Chapter 9

"Eommonim!! You'll finally be discharged…" I said while smiling, Yes! a week went by so easily without emergency operations, I was able to go home at nights too…

"Thank goodness! Thank you for always visiting me here and talking with me Xia after your rounds."

"no problem eommonim…"

We were talking and laughing in the room when Brix came back from settling the bills

"Omma…You two seemed to be having a lot of fun"

"Xia's such a good talker! I enjoy her company! And she's like my daughter…"


"Why?!? I wanted a daughter before, but the heaven has given me two sons and nothing followed…"

"tcccchhh! Looks like you regret having us" he said while gathering their things

"eyyy… don't be a baby…"

"Brix, you still have to bring her here for regular check-ups, maybe at least once a month"

"I will… Omma! Are you ready to go home??"

"Of course"

I sent them outside just like I do with my other patients when they get discharged

"Eommonim, I'll see you again for your regular check-ups, don't stress yourself too much…" I said when she lowered the car window

"You too! Don't skip meals! Bye Xia!" she waved and I waved back and they left.

Almost a month after, the situation in the hospital has come lighter; well, there are some nights that I still stay here because of emergencies but it's totally manageable… Plus! We got some new residents under our department, the new youngsters of our team… Me and Bora as the Senior Surgeon of the team has finally been able to take our day offs on Sundays, well Saturdays are included on our day offs now too, but if there are emergencies, of course we report right away, It's also been a month since I didn't saw Brix, but I know he's settling the controversy regarding his Ex. his mom told me when she went to have a regular check-up.

It's a Saturday night… Have no work!! Well, I'll just probably be slouching off at the couch and watch shows, which is kinda my thing for a month now.

*tit! *tiit! *tii

W-wait… tell me it's not my front door opening right?!? Someone's entering a password on my door!!!

I took my Arnis stick an MMA apparatus, yes! I did a little of MMA when I'm younger… I went near my door to get ready in case he could open my door, and he really did open it… but… hey!! he's removing his shoes… what's this!! Wait!! I couldn't see his face but I smell alcohol… he's probably drunk…

He was about to really enter my apartment and I already raised my one arm to hit him when…

"Oh!!! I know you…" he pointed at me and faint…

"Brix!! What the hell!! How'd you know this place?!?" I said while helping him but he's totally passed out!!!

I helped him lie on the couch… man he's burning with fever!!! I went to my kitchen to get some lukewarm water and some medicines…

"ya!!! Where'd you go!!" then I heard the door of my room closed…

"ooooh!!! Not there!!! Ya!!"

I went to my room and guess what!? He's really like at his own house huh!!! Even using my bed comfortably!!!

"ugh!!! So irritating!! I thought I could rest today!!"

I just let him lie on my bed 'cause I saw he was shivering…

"What in the world were you thinking and you drank at this hour!!!?" I said while helping him lower his temperature as I put a wet towel on his forehead…

I just let him sleep on my room and I slept outside at my couch…

"ummm…. Miss…" someone's tapping my back lightly


Oh!! I just remembered Brix was sick last night!! I faced him

"Xia!! What are you doing here?!?"

"uhhh… shouldn't I be asking you that?? This is my house!"

"oh… I… ummm…"

"Well… You were drunk last night and you opened my door, you were totally shivering to death because of your fever, I helped you to lie on the couch…" I grabbed a ramen on the cabinet and he followed around

"Hey! Aren���t you so at home? You went to my room as if it were yours last night!" I said while I rummage in my kitchen cooking a ramen

"may I sit here??" he said and I nodded in reply

"Hey! Wait you said I opened your door?!! But how??" he asked as he sat on a chair like those you can find at bars on the counter table in my kitchen

"I don't know! I was wondering about that too…"

"possibly…." He said

"Your password's 6910?!!?!" we asked in unison

"yes!!" and… answered in chorus

"but why?!" he asked

"that's your debut date… remember I'm a fan of your 'GROUP' " I quoted the word group while using my hands gesturing a quotation to say clearly that I'm not only his fan but of the whole group.

"ahhh… right!"

"here's a ramen, eat so you'll feel better… sorry I only have that…"

"Thank you…"

Waaaa!! We feel so casual like best friends already…

"Why were you here in this place?"

"I just moved last Friday, unit 1509"

"I now see why you opened my door… this is unit 1508, next to yours… you might have mistaken the numbers when you were drunk…"

"Wow!! We're now neighbors!! But, I'm really sorry… I didn't mean to come in here, besides I didn't know we had the same password and that you were also living here…"

"It's fine I know it was just a mistake… but please don't open my door just like that again… why were you drunk anyway?"

He stopped eating and was thinking deeply which made him silent, ah! It must be something personal that he couldn't tell me…

"I shouldn't have asked right? Well if you don't want to talk about it, let's just forget it…" I said and smiled at him

In just a moment he spoke

"I saw her last night…"


"My ex…"

"oh…" that's the only thing that came out…

"She was with another man…" I saw his expression changed and his grip to the chopstick he was holding hardened…

"I didn't know that it would still affect m-me" his voice broke… He's not going to cry, isn't he?

Well what I guessed was right, he cried… I stared at him and stood like a stone for about a minute… I didn't know how to comfort him so I just handed out the tissue box. But he didn't grab any tissue, instead he pulled my arm and hugged me. He was still sitting while crying and I was standing there being hugged like a teddy bear…

I tapped his back lightly so I could comfort him… Maybe he realized something and pulled me out… Oh!! Thank goodness!! So awkward!!

"I'm sorry, I just felt lonely…" I think he finally pulled himself together

"yeah… I mean, that happens! Right?"

And an awkward silence…

That's why I tried to open up a topic

"You said you just moved in? Was your unit already furnished like mine?"

"You got this already furnished?!?"

"ummm yes! Why?? Isn't yours??"

"Yes! it's still very empty until now!! Waaaa!! Maybe you're really a precious surgeon of SSMC seeing that they're taking care of you like this!"

"I thought units like this we're already furnished from the beginning… so it wasn't!!! Waaa! I think I should really thank my boss about this…"

"hahahaha!!" he laughed with the last thing I said

"Hey! Why not help me buy things for my unit? Only if you're free and would like to come…"

"Well… It's a Sunday so I guess it's fine… yeah I'll go help you!" I said

"But don't you think we should look at my place yet to see what's lacking and what we can put?"

"Actually, we should… you can't just buy anything right? It might not fit your place…"

We went to his unit and indeed 6910 was his password!

"ahhh…. I see…. It's really empty!!!" I said and laugh

"Hey! Don't laugh!!"

"I had an interest with interior designing when I was at senior school, I guess I can help you with a lot of things"


"yeah… you still like black, right?"

"yeah! How did--"

"I WAS a fan"

"oh right… is that why your unit's in a shade of black too???"

"No… remember? it was already furnished when I came here and I originally liked black way when I was a kid"

"I see…okay meet me at the basement after 30 minutes…"

"30 minutes!? Wait can't you make it an hour?? I'm a girl I don't act as fast as you do…"

"oh right! Okay I'll meet you an hour later" he said while going out from my unit.

After an hour I went down to the basement, it's not that I wanted to look pretty or something, actually I'm just wearing something casual and the usual make up I put on, a foundation, a lipstick, and a very thin eyeliner.

"hey were you waiting long?" I found him right after I went out of the elevator

"ummm... well… you're really fast in the hospital, especially at the operating room… what happened?! You were too slow taking care of yourself! Hahahah!!"

"Hey!! That's totally a different story, plus you can't be slow when saving lives!" I said while we were walking on the basement

"There's my car!"

"Hey wait! you own that?!?"

"Yeah why?!?"

"That's my car!" I pointed on the next 3 spots before his car

"Really?!? Ohhh!! 2, black, Lamborghini Venenos!!!" he said and raised his hand to have a high five and I accepted quickly

We entered his car, ooooh! It's pretty neat and smells good..

"I didn't know you'd be driving a sports car…" he said

"why? Because I don't look like one??"

"honestly yes!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh!! I remembered something!! We're you here last January? Maybe that was January 12?" I asked…

"Yeah! I bought my unit that day…"


"Yes! Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah! I think you should apologize to me..."


"I went out that day to buy a phone sim card, when I was going home you almost hit me with your car! If it weren't for my fast reflexes… oh no…"

"oh!! I remember!!! I was really going to apologize that day but I had a schedule right after I sign the deed of sale so I need to hurry so I won't be late… That was you?!!?"

"Yeah!! Wait… you were rushed into the hospital because of a car accident, right? Wasn't this the car?

"No… I wasn't driving this car. I had a schedule that day so I was driving another one… I only use this car on trips and personal use… actually you're the first person to ride this…"

"oh really?! Should I get off now??"

"What?!!" he must've been startled with what I said 'cause he was running the car

"Just kidding!"

Our conversation just kept on going until we reached our destination…

"Okay!!" he was about to go out of the car…

"hey!! Aren't you gonna disguise yourself?!?"


"People might see you and I don't want you to be misunderstood especially you're with a girl!! Duh!!"

"They won't… trust me! Let's get out!"

"Fine!! Ugh!!"

I don't want to be misunderstood by people but this guy's not caring at all!!! Grrrr!!!

"What?! Hey! Come down its fine!!"

"yeah!! Yeah!!"

So we went inside a big building and it's all for interior designing…

"so what should we look first?"

"Well, actually all you need are furniture and some decorations…"

"I agree... Let's take a look for my kitchen first…"


We were roaming around and he kept pointing at things…

"oh!! this looks fine as your dining set…" I suggested

"I agree! I like the seats that comes with this table…"

"Miss I'll get this!" he informed the lady who was following us

"Miss where's your living room section?" I asked

"It's on the second floor, ma'am"

"Brix let's take a look for your living room she says it's upstairs."

We went upstairs and he took a look at everything and in one corner he chose a set of chick black leather sofa…

"Let's go upstairs…"

"We're not done yet?!?"

"Oh! right you didn't saw my room, I don't have a bed yet…"

"really?! So where did you sleep last time?"

"I just only moved my things, I slept on a blanket last-last night"


We went upstairs, wow!! he's kinda picky with his bed he was like, trying all Queen-sized bed!!!

"Oh! there's a black one!!"

"The design looks like my bed!!" he didn't listen to me and tried to lie down on the bed

"Oh boy this bed's really comfortable! Miss I'll get this one!!"

He got off the bed and looked at it one more time

"hey, this looks familiar…"

"yeah, it's like the version 2.0 of my bed…" I said -_-

"oh right!! But what can I do it's comfortable!!"

"I know… you were comfortable with my bed too…" -_- I left him there

"hey!! Let's shop some curtains and other stuff!!"

"You're not serious, aren't you?"

"I'm dead serious! Plus! you'll help me arrange my unit later…"

"I shouldn't have said I'll help him" I whispered to my self

"Were you saying something?"

"oh!? nothing!! I said you should pay now so we could leave…"

He paid and we went to another store to buy some curtains, glassware, eating and cleaning utensils, more pillows, towels, and everything he thought he needed on his new house even some appliances. We also went to the grocery.

"waaaa!! I'm so tired!!"

The doorbell on his unit suddenly rang

"Oh! this might be the furniture and appliances"

I stood up and get out of the way because they were indeed the items we bought.

"Please just put them in here… thank you"

And the delivery guys left

"Shall we start arranging my house?"


"Why? Something's wrong?"


"Wait my phone's ringing… shhh!" I gestured him to keep quiet

"Eonni!! Was it true!??!?" Yona asked with a high-pitched tone


"Are you and Brix Kim dating?!?!!" and behind Brix also picked up his phone to receive a call

"No!! we're just friends!!"

"But there are a lot of photos taken with the both of you shopping together…"


"The articles and photos are all around!!"

"You're joking me, right??!"

"No! You should search on the net…"

"Okay! okay! bye…"

I searched on the net and saw my face on an article

"Oh… shoot!!!"

I read the comments below

"She's that smart doctor from SSMC!!"

"She saved our oppa and his mother, right?!? She was also a fan from way back their starting point, right?? Maybe Brix fell in love with her at first sight, she's quite a beauty too!! That's why their dating!! It's actually great!!"

"Our idol has finally gotten over with his stupid Ex! And he's dating a proper girl!!! She was a fan just like me and now she's dating her idol, waaah!! She's lucky!! Take care of Brix!!"

"Oh gosh she's smart and pretty! I am no match!! she's lucky!! "

They were all positive comments but….

"No!!! it's all wrong!!"


"Brix!! Didn't I told you to cover your face?!! Maybe I should have just covered mine!! But that still wouldn't work!! It'll become weirder instead!"

"So, you know!"

"Of course! I'd know a resident from my team read an article!!!"

"I already told my company to release an official statement right away, I recorded my voice when I was talking on the phone so the fans would believe it… they'll release it after 10 minutes… We should wait… I'm sorry…"

"Well the comments weren't bad at all right? In fact! my fan's reaction was too great unlike other idol's dating scandal… do you think we should just date?" he added jokingly

I punched him on his arm in response…

"But the fact is we're just friends!!" I said

"yeah I know…"

We waited for the official statement of his company…

"Oh! it's out!!" he said and he made me listen to voice he recorded

"Hello everyone this is Brix Kim… the article you saw earlier wasn't true at all, we're not dating but we're really close as friends… She saved my life and my mother as well, when I was at the hospital and quite miserable with, I think you already know the reason, I also gave her a hard time, but she helped me mentally and physically and I saw that she's very kind and we eventually became friends. I recently moved into a new house, right? I didn't know she would be my neighbor, I asked her to help me pick some furniture and things. These were the photos that came out. Please don't mind the article and let the both of us be good friends, I would like to grab this opportunity to thank my fans for always supporting me despite the last controversy regarding my ex"

"See I defended you well! look at their comments!!"

I took a look at the comments

"oh they were just friends??"

"kinda pity though they matched well actually"

"They're friends it's not impossible to develop it into something higher right?"

"I hope to see the both of them hangout more often right guys??" and this comment had a lot of positive replies

"See they are actually supporting us if we date!! This is a good thing… I won't be in a bind if I date you"


"Chill!! Just kidding!!" he said with a sly smile

"How could they just accept it?!" I said

"Well I guess they really like you! Plus! they know you saved my life! And hey they know that I'm at the right age to date anyone"

"But I know it was a huge stir when they found out about your Ex"

"Well, remember when you told me fans knows best sometimes? I guess that's why they didn't approved her because they know she'd hurt me like this…"

He became silent and I didn't know what to say too…

I tried to break the cold silence

"Fine, since the issue was settled let's just finished fixing your house" I stood and started to work

We started working around 3 pm, took things out of the box, place it here and there, and talked whether where these things should be put.

"Hey where do you want me to put this lamp?"

"Wouldn't that be great around here?" he pointed on the desk near his couch

"It's actually great you bought this couch it fits the ambience of your house…"


"I'll put on the new curtains we bought!!" I shouted so he could hear because he was in the kitchen

Just like my house it also has a huge window, it's all glass from the 1st floor up to the second floor. Actually, the orientation of his and my unit are the same…

I used a very tall ladder to climb up so I could place the old curtains with the new one, I was struggling to remove it since these curtains are moved by a remote and the curtain hooks have a lock to secure the curtains won't fall when moved.

"ugh!! Just one hook left…" I tried to reach but I couldn't and the curtain is actually heavy since its 2 floors high…

"Shooot!!! Xia what were you doing there!?!?" I was startled and lost my balance

What happened next is that I was caught by Brix on his arm, he looked me in the eye, as expected his eyes were still beautiful…

"That could have been worse if I wasn't able to catch you…"

"yeah… thank you"

"What were you doing up anyway?"

"I changed the curtain…I only have one hook left"

"I'll do it hold this…"


"You should've just called me to do this…"

"It was fine actually, if I hadn't been greedy trying to reach the last look I should have come down and moved the ladder first so I could comfortably reach it"

"There it's done!!"

He went down of the ladder…

"I already arranged the kitchen… I bet you're hungry let me cook for you"

"That would be nice…" I said

I followed him to the kitchen and saw how it totally transformed!

"Wow! There goes, your amazing organizing skills!"

He smiled, his kitchen is totally organized and I'm surprised! I thought he was only organized with his clothes like when I watched his arranged closet on a reality show years ago…

"you're cooking kimchi jiggae and bibimbap??" I asked while I sat near the counter table to watch him cook

He kept talking while he cooked

"here, taste it…" as he handed me out a bowl of bibimbap and placed the kimchi jiggae at the center…

"ohh… haha!!"

"Why it didn't taste good??"

"No!! I knew you could cook but I didn't know it would be this good…" I said

It was totally good!! He's way better of a cook than I am! To think he's a guy… all I know was to fry foods and cook ramen.

"I'm glad you like it"

I smiled at him in return

"It's really great cooking for someone who eats well" he smiled

"Do you mean other things by that?" I stared coldly

"No! no! it's just… Younhui has always been conscious about her weight and she doesn't appreciate when I cook for her…"

"Your Ex?? Ahhh… I see…" well he compared his ex with me I don't know what to feel but we're friends so maybe I should be sympathizing with his feelings??

"I'm sorry, I let the mood down"

"No! No! it's fine" I said

We're done eating and I volunteered to wash the dishes as a courtesy since he cooked for me…

"We're finally done fixing your house!" I said as I put a vase of arranged flowers in his living room

"Yeah! it's totally different from earlier and it's beautiful, thank you for helping out… You're indeed good at interior designing, what else do you have a talent to???"

"You're kidding me!"

"No! I'm dead serious! Look! Your flower arrangement's pretty too!!"

"Okay… Enough lying! I got to go I'm going to the hospital early tomorrow" I said as I head to his door

"I wasn't lying though…�� I heard him whisper to himself

I went out and said goodnight

"Goodnight thank you for helping out…" he said

I entered my unit, and saw the clock it's 11:30 pm. I went to wash before I sleep.


"Good morning Doc!" Bona greeted with a huge grin on her face as soon as I entered our office

"I really thought you were dating him!! Glad it turned out that he cleared your name right away, but you were neighbors!!?? Since when?!?!"

"He just moved in last Friday, I didn't know we'd become neighbors too…"

"But doc you know the fans were actually supporting you… so it wasn't bad at all if you two ended up dating… Look! People in the hospital didn't care at all right??? And when you were at the street going here, nothing changed right??"

"How did you know nothing changed?"

"Well you've got no scratches… like you know… In case his fans attacked you so that means if ever you two date in the future it won't be a problem anymore"

"Sly girl!! Still!! we're just friends!!"

"We'll see if who falls first…"


The interns suddenly entered our office

"Good morning Sunbae!!"

"Good morning!" I replied

"Sunbae, are you going to date Brix hyung?" Donghyun asked (hyung: older brother/male)

"No! We're just friends"

"ohh…" he said and bowed and went to his desk

"Oh! What's wrong with that kid? He seemed lifeless…" Bona asked

"Kid? He's just a year and a half younger than you! So, should I call you a kid too??"

"Eyyy… doc!"

I thought it would be an easy day today but I operated on 3 patients and at 8 pm there was an emergency patient from a construction accident. It took 4 hours to operate him and he's still in a critical condition so I couldn't leave the hospital today. The usual, we took shifts to watch the patient.

At 4 am he had an arrest, so it was a stir, good thing we were able to revive him… from that hour I took the shift to watch him.


"Oh Jihye!

"it's my turn now"

"Ok! I'll be at my office"

"okay sunbae…"

I left and went to my office…

"Ommo!!!" it startled me

"Who would send flowers early in the morning?!?"

I saw a card and took it

"Xia! Good morning! Thank you for helping me out with my house, you didn't go home last night so I sent it on your office -Brix"

I went to my bathroom first to take a shower, I took my phone and sent him a message while I blow dry my hair.

I put on a light make up I do every day and came out…

I entered the café and saw him at the corner

"Ya!" he waved at me

"Oh!" I hurriedly went to where he was

"Good morning" and the waitress handed out a menu…

"I'll have the Garden Burger salad, and one Macchiato" I ordered while I put down my coat

"How about you sir?"

"I'll have the same thing but with Cappuccino…"

"Yes sir, please wait for your order around 15 minutes"

"Thank you…"

"Wa! You memorized their menu here? Is that part of your smartness?"

"I ate here almost every day for a month now…"

"oh… ah! You didn't go home last night… emergency??"

"yeah… construction accident"


"They said he fell from 8th floor, he had 6 broken ribs and a ruptured vein in his lung"

"Is he fine now?"

"We're still observing his condition… but I think if there's any complication it won't be from his chest… the neurosurgeons and orthopedics might step up"


"Well before I operated on him, I saw he had quite a slip disk, well I already told the neurosurgery and orthopedics department about it but they're still studying his condition."


"Here's your order sir… ma'am"

"Thank you" I said

"Are you both really not a couple?"

"Huh??" I was taken aback by her question

"I kept looking at the both of you, you matched each other well… you're our regular customer here right ma'am? but you shined the most today…"

"Oh! You must've read the article yesterday" Brix said

"Shined? Eonni! You must be kidding me he's really just my friend" I laughed and smiled at her

"Right Brix?"

"Oh? Oh! Right!"

"Well if you two ended up dating, you would complement each other very well. I'll leave you two now" she bowed and we bowed our head in return

"Their garden burger here is really delicious" I said

Which he tried right away

"ummm it really is!!"

We finished our food in no time and we're just enjoying our coffee…

"How long will you be staying in the hospital?"

"I really don't know… if the patient wakes up today, I'll be able to go home if he doesn't, I'll stay until Friday so I could observe him closely���

"Oooh… dedication…"


"I found my appetite back… It's true that you have to enjoy your meal with people"

"So, are you gonna keep eating breakfast from now on?"

"I will if you eat with me like this every day…" he said while nearing his face which made me lean back


"Doctor! I won't eat my breakfast unless you eat with me!!!" he leaned back and faced outside the glass

"You're toying with me…" -_-

"You said breakfasts are the most important meal, as a friend you should help me win back my appetite by joining me every breakfast…right??"

I didn't answer


"Fine! I'll eat with you! Ahhooh!! Such a child!!"

"I'll only let you off the hook if it's really important, okay?"


"So, if you're not home I'll just come here, but if you're home, we should exchange schedules to cook…"

"Ahhh… I just want to let you know that I'm really bad with cooking… I can only make fried meals or ramen"

"It's fine then! I'll just cook everyday… but can I take ingredients from your fridge sometimes?"

"Yeah... Do whatever you want…" -_-

"Oh! I need to go back now it's time for our rounds…"

"Okay see you around"

I went out but he's waving at me from inside, I can see from the glass, I waved back before I crossed the street…

"He's still not waking up until now, right?" I asked Donghyun which was taking his shift to watch the patient…

"Yes sunbae…"

"What time is it again now?"

"11 pm"

"It's almost 24 hours since the operation… did the neurosurgery and orthopedics department said anything about what I told them?

"Ah I forgot! The neuro surgery did went here earlier, they said they'll collaborate with the Ortho-department to operate on him tomorrow"

"Really? Are they transferring him to their department?"

"They have not decided yet, because they're lacking staffs to watch their patients…"

"I completely understand… They had a lot of operations last night too and they have the smallest number of staffs in this hospital unlike ours…"

"It's because we're considered a specialty of this hospital right, sunbae?"

"Well, yeah… This hospital is indeed known for Thoracic Surgeries, Cancer treatment, and different transplants… Even before I entered… That's why I haven't even thought of being scouted here… Other departments are just enough in number to say they could function as a team"

"Eyyy! Sunbae with such talent of yours?!"

"Ehey! Stop flattering me, it won't affect when I evaluate you though, keep watching the patient, I'll swap with you at 2 am"

"yes sunbae…get a lot of rest first!"

"eung!!" (yeah)

I woke up at 1:50 am and walked back to the ICU to change shifts with Donghyun…



"Go sleep now"

"Can I get you something first?"

"Oh? Just get me some hot Choco"

"yes sunbae"

He went out and returned with a hot Choco…

"oh!! he left out a sticky note..."

"Sunbae… keep warm fighting!"

He's a really sweet hoobae he knows how to take care of people… I drank the hot chocolate and watched the patient until 6 am.

"sunbae! I'll take over"

"eung~ thank you Jihye…" I smiled and went to my office to take a bath

"ommo!! My eyebags!!"

Well who cares it was from a hard work… I went out to have breakfast with Brix, as promised…

"So, I guess the patient didn't woke up?"


"You watched him until dawn??"

"Your order?"

"I'll have the Carbonara pasta and a black coffee"

"Black coffee?? That's too strong… No changed it into mocha" he interfered

"ma'am" the lady asked me


"I'll have the Spaghetti with broccoli and lemon and citron tea" he said

"Seemed tired? Too sleepy to even order a black coffee..."

"Yeah… I slept at 12 last night and woke up at 1:50 am, to take shift"

"Until what time did you watch the patient?"

"6 am…"

"What?!? You should've stolen naps at least"

"I couldn't, it was too uncomfortable, I was able to do this before… was it because I'm getting old now?


"What?!? Just look at my eye bags!! Even when I don't sleep that at all before, they won't come out!! Ahhh!! It's so frustrating!!"

"hahaha!! Is that the reason why your energy's depleted?"


"Hey that's a sign of a hard work!!! Shouldn't you be proud? After all you're still pretty… friend…"

"Here's your order ma'am… sir…"

"Thank you"

"I guess you'll be a regular here too sir…"

"I think so too"

"Enjoy!" the lady said before she left

We enjoyed our breakfast at the café across the hospital every day especially when I can't go home. It's already Friday and the construction patient had been transferred to neurosurgery department since there was a decrease of patient under their watch after some of their patients have been discharged, but we still often visit him to check his condition. I'll be able to come home finally tonight and have my weekend break…

"ah!! My back hurts!!" as I lied down on my bed

"Finally, I'm home…"

I stood up after a while to wash myself before I finally sleep.

"Now that I'm home, I'm not feeling sleepy at all…ugghh!!" I buried by face on the pillow…

I turned on the TV on my bedroom and took a hot chocolate drink from the kitchen and watched a drama…

"Ooooh this guy is really something... Oooh look at his visuals!!Ommo!!" I said while being my fangirl self again…

I searched about him and he was a year older than me… Which made me glad actually hahaha!! With that I fell asleep…

*knock *knock


*knock *knock

I heard knocking on the actual door of my bedroom!!

"Mwoya?! Nuguya!!??" (What the?! who are you!!??)

"Hey!! It's Brix!!"

I ran to the door and opened it…

"Ya!! How did you get in!!??"



"Fix your hair, come down and eat…"

"huh?" I slammed the door when I realized my hair wasn't fixed and I don't have any makeup on… AAAHH!! I'm ruined!!

"hahahhaha!!" he laughed

"Hey don't laugh!! Who told you, you could come in anytime, anyway?!?!!!"

I came down after I took a bath and fixed myself…

"Here..." he placed a Bibimbap in front of me the moment I sat down on my counter table

"Hey! I think we're not that close yet to just barge in our apartments and---"

"And show a bare face with a messy hair?"


"It is fine!! besides, there's nothing wrong with your bare face! You're even prettier, I'm barefaced too!! See?!?"

He went near to emphasize so I could look at his face.

"Ya!! Just eat!!" I said


"Oh right!! Are you free today?"


"Answer me first…"


"So, what are your plans today?"


"Great!! Let's go out and play!"


"Let's go out and play!"


"Eyyy… friends should have fun, right?"

"Do you really want more issues?"

"There won't be no more this time promise, let's goooo!! Please!??"

"34! You're not a kid!"

"Heeey!! Stop picking at my age! I thought we're disregarding our age gap??"

He suddenly looked sad… Oh no!!

"Fine where do you want to go?"


After our breakfast, we went out and he was driving his car, after an hour of driving we're at a Training center…

"Training center… ummm… you sure??" we're not going to fight here right?

"Don't you remember I'm a 2-dan black belter??"

"Yes, I do! but----"

"As a friend, I should teach you some things to protect yourself in case there's someone who would harm you."


"eyy… come on!!" fine don't let me talk…

We changed onto Doboks… taekwondo uniform…

"Let's stretch out first"

We stretched for almost 30 minutes, I have really something to tell him but he just won't let me talk!!

"ok if someone hugs you from behind what should you do??"

Ahhh he's very confident huh? I stomped on his feet and pry his hands open and tackled him as quickly as possible, I stepped on his pelvis and brought his arms inside when I did my tackle but his one arm went outside that's why I quickly did a triangle choke.

"Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!"

"Ah yes!!" I let go of him

"waaah!!" *cough *cough

"Ya!! Why didn't you tell me you were a fighter?!?" he sat across facing me holding his shoulder, he's trying to massage it

"I was trying to tell you but you kept on "eyy… come on!"…you kept on talking!"

"Oh…since when did you learn that?"

"I practiced MMA before and took judo for a year"

"What belt are you in MMA?"

"Black belt…"

"What?!!! You were a black belter?!!"

"I just said that…"

"You really do surprise me…" he smiled

"Let's spar??" he said


We sparred for an hour he didn't even treat me like a girl while we were sparring. With different techniques used, we were still able to spar well…

"I never had this so much fun with a girl! My ex can't do these types of stuffs with me"

Owww… I suddenly felt betrayed he always compares me with her… well that happens right!?! he's still moving on and as a friend I'm here to listen…

"hmmm…" I smiled

"Let's meet outside after we take a bath" he said


I went to the ladies' wash room, took a bath and put back my outfit I was wearing earlier… I hurried outside and saw him standing beside his car with the door of my seat open.

"You do really take an hour to fix yourself… come…"

"Where are you going to take me now??"

"Just hop in…"

He closed the door and I put my seatbelts on… He entered the car and began driving again…

He didn't tell me where we were going until I saw a sign 'To Incheon'

"Wait… we're going to Incheon?"

"Why? Seoul is just near! Plus trust me you'll have fun!"


I was looking around the view when we we're half way Incheon… I was bored so I played with my phone…

"Hey let's stop here for a minute…"

I looked outside

"Kkuji Bbong Samgyetang restaurant, are we in Incheon already??"

"Umm yeah… you were playing with your phone so you didn't notice"


"Let's have our lunch"

We came out of the car and had our lunch. After an hour we set off again…

"This is Songwol-dong fairy tale village"


We came out and wandered around

"Oh! You brought your camera… I guess you still like taking photos until now?"

"That never changed"

We were walking around, and he was taking photos of the view with his camera…

"Uwaaa!��� I saw a 3D painting it would look like your taking stairs to a castle up in the clouds…

"Hey Brix, can you take a picture of me here" I handed out my phone

"Okay… 1-2-3... here"

"Thank you"

We spent almost 2 hours walking here and there… We also went to Hwadojin park, it was like a small village with old Korean houses and structures, we walked and took photos, well separately he was too concentrated taking photos of the structures.

"You know Wolmido?

"Ummm I saw it on a variety show before…" I said as I fasten my seat belt

"We're going there to watch the sunset…"

He started the engine and maneuvered.

"Uwaaa! That would be nice"

He kept the conversation going and in no time, we reached Wolmido just right in time to watch the sunset…

"ahhh the breeze is so good!!" I said as I closed my eyes and let the air breeze pass through my ears and hair.

And I heard a camera shutter of a phone.

"You looked great on photos…"


And then he showed a photo of me that he took just now…

"Hey! Give that to me!" I want to erase the photo

"Why?! You looked great here… I shall make it as my wallpaper"

"Hey!!" I tried to reach for it but he's tall…

"Hey… careful you'll fall"

"a-ah! W-why would you turn it as your wallpaper anyway?!? Let me borrow just a second" I struggled as I still tried to reach his phone out

"Shall I make you as my model??"

"Give it! Oohh!!"

I tripped

"oh…" I opened one eye… oh goodness he caught me and finally I opened both eyes… he was supporting my back and he was looking at me in the eye…

"I told you it was pretty…"


He helped me stand.

"The sunset was pretty right???" he said and looked away

"Yeah… hey thank you back there…"

"No problem. In return let me use your photo as my wallpaper… okay? well there's nothing wrong if I put my friend as my wallpaper, right?"


We looked for a nearby restaurant after the sun finally went down… He said he wants to visit a church after our dinner… it took us 2 hours to reach our destination due to the traffic at some points…

"Wow! This is such a big cathedral!" I said

"It's Dapdong Cathedral of St. Paul"

"Right, you're a catholic, do you go to church here?"

"No, I just like to visit churches, light candles and pray"

"Oh… In my country there's a saying that if you light candles for the first time in a church your prayers will be heard"


We both lit a candle each and prayed… We sat down there for a while…

"So, you're a catholic too?"

"Yes" I said

We talked about things inside the church until 9 pm and went home…

"Brix, it was a lot of fun... thank you… goodnight…"

"It was fun for me too… goodnight, I'll cook for breakfast tomorrow…"


We went inside into our own homes and slept…