a good time," the Jester's voice echoed.

Vanessa used her hands to cover her face, "Is the Jester".

"Crap!" Pattie leaned over, "There's no way we can heal from this in this theme. We'll have to respawn".

Logan turned, "Vanessa, are you able to respawn"?

Vanessa nodded, "Barely".

Logan hugged her, "Respawn at the temple, we'll meet you there. Then we can help you take out this Jester-Watson guy. I have a pretty good idea of where to find him. And since this is a non-magic theme, he shouldn't be immortal".

Vanessa wheezed to the ground. Her vision blurred out. Soon after, blood splatted from her mouth. Though respawning was her only way to keep playing for the day, it placed a huge dent in her budget. She barely had enough real money to play up to June. However, if it meant getting rid of Watson and his alter ego for good, it would make her year playing this game a lot more fun.

"Respawn," Vanessa choked, causing the room to go black and her pain to go away. She saw all the AIs for what they really were. She even kicked one of the heads. There was no mold, nor stones to make up the castle walls. Everything looked like props for a play or maybe a movie. Yellow lights shined through the room, leading her to the appropriate exit.

It was all a drag. All she wanted to do was have some fun. But Watson kept messing with her ever since she started in July. As she moped through the halls, she couldn't help but wonder what would things be like if she'd just give him what he wanted. On one hand, she could save a lot of money and have fun. On the other... Vanessa balled her fist and set her sights on killing Watson for good.


Not so later that day, Watson stood by a waterfall and watched the course of the simulated nature. Vanessa walked up with Logan at her side.

"I got you now Mr. Jester," she mocked in a light tone of voice, "Now it is time to die," she portrayed an obnoxious deep voice.

Watson sneered into deep laughter, "Glad to see you're having some fun with your poppets. It's actually normal to escape reality with vices. Just like an addict would need another hit of crack. So I can't blame you".

"Your words mean nothing," Vanessa shouted, "I will soon never hear them again".

"Ha!" Watson shouted back, "And I soon stop giving a damn! Then who's gonna be here for you? I'm already running through this stadium like a playground. It's only a matter of time".

"No," she shook her head, "Your time is up now," she grinned, "And you will never bother me again".

Watson snapped his fingers, "Ya' know, you remind me of a lost demon. Trying to escape Hell in every way possible, but refuse to face reality. Thus, keeping yourself in a spiral of torment".

"I had enough of you," Vanessa gripped her sword alongside Logan.

"Oh yeah," Watson smiled, "Tell me, how well are you sleeping at night"?

Vanessa nearly froze, "How do you-"?

Logan ran forward and sliced off Watson's head. Vanessa watched his head rollover. His blood sprayed up in the air and across the grass. She gulped knowing that he would never bother her again. There was something scary about that thought where Vanessa felt she was more alone than she was before. Goosebumps rose up her arm and across her back with her newfound loneliness.

Benji came from behind a bush, "He didn't even try to fight back or anything".

Dani came out behind him, "I swear I know him from somewhere. How about you"?

Vanessa shook her head, "I never met him before. He's only here because he cheated".

"Well," Logan sheathed his sword, "He's gone. And since there's no magic-".

Vanessa hugged him tight, "Thank you so much".

Logan hugged her back, "No problem. You're really great and I love having you around".

Vanessa blushed into his shoulder and lifted a leg, "Thank you so so much".

"Don't be acting like Andres now," Dani shouted, "We don't need drama around the squad".

Logan cocked his head, "I already told Alice I was gonna spend the day with Vanessa. I like her".

Butterflies were flapping in Vanessa's stomach, urging her to finally kiss Logan's neck. With one little peck came another until she found herself trying to give him a hickey. Soon after, her feet were off the ground and Logan's hands were low on her waist.

Carter walked up, instructing Logan that he needed to rejoin the squad for a mission. Despite his best efforts, Logan had no choice but to leave off. When Vanessa questioned if she could join him, Carter made it clear that it would be in her best interest to take on other missions and get stronger.

"Wow," Dani batted her eyes at him, "How are you gonna block my girl like that"?

Carter shrugged, "She has better things to do at the moment to prepare herself for June. In the meantime, you two need to wait at the temple in case she needs-".

"Weh, weh, weh," Dani shook her head at Carter.

He paused, "Please don't-".

"Don't what Carter?" Dani got in his face, "Wha you gonna do? Weh weh some more. You think we care? I am going back to your temple. You know why? Because we have snacks that I want to try".

Carter smirked away, "Okay".

"Okay what?" Dani yelled in his face, "You got something to say? Say it? Quit being a little bitch".

Vanessa chuckled off to the side. Proud more than anything to see what Dani would be like with a boyfriend.

Dani began smacking the back of her hand in Carter's face, "Listen here, Carter! I will knock that smirk off your face! So keep smiling! I will drag you down to my eye level and beat your ass! And I'm gonna stomp that tiny dick of yours! I will rock your ass on and off that motorcycle of yours that you love so much!" she spoke a little politely, "And when I'm done, I ill get a bat. Don't worry about where I'll get one from because I'll get one. I know people," he tone rose again, "And smash every window at your house so that your mom has something to bitch about! And imma smash that piece of shit car of yours that never works!" she shouted in his face, "And when I'm done, imma find every one of your hoes and beat their asses too. So fuck with me again, Carter! Fuck with me one more time"!

Carter's smirk was faint, "Are you done"?

Dani puffed out her lips, "No," and smiled up to his face, "Give me a kiss".

Carter gave her a quick kiss, "Alright, now-".

"Ugh," Dani stepped back, "See, you don't love me! What was that? That wasn't a kiss! Stay away from me faggot," Dani grabbed Vanessa's hand and walked off, "Come on! Let's go somewhere away from them because Carter is pissing me off!" she looked back at him briefly, "Bye"!

Vanessa leaned into Dani with her fingers at her lips, "But does Logan really like me".

"Yo," Dani smiled, "He does. And what's crazy is that even though I like Alice. Like, she's alright. I like you a lot more. And so far, everybody loves you. Even our momma Ms. Katz loves you and she hasn't met you yet".

Vanessa gasped, "Yes, we should have slumber party so I could meet her".

"Oh," Dani squealed, "You stole my idea. I wish we could throw a slumber party. Just us girls and no guys".

"True," Vanessa rose her chin, "But at least we can finally enjoy this old Japanese forest in peace".

"Oooh," Dani pulled Vanessa, "You know those pink flowers"?

"Mhm," Vanessa nodded, "The Sakura flowers. They're pretty".

"Yup," Dani smiled, "Logan showed me a picture for Carter to take me. It was so pretty. It's over here somewhere".

Vanessa looked around, spotting a few pink petals on the ground, "Is over there! I see it".

Dani jumped, "Oh God, it looked so pretty in the pictures," she rushed, "It's next to some shrine".

There was a bridge in the distance with a man standing on it. Once they got a little closer, the two found themselves on a dirt path with a row of Sakura Trees on each side. They caught petals in their palms and twirled in the wind. Vanessa for one was happier than she could recall being in years.

As the two got closer to the bridge, they were able to get a better view of the shrine on the other side, as well as the man. He stared over the edge as though nobody was around. Vanessa lost the smile on her face and exhaled. She knew it was time again to deal with the man she thought was gone for good, Watson.

With Dani at her side, Vanessa walked up to Watson, "Why are you here"?

"I'm immortal," Watson continued to stare away, "Even in this non-magic theme, I can still respawn in Hell and come back through some of the shrines or open portals".

"So you cheated!" Vanessa pointed at him.

"Nope," he stretched to face her, "There just happens to be a way in this theme for me to respawn. In other words, I'm immortal".

"No!" Vanessa shook her head, "You're a cheater".

"Tell him again, Vanessa!" Dani cheered.

Vanessa walked into Watson's face and threw her finger at him, "You're a cheater! That's what you do! You cheat cheat cheat! You make games with me and cheat"!

Watson smiled at her, "Noooo".

Vanessa cocked her head, "Don't tell me 'no' cheater"!

"Or else what?" Watson's smile grew, "You're gonna sit down and pout"?

Vanessa shook her head side to side, "I will beat you at all your games Mr. Watson, the creepy man".

"And I," Watson shook his head back at her, "Will keep bugging you to comply with me, Vanessa, the cringy girl who runs away".

Vanessa began smiling while she mocked Watson, "Okay! But you're all weird," she spun around and faced him again, "And, you suck at all things".

Dani walked past them, "You two are annoying. How can ya'll even talk to each other while talking over each other? I never even heard of that".

Watson leaned into her, "You're just a mean old woman that cries herself to sleep"!

Vanessa waved her hands in the air frantically, "Noooo. You come cry to me, 'Vanessa, come play with me. Because I'm lonely loser who can't make friends' and I tell you go make friends, but you never listen"!

Watson smacked his hands towards by his chest, "You're a liar! I said I want to see you happy! So come play with me and everyone else"!

Though Vanessa shook her head like a madwoman, she couldn't hide her smile, "Listen here Mr. Watson, the cheater! I am not a liar! I am ultimate bullshitter! There is difference".

Watson shouted, "Woooooow! That's such an upgrade, I forgot to give you a trophy"!

"I have all trophies!" Vanessa laughed.

Watson held his hands together, "You are only bullshitting yourself here".

Vanessa spoke in his face, "I will bullshit whoever I want".

Watson remained firm, "The difference is you're a cringy nut"!

"And you are creepy weirdo!" Vanessa shouted at him, "Ha"!

Watson held his fingers close together, "You need to grow up a little".

Vanessa was still smiling, "You need to leave me alone".

Watson shook his head, "I just want to see you smile one day".

"No!" Vanessa had a serious face and tone, "I will play this game," she cocked her head closer to him, "And you know what Mr. Watson, I win all games".

Watson fell silent for a short bit, "You lost at life".

"Sssshhh," she pressed her finger against his lips, "You don't need to know anything about that one, cheater".


"I am all cringe!" she shouted.

Watson slowly shook his head, "And I just wanted to see you happy".

"No," she said in a polite manner, "You just suck at all games and is mad because I always win," with her eyes closed, Vanessa headed towards the shrine with Dani, "So you cheat".

Watson smirked, "Would be nice talking to you," he leaned over the bridge's rail, "Too bad you're stubborn".

Vanessa faced him and walked backwards while throwing her hands up at him, "It would be nice if you could win one day. But I win all games".

The smile on Watson's face could only be described as dorky, "See you next month"?

"Sure!" Vanessa shouted, "But only here"!

When at a fair distance, Dani turned to her, "Something seems off about him".

"Yes," Vanessa tucked her chin in, "I don't know him. But I can tell he needs more friends and to be happy," she shook her head, "He really shouldn't worry about me".

"Uuuhh," Dani rolled her eyes, "Those are the people you need".

Vanessa nodded, "But he need help that I can't give him".

Dani slowed down to hold Vanessa's hand, "You know, you're a lot stronger than what you give yourself credit for".

"Is true," Vanessa held back her tears, "Maybe if I was a little more confident, I really wouldn't be here".