Chapter 10

I'm kinda busy with the hospital these past few days and again I wasn't able to go home often, as more operations were scheduled and emergencies happen almost every day…

Well Brix and I became even close as friends, we actually did a lot together within the past 2 months... We still eat breakfasts together which eventually became a habit. He sometimes visits me in the hospital at weekdays to talk especially when he's bored. At weekends, if there are no emergency calls from the hospital we hang out and go to places. We enjoy going to the training center to spar and relieve stress, everything we do actually became a habit… Though people see us outside, and they would sometimes take a picture, since they know that we've become even more good friends, that's why they just let us, they even smile and giggle when they see us which is the thing that I still can't adjust.

"Hey Brix" the usual he was waiting inside the café

"Oh… hey! I ordered for you if it's alright?"

"Yeah that's fine…"

"Look tired… operation??"

"Nah! I tutored my intern until dawn about an operation he wanted to participate on"

"Which intern?"


"Ahhh… that guy"

"He was very diligent listening to me, I guess he wanted to be my first assistant on this surgery"

"How old is he again?"

"25? I actually thought he's way younger than that, but I found out he stopped med school for a year that's why he was late…He actually should be a resident now"

"He was the one always helping you right?"


"Here's your order doc… sir Brix…"

"Oh, thank you eonni" we became close with the eldest waitress who always serves us when we eat here

"Noona thank you…" (Noona- used when a guy calls an older sister/female)

"He's really helpful, He has a good character too…"

"Weren't he like that only to you???"

"Of course! not… He takes good care of others too, but he's especially very helpful to me, is it because I'm the team leader?? Hmmm… That actually makes him more charming with that pretty face of him…"

"ahh… Really???"

He paused to eat, swallowed, and talked again.

"Doesn't he kinda like you???"

"Of course, he likes me!"


"He has no choice but to like me because I evaluate them…"

"No… that's not what I meant! I mean like in a romantic way?"

"You got to be kidding me!! he's 3 years younger than I am! Why would he date an older woman?!?"

"Well it's common here though…"

"Yeah… but still… I don't think so…"

"Well, when I visit you at the hospital… when he stares at you… it's kinda unusual…"

"What unusual?? You know I don't get your point… can't we just eat?"

"Okay, fine… it's just weird though"



We finished our breakfast and we're having coffee

"I almost forgot!"


"Limitless has a Japan tour for 2 weeks, 6 weeks from now so we need to practice every day except for weekends starting today."

"Really?!? That would be great!! So that means you won't be bored and come to my office just to chat with me?"

"Why you'll miss me?"

"No… that means I could nap during my breaks…" :,D

"Hey! That's too mean! Right! I won't be able to eat breakfast with you… well just for this week, I promise I'll make it up to you on the weekend."

I suddenly felt down, for the fact that I don't even know what reason I feel down…

"Well that's okay! no worries!" I just answered

"Oh! Got to go… time for rounds… bye!!! See you in a week!!" I went out and waved at him outside the window.

4 Days passed, still! I couldn't go home… Brix hasn't contacted with me too… well I shouldn't really worry that much since I know he's out there practicing for their tour… plus he's not my boyfriend to worry about… well he's just a friend and a guy… But I kinda miss him… juuuusst a biiiiit…


"Oh Donghyun… your shift's done??"

"Yes… ahhh… sunbae… can you come up to the garden with me for a while??"


We went up to the garden, there's totally no person at all since its lunch…

"Ahhh.. sunbae… I need to tell you something…"

"Go ahead…"

"I'm really thankful for always guiding me and answering my questions" he pulled a bouquet that was hidden under the bench and handed it out to me…

"I like you sunbae…"

"Oh! You didn't have to it's my role to help my hoobaes, I like you guys too!!"


"What do you mean??"

"I like you as a woman…"


"Sunbae, no! Noona! I like you… and it's been a while now…"

"Wait! You're seriously telling me you like me??"

"Yes, I actually find it annoying when Brix hyung visits you here and you two looked so close… I have always admired how good of a surgeon you are and you were so considerate of us your hoobaes… That's why I came to like you, I hope you feel the same too…"


He gave me a chill… but when he said those words, I feel like I was betraying someone and I don't know who in the world that is!!!

"Noona… you don't have to give me an answer right away…"

I shouldn't give him a false hope… I actually don't want to date a person younger than me and just now, that he confessed, I kinda feel weird inside…

"Donghyun-ah, I gotta give you an answer now, I don't what to give you a false hope… Honestly, you're really nice and a warm person, you're also hardworking, you're charming, smart, you've got looks, and all!! But, Donghyun-ah all I can give is friendship…"

"I already knew this was going to happen, Noona it's because of Brix hyung right?"


"Well at least I tried though I failed… Noona, I mean sunbae…"


"I've already accepted this fact since you and Brix hyung became even closer, I even thought that the rumor has become true, that you we're finally dating him. I just have to give it a shot so I won't regret not confessing to you… Sunbae, I won't change towards how I treat you so I hope you won't change towards me too, I'll still work hard…"

"I won't change and I'm thankful that you were honest with your feelings. You'll find someone better than I am Donghyun…"

"Sunbae, I got to tell you something too"

"go ahead" I looked down…

"Sunbae, try to look somewhere closest to you, I guess your man has finally came. Don't disguise yourselves… and try not to limit what you really feel. Keep the flowers sunbae, you bloom along with them, it's my thank you gift anyways… I'll get back to work now…"

"O-oh… gomawo.." (thank you)

He left the garden… I stood there like I was frozen I couldn't move my feet… I felt really bad about dumping him though… but his advice is kinda weird and I don't get it…

"haaaaaaa…." I let out a sigh

"That's a really deep sigh…"

"Ommo!! You startled me!!" I sat down on the bench

"I saw your intern…"

"Ahh… Donghyun?"

"I guess he finally confessed?"

"How did you know?"



"Feel bad?? Why?? Someone confessed his feeling to you though…"

"I dumped him…"


"I don't know… it felt weird… Like something's not right…"


"What brings you here?"

"Lunch?" he raised the plastic bag he was holding.


"I bet you still didn't have your lunch."

"Yeah, you're right…"

"I bought this on the way for you, here eat…"


We both ate together until we finished

"Xia... I can't come with you tomorrow at the training center…"

"It's fine, I have 3 scheduled operations tomorrow anyway"

"I can't come to eat together for breakfast until next week too"

"That's fine, I'll just eat here at the cafeteria or at my house, but you should eat too don't skip breakfast…"

"Yeah… I just went here to eat lunch with you and so that I could tell you those things personally"

"You should have just texted me…"

"I wanted to tell it personally" he smiled

"I see…" I smiled too

"So, what's going to happen between you and your hoobae?"

"He said he'll treat me the same and I'll do the same too"

"He's actually a cool guy, after what happened"

"Yeah he actually is..."

"Umm.. Xia I need to go, my manager's already looking for me…"

"Yeah… Good luck! Fighting!!" I said and gestured a fighting hand

A week passed…

"Guys have you checked the vitals of our patients??"

"Yes sunbae"

"Bona-ya did you looked at the reports of the interns"

"Yes, I did doc…"

"We have a lung transplant later, Donghyun… are you in a good condition?"

"Yes sunbae…"

"It's your first major operation as 1st assistant, but don't be nervous… okay??" I tapped him on his shoulder while he was sitting on his desk

Like what he said he didn't change on how he treats me and I did the same thing too that's why it has never been awkward…

"Yeah! Don't be nervous Donghyun oppa" Jihye cheered her colleague

"This will be our last major operation for this week, right?"

"Yes doc!" Bona said

"If that's the case, I'll treat you to dinner later!!"

"YES!!!" they all celebrated

"Let's go to a Karaoke House later…My treat!" Bora said…

"Ooooh…. uri Seunbaedeul!!" (Our Seniors)

After 8 hours of operation finally we can rest… it has been a really tough operation…

"Guys go get dressed after this, let's have our late dinner."

"Ne!!" (Yes)

I went to my office to change my clothes and my phone suddenly rang

"Oh! I have a message" It's Brix… After a week, finally!!!… Why am I excited anyway?

"Sunbae!! Let's go!!" Jiyeon called

"Oh! Coming!!"

We went out to eat pork cutlets and beef, after filling our stomachs we went to a Karaoke House 3 Blocks away from the hospital

"Sunbae!! Sing!!" Jiyeon invited me

"No… no… I'm fine…"

"Eyyy eonni!!" Bona protested

"Doc it's your turn…" Bora helped her younger sister to pursue me

"Fine…" I took the microphone and entered a song number

"Ommo!! Daebak!! You can sing that??!?!"

Its Ailee's 'I will show you' not that I want to brag but my voice has a quality too, I've been a lead vocal in a band when I was young, just for a short while.

I started to sing…

"daebak!! Woooo!! Sunbae!!" Jihye shouted…

They listened and sang with me at some parts until the end…

"Uwaa!! I didn't know our team leader had such a beautiful voice!!"

"eyyy…" I protested

They continued to play until it was almost midnight, oh…. no…. Brix is waiting at my house…

"Guys… Guys! I need to go home you guys have fun okay?"


"I really need to go home… You guys enjoy yourselves"

They let me leave anyway… I went home as fast as I could because I promised I'll be home at midnight…

"oh! he's asleep…" I approached him slowly, he was lying on my couch

I tried to slowly wake him up, I sat facing him…



I was shocked!! He tried to scare me!!!

"Ah!!" I hit my back on the glass table on my living room…

"O-oh! I didn't mean to scare you… I'm sorry" he helped me up

"Are you okay?"

"Ya! Why would you do that!?!?" I massaged my back

"I'm really sorry… do you want me to get some ice bag?"

"Yes please"

He went immediately to my kitchen

"Here, I'm really sorry… I won't do that again"

"It's fine… why would you wait for me anyway?"

"I got some plane tickets to Jeju island tomorrow, here…" he handed me out a ticket

"Wait it's an overnight trip?"

"Yeah, we'll get a separate room on a hotel tomorrow…"

"What if the hospital calls for me?"

"Then let's fly back immediately, come on!!! Let's go…hmmm???"


"Our Flight is 9 am tomorrow morning"


"I'll go now, sleep well okay? And I'm really sorry about your back"

"It's fine…"

He went out and I fixed my things I will be bringing tomorrow and went to sleep….

"You ready? Is there anything you left behind?"

"I guess none"

"Seatbelt" he pointed

"Oh!" I was about to do it on my own but the grabbed it for me, ommo! He's face is too near...

"wew!! Thank you… I could've done it on my own"


He drove to the airport and parked his car…

"Let me carry this…"

"No, I'll do it…"

"Eyyy, come on people would think I'm not a gentle man…"

"Oh! you were?" I tried to tease him

"Ahhh… yes!"

"Ohhh fine…"

We entered the airport and waited for our flight

"Flight JJIP776 Jeju air please board on your plane we'll be living after 20 minutes"

"Come, let's board on our plane now…"


"Do you want to seat near the window?"

"Can I?"

"Sure… I know girls like the seat near the window"

"Hey! How many girlfriends have you taken on a trip like this anyway? You sounded pro huh!"

"It's my first today…"

"I'm not your girlfriend…"


"Is it really your first to have a vacation with a girl?"

"Yeah!! You're doubting me?? I didn't even have time to date…"

"Liar… hahaha!!"

"Well apart from my ex… But we never went to trips… we couldn't, because I don't want to be exposed… well she doesn't like trips anyway, what she wants is to always go and shop, go to bars and something socialites do, even though she knows she's not from a rich family… Now I really realized she was using my connection to experience those things… do you still not believe me"

"oh… no… I believe you"

He smiled…

After an hour and 10 minutes we arrived at Jeju Island…

"Let's wait for our bags here"


"Oh! It's here… This is yours, right?"

"Yeah…" He took it before I even laid my hand on it, he also took his bag.

I gestured him to give my bag but he didn't

"Oho! This is new! You never carried anything for me before, what's gotten onto you? Friend??"

"Just let me carry it…"

"That's just a workout bag and it's very light! While you have one suitcase and a work out bag to bring… why did you carry lots of stuff anyway?! To think it's just a day…"

"Well… just trust me…"

"Fine do it your way…" I left him with all the bags but returned because I don't know where we will be going…

"Hey… where are we going again now??"

"Hahahaha!! Let's take a rental car first"


We went to a rental car booth

"What do you want to ride? This one?? How about this one??" he pointed at cars on the monitor

"Let's go with the convertible"


"We'll take the convertible" he handed out his credit card and so did I

"Let me pay for this one" he said

"Why? We always pay in half!!" I said

"No seriously I invited you here so let me pay…" he smiled

"You're exceptionally weird today!"

"Here miss" he handed out his card

"Here take yours…" he handed my card to me

"Fine…" and stole my bag from his grip…

"At least let me carry this bag…" I said with a little upset expression


We rode the car and I wasn't talking at all…

"Hey! Are you mad because I didn't let you pay for the car?"

"You've been weird today! It's not the usual you… You didn't let me carry my own bag and we used to pay together equally the car rent is expensive but you didn't let me pay my share… I don't like being a burden…"

"Hey you're not being a burden to me it's just… I want to treat you today… yeah that's it! So, smile you won't enjoy the trip if you won't smile…���

"Let's have lunch and let me pay for it…"

"Hahahah!! Okay! Okay!"

I smiled

"Oh!! You smiled!! tcch!!" he was laughing

We had our lunch and finally he let me pay

"Ohhhh I'm in a good mood now…" I said as I put on my seatbelt



"Then let's leave now" he started the engine

"Where will we go?"

"Jeju Folklore and Natural Museum"


We arrived at the said place, it's really great here…



"Let me take a picture of you…"

"Oh! Here!"

"Okay 1-2-3 smile!!"

We took photos here and there and he's explaining the things I saw so I could relate more…

"Ooooh… you're a good tour guide… Any plans to change jobs?" I said

"Hahaha!! I'm your exclusive tour guide I'll only work for you…"

Oh!!! what's this!?! Did my heart just skip a beat??

"psssh…" I slapped lightly his arm.


"Does it hurt?"

"Kidding!!! Hahahaha!!"

"Eish!!!" I gestured as if I'd kick him

"hey!! Ahahah!!"

We had a fun time at the museum… and… He said we're going to another museum…

"This is Jeju National Museum"

"Oh… are you going to tell me about history again?"

"Why? you want to hear it?"

"Well… yeah…"

"Hahaha!! Okay! I will… I didn't know you were that interested about our history I should've studied before coming here"

"Hey, you're doing well, you're like a teacher hahaha!!"

He explained patiently every time I asked something…

"I learned a lot! Thanks"

"We're going to Udo Island"

"I saw that on dramas"

"Really!?? hahaha!!"

"How do we get there anyway?"

"We have to reach Seongsan-ri and ride a ferry to Udo Island." He said as he entered it on the GPS system of the car.

"It's around 2 hours travel, we'll reach there by 5 pm…"


"You can sleep if you want…"

"really?? 'cause I'm quite tired… is it really ok if I sleep?? Will you be fine??"

"Yeah sure… wait let me lower the chair for you"

Oh!! His face is super close again… breathe!!

"There you go!! Ah! There's a pillow and a blanket at the back"

"Great!" "I'll get it…" we said and acted at the same time and our heads collided…

"Awww!!" we both held our head

"Here…" he handed it to me


"Let me fix the blanket for you…"

"oh!! no! I'll do it…"


"You know… you're quite a gentleman today, what's up!??? Hmmm??"

"You don't like it??"

"It's just weird!!! Anyway… I'm closing my eyes…"


I closed my eyes and sleep…

"Ummmm" I stretched out…

"Had a good sleep??"

"Yeah… are we almost there"

"We're about to ride the ferry…"


"Sir ticket please…"


"Your girlfriend sir?"


"No!" I said

"We're friends"

"I see, enjoy your stay at Udo island here's your pass…"

"Thank you…"

"Are we going to the light house park?"

"How'd you know?"

"I asked my friend google…"

"oh… hahaha!!" he patted my head which shocked me

"Want to come out and feed the Seagulls?"



We went out of the car and saw the sea gulls flying along with the moving barge.

"Here's a cracker, put out your hand a little"

"Like this?"

"No… umm…" he helped me raise my hand by staying at my back and supporting my arm… Oh heart!! He's a friend what were you trying to say?!?! Stop!!!

"Yes just like that…" I spaced out


"oh!! gwaenchanha?!!?" (Are you okay??)

"Oh… the seagull must've loved my finger too…"


"Does it hurt?"

"No, Not anymore…"

I fed them again and this time he was feeding them too…

"I remembered…"


"Didn't you feed them on a reality show too? 'Omma!' you screamed like that a few times because you were scared and a seagull almost bit your finger and another one flapped its wings on your hand… hahahah!!"

"Hey don't laugh it was already my past.... I think we should go inside the car now, we're almost there"


We went inside the car and after a few moments we finally arrived

"That park is usually great for sunset viewing"

"The sun will set at exactly 6:23 pm today"

"We'll reach there by that time"

Actually, we reached there earlier, its 6:00 sharp, we have enough time to climb to the light house to have a good view of the sunset…

"Waaah!! It's really nice here!! Hurry!!"

"Ya! Ya!! Climb up slowly!!"

"Eyyy!! Oh! Why did you bring my coat?"

"It'll be cold up there later when the sun is gone… wear this…" he handed my coat

"okay" I wore it immediately and climbed up again…

After 23 minutes…

"oooooh… there are 50 more steps left…."

"Wait! Wait!! Look…" he was touching his knees while catching his breath and pointed out at the open sea…

"Wooow!! It's so pretty…" I looked at the sunset

"Yeah… It's really pretty…" I glanced at him and he was looking at me…

"Ahh!! Don't you agree??" he diverted his look and pat my back

"Hey!!! Isn't it nice that we went here?" he again, pat my back

"Yeah… It's really nice..."

"Oh!! You have something on the back of your coat..." it wanted to look at it but…

"Ah!! Don't move I'll remove them!!" he said

He was taking long

"What was it?"

"It's like a part of a plant that sticks on clothes…"

"Really?!? Are they gone now??"


I hold his shoulders and make him turn around.

"Am I the only one who got the dirt? Your coat is completely clean!!"

"Ummm… Do you want to continue climbing??" he asked

"Can we stay and watch the sunset even more??"

"I really need to go to the bathroom can I go first??"

"Sure!! Go ahead… I'll follow you in a few minutes…"

"Thanks" he said and ran quickly to the top…

"It must've been really urgent, hahahaha!!"

I took photos of the sunset and took several selfies. I waited for the sun to completely go down…


"Yes?" a little kid approached me

"There's something on your back…"

"Again?! Are they dirt??"

"No… There are sticky notes on your coat…"

"Ah!! Brix!!!" is that why he was patting my back a lot?? To put some sticky notes?!?!? Uggh!!

"Ahhh…. What's your name??"



"Kim Myungsoo"

"Oh… Thank you for telling Noona, Myungsoo-ssi…" I smiled at the kid and he went down

"Aggh!! The passerby must've have read what's written… ahooo!! It angers…. Me…. I---" I murmured while taking off my coat… but…

I read what's written on the sticky notes

~Don't Touch her!~

~My property!~

~She's Mine!~

~Brix Kim's Diamond!~

~My girl!~

"igeo mwoya dodeche?!?!" (What in the world is this?!?!)

And there was something on the coat's pocket

"Take more 50 steps and I'll explain… -Brix"

I did what he said, I climbed up to finish the 50 steps remaining…

"Mwoya!!!???" (What the!!!???)

"These are stolen photos of mine!!!" 15 steps remaining has 2 photos each and was put on a photo stand like those found on exhibits.

He always brought his camera every time we hang out. All those activities I did with Brix was here… I didn't know he was taking pictures of me at all!!

I saw him standing after the last step, more photos were surrounding him with lights around…

"I guessed the kid I sent was quite late" he said


I went near him…

"What were you?? A stalker?? What's this?! A friend appreciation surprise?? well I really like it but---"

"Xia, I saw everything that day…"

"What day?"

"When your intern confessed his feelings for you… I was nervous, I thought you'd say yes… It was actually a relief when you said you're not feeling the same and turned him down… I don't even know the reason why I felt relieved"

"What are you trying to say?" I don't get it… I'm confused

"In the midway of your conversation, Donghyun actually saw me standing at the back…"

"So, you're---"

"Remember what he said? 'To try to look somewhere closest to you, I guess your man has finally came. Don't disguise yourselves… and try not to limit what you really feel.' I think that wasn't actually meant for you but for me because while he was saying those words he was looking at me, you maybe didn't notice cause you were looking at the floor…Actually his words hit me, I didn't realize I felt something for you and I was just trying to hide it because we were friends and we really grew fond of our friendship."

He paused

"I thought about this a lot so I purposely continued not to contact you for a week, I thought that 'If it were me to confess, how will she respond? Am I going to be turned down because she'd want to stay friends with me?'"


Someone came out with a bouquet of mixed dark red roses and light blue colored roses and gave it to Brix…

"Xia, from now on I'd like you to call me 'Oppa'… Let's give it a shot, please date me…"

(Oppa- used by female to call few years older male, blood related or not, can also be used to address a lover)

"Will you be my Girlfriend??" he knelt while handing out the flowers…

I didn't notice a tear escaped from my eyes and more tears followed, but I was still standing there like a stone… He was my idol from years back then, he became my enemy and I already forgot my fangirl feelings for him, and he also became my closest friend and disregarded the thought that he was my idol before and I never felt any romantic feelings when I was hanging out with him…but… what's this??

"Mwoya~~ uljima…" (What the~~ don't cry…) he stood up and hugged me and said those words repeatedly with his very sweet voice…

I was sobbing

"Why would you cry? Don't cry…"

"Y-You're not j-joking right?" I said while I still burrowed my face on his chest which is wet with my tears now.

"I'm not…"

"I don't want to be a rebound of your Ex…" I said while still crying

"You're not… I'm certain with what I feel…"

He's trying to comfort me even more

"I still don't have your answer yet though… can you give me a chance?"

I felt this particular moment is right and perfect…

"oppa…" I blurted out

"Oh!! you said oppa!! Is that a yes?!?!"

I nodded in response…

He hugged me even tighter for a while.

"June 6, 2026 7:14 pm at Udo light house park." He said when he let go of me.


"We're now officially a couple…" he smiled

He then gave me the bouquet he was holding, and I was looking at it and smelling them while we walked down from the lighthouse.

"Why dark red and light blue roses?" I suddenly asked out of the blue.

"I heard, Dark red roses, means readiness for a long term commitment and intense feelings which will help us overcome barriers, light blue roses exclaim 'You are extraordinarily wonderful' "

"Thanks for the flowers and for telling me your feelings"

"I was afraid to miss this chance I feel like there will be someone who'll take you if I don't act now…"

"Can we act like usual? Just like friends? So, it'll be comfortable?" I said

"ummm… I like skinships though…" he said while he put his arm on my shoulder

(Skinship- term koreans used physical contact ex. hugs)

"Well… you sly one!!" I said


We had a really good conversation while coming down, we talked about things on how we could work our relationship and strengthen it. We also talked that we should keep it from the public first and spot a right time, after all it wasn't even a problem to his fans… which is actually great…

We ate at a nearby restaurant and went out to look for a guest house.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" (hello) we both greeted a middle-aged woman on a front desk of the small hotel we saw

"Do you still have 2 available rooms?"

"I'm sorry sir but we only have one left"

"Ummm are there any other hotels or guesthouse available near here?" I asked

"Most hotels and guest house are full, because it's a weekend"

"Ummm… does the Ferry still travels at this time?"

"No, it doesn't it's up until 8 pm."

"It's already 9:20 oppa" I said.

I already felt really comfortable calling him 'oppa'

"Shall we get this room?" he asked me

"Is there a sofa?" he added

"Ah yes sir!"

"I'll just sleep on the sofa"

"Will you be fine?" I asked

"Of course!"

"Okay then… let's just take it" I said

The lady led us to our room

"Oh, it's a lot spacious than I expected!"

"Right…" he agreed as he put down our bags

"Oh!! Where's your suitcase?"

"My manager took it…"

"Was your manager the one who handed out the bouquet?"


"Where'd he went now?"

"He probably went home he must've made at the Ferry's last trip. He has to go to Seoul anyway since he'll help preparing for our tour."

"Ohh… What's inside that bag anyway?"

"Your photos…"

"Really!? The ones I saw earlier??!!"


"Since when did you start taking those photos anyway?"

"Remember when I first stole a picture of you?"

"Yeah! It was when we were looking at the sunset at Incheon"

"Yeah! I told you it was beautiful right? That's when I started taking your photos"

We stopped talking for a while and individually did our things like washing to get ready to sleep. Since we treated each other as friends and we always barge in and out each other's house it was never awkward at all…

"Now I understand why…"


"Why you were such a gentleman today… From putting my seatbelt on for me, carrying my bag, paying for the car alone, blanket and pillow, and for worrying about me a lot today. Because you have plot something big…"

"I just want to be in a good shot"

"Oh… so you'll stop doing those things now?"

"Nope! I'll be more of a gentleman…" he smiled


"Trust me!" he smiled again

We became silent for a moment

"Ya… I already told you about my childhood love, right?" I said as I was lying in the bed

"Yeah you did... Why?" he replied from the couch

"Well, I just want to inform you in case it becomes an issue between us in the future, but I'm a hundred percent sure it won't"

"No need to worry about that… Thanks for telling me about it even before…"

"Honesty is a must! We shouldn't keep secrets between ourselves… right?"

"Right…well I've already told you everything you should know about me, even when we were still friends… So, I don't have to worry about it anymore…"

"Right!? It's actually great we started as friends."

"I agree, you saw my worst and still accepted me as a friend."

"It was your sincere apology…"

We kept talking until we fell asleep…

"Xia…" he tapped my shoulder…

"mmm?? Why??" I opened one eye… and he suddenly kissed my forehead…

"Wake up sleepy head let's go down for breakfast…"

"Ya!!! That's cheating!!"

"What?!? I already warned you that I like skinships…"

"What time is it?" I quickly went to the bathroom…

"6:30… come down when you're done. I'll just check the tires of the car and wait for you at the hotel's restaurant…"

"Okay!" I answered from the bathroom

I went down after an hour

"They serve free breakfast… we should eat…"

"What are we going to do today?"

"Let's return to Jeju mainland after this and let's tour around beaches."

"Okay" I smiled

After eating we took our bags from the room.

"Give it…" he was pointing at my bag that I was holding…

"No, it's fine"

He took it from my grip

"Get used to me doing these things for you…" and he suddenly kissed my cheek

"Ya!! You're such a cheater!!"

"Hahaha! Get used to things like that too…"

We went down, I saw the roof of the convertible car folded.

"Won't it be sunny today?"

"Nope there are a lot of clouds today"

He sat on the driver's seat and noticed his muscular arm, those veins though!! He's wearing a light blue polo shirt matching his dark brown Khaki shorts and he folded his sleeves up to his elbow showing how pretty masculine his arms are… Gosh my weakness!! My heart just pounded so hard. He reversed the car with one hand. Nooo!! Heart let's quiet down!! Oh?!?!

"You okay?"


"Wait!! Are you blushing?!?!" he touched my chin gently and turned my face to him

"You are!!"

"I'm not!!"

"Yes, you are!! Why is it because I'm too handsome and cool today??"


"Ahahaha!! Fine! Fine I won't tease you"

His face went near mine as if he was going to kiss me… I can't breathe!!!

"Breathe… I won't kiss you on your lips without permission" he said and sat properly….

So, we set off with the roof open… I just love the breeze that's passing my hair and ears, along our way back we saw a field of canola flowers on the way…

"Oppa! Wait!"

"You wanted to take pictures there, right?"

"Oh!! How did you know?"

"Because I want to do the same thing…"


We went down and took photos… afterwards we set off…

"We'll go to Hamdeok beach in the mainland…"


"How many hours will it take?"

"maybe around the same hour yesterday…"

"Ah!! The lady on the hotel gave me oranges earlier"

I took some at the back seat

"Do you like?? I'll feed you some…"

He smiled and nodded at me while driving… I peeled 2 oranges and fed him slowly

"Mmm… so that's why guys like travelling with their girlfriends…"

"What do you mean?"

"It's a good feeling to be fed by someone you love…"


"No! Seriously!"

"Just eat… ahh…" I said and put an orange to his mouth

After more than an hour of travel we reached Hamdeok Beach…

"Daebak!!" (Amazing!!)

"Beautiful right?" he said as he put his arms around my shoulder


"Eyy… Come on let's act like a couple!" he took my other arm and placed it on his waist and I hold onto his polo.

"Clingy…" I said

"Skinship…" he said and stared sweetly direct into my eyes which made me smile.

We took off our shoes and walked at the beach and let our feet get wet.

"Ahhh… I've never felt this happy before" he said and I looked at him

"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend… wait! can you pinch me?"

"Huh?!? Why would I pinch you?"

"Because I might just be dreaming…"

"Ughhh!! That's so cringe worthy!!" I said while I lightly pinched his cheeks

"Oh!! It's indeed real"

"Ouuhh!!! Stop those cringe worthy lines" I said and walked ahead

"Eyyy…" he suddenly hugged me from behind and lifted me like he was just carrying a baby…

"Yaa!! Bring me down!!"

"I won't…" his face went near mine

"You said you won't…" he promised earlier he won't kiss me until I give my permission

"Can't I??" he was asking a permission like a child while smiling charmingly…

I just smiled… and his face went even closer…

"No…" I put my index finger on his lips to stop him…

"Then I won't bring you down…"

Like he said he really didn't bring me down and he kept on turning while carrying me, he eventually got tired and stopped for a moment, I guess he'll bring me down after this…

I suddenly kissed him on the cheeks, He was actually shocked and he brought me down, I took five steps away from him while smiling…

"Oooooh!!! Your ears turned red!! Hahahah!!" I said, he was actually blushing and it was so cute!!! He always moved aggressively but I only kissed him on the cheeks and he turned so red which is quite funny.

"Ya! Come here…" I think he just realized what just happened and he was smiling while trying to catch me.

We played along the beach for like an hour… We also laid a mat at the sand and just bought foods somewhere near.

After throwing our wastes he went back and sat behind me and suddenly hugged me from behind and leaned my body to his arms, now I'm resting my head on his shoulders while he was still hugging me from behind… These things just became so natural between us, is it because we've been friends before we had a romantic relationship?? Whatever the reason is I like it that we adopted naturally…

"Where's our next stop??" I asked, still leaning on his shoulders

"Umm, somewhere you'll find your glass shoes" he said while playing with my hair

"I'm not Cinderella though… hahaha!!"

"Nope, you maybe not Cinderella but you're my princess"

"Ouuuhhh!! Jinjja!! So cheesy!!" (Jinjja- really) he laughed and hugged me tighter.

After a few minutes we left the beach and head for Jeju Glass Castle…

"See I told you there were glass shoes here"

"Oh… It's true…" as I looked at the display of glass shoes with different colors

We toured around the place and took pictures.

"Finally!! I can boldly take photos of you…" he said

"Enough with stolen photos" I added

We both smiled and walked side by side with his arms around my shoulders and my arms around his waist just like what we did on the beach.

After touring the whole glass castle, we head to our last destination before we go back to Seoul

"This is Jeju's KimNyoung Maze Park"

"Ooooh it's pretty nice out here… you really prepared for this vacation huh!"

"Well…" he smiled

"Hey let's find our way out through that maze" he said and dragged me at the entrance

"Ahhh… wait Brix the pathway is kinda narrow and I'm occasionally claustrophobic"

"Well you'll have me with you though, okay? Relax…"


We went inside the maze, so far, it's fine sine he was at my back, well we can't walk side by side because it's too narrow…

"Oppa… look… oh!" what the?!? He's not at my back…




"This is not a good joke… If you're joking…"

"Brix" okay!! Shoot!! I'm kinda panicking

"B-Brix…" I sat down trying to calm myself

"Mwoya! Xia!!" (What the!)


"Why?! Are you okay??"

"I can't calm down…" I said while trying to gather air

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you… you dropped your phone from your bag and when I picked it up you were missing…"

"I-i just need to c-calm down…" I tried to breathe in and out…

"Right! You were claustrophobic… ummm… what should I do… uhhh.."

He suddenly kissed me on my lips… I'm too shocked… It was a long kiss… and our first… but I felt safe and sound, it felt right and romantic, my heart was beating fast not because of my phobia, not anymore… but because of the kiss…

"I'm sorry… I promised I wouldn't but…"

I tapped his shoulder while holding my heart and looking at the ground trying to compose myself.

"Thanks" I said

"For comforting me…" I added

"Ah… I panicked I'm sorry for the kiss---"

I gave him a smack on the lips…

"It's fine…"

"Let's get out immediately"


He supported me until we got out of the maze… That ended our trip in Jeju with our first ever kiss… This has been a good memory for me, he confessed, we became a couple, and we had our first kiss…