Chapter 21


"Good morning doctor Alizondo, I am Kate the training specialist."

"Good morning, nice to meet you"

"I'll be introducing you to your students, please come this way"

She led me into an AVR and saw around 20 students at the room

"I wasn't informed that there'll be a lot!" I chuckled

"Good morning everyone this is Doctor Xia Alizondo Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department of SSMC, she's a very talented doctor and experienced despite her young age"

"Hello nice to meet you, just call me Doctor Xia, I'll be the one teaching you some rough stuff in Thoracic surgery…"

"Doc, we're just curious, how old are you? Well you're young and very pretty"

"Well I'm turning 29 soon"


"Doc aren't you Brix Kim's girlfriend?"

"I guess news do travel fast even miles away…"

"So, it's true oh my God!! You're so lucky!!"

"Ummm guys we could talk about that some other time, today I want to give a lecture for some difficult techniques in Thoracic Surgery"

I gave a lecture and it lasted for 2 hours I told them that I will be meeting them as soon as I found a case patient.

I went around the hospital and looked for a case patient.


I turned around

"It's me Liezel!"

Liezel? Of course, how would I forget? It was her and her friends who gave me a hard time in college and spread rumors about me just because she was jealous of my achievements…

"Oh Hi!" I said…

"Were you in Korea working right!? How come you're here? Did you leave because you broke up with your celebrity boyfriend?"

"Oh… well I'm here for work I'm a training officer sent from Korea to train surgeons here…"

"How long are you going to stay?"

"A month…"

"That's great!! So, you could come to our Home coming party it'll be held five days from now… You should come!"

"Well I'll try"

"Oh! Great! here's the invitation"

"Oh thanks, I –I need to…"

"Oh bye!!"


Well that's so unnatural…

I went to the Cardiology patients' ICU

"Hello, I'm Doctor Xia, I'm--"

"You're the training officer from SSMC, I never imagined you'd be this young…"

"Oh, thank you… I'm looking for a case patient… can you help me to find someone with a difficult case here?"

"We have a patient suffering from Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy over here she was admitted 2 days ago, the case is the patient's quite old that is why doctors suggested that we should not open her up... Well it's almost like telling the family to wait for her death"

"May I see her MRI, CT scan and ECG?"

"Sure, here you go…"

"Well it will be difficult to unclog the congealed muscles of her heart as it was quite vast but it won't be impossible, she can undergo Septal Myectomy, the case is this procedure must require her heart to stop."

I was thinking really hard before I make a decision to take over this patient…

"May I talk to the attending physician?"

"Of course, let me phone him for you…"

The ICU nurse was trying to contact the AP of the patient

"Doc Xia…" she handed me the phone…

"Good morning doctor I'm Doctor Xia from SSMC I would like to ask for your permission if I could take over your HOMC patient?"

"Well i'm at my office I'll be over there can you wait for me?"

"Of course, thank you doctor…"

"He said he'll be over here"

After 10 minutes the doctor arrived…

"Good morning Doc, I am Doctor Xia"

"Oh, Finally I get to meet you, SSMC's director was a good friend of mine we met way back before when I had a seminar in South Korea…"

"Oh! I am glad to hear that you know my boss"

"I see that you want to take over my patient, that'll be difficult, I guess you've figured out that this patient needs Septal Myectomy?"

"Yes Doc…"

"And this will be your first case as the training officer?"

"If you would allow me"

"Are you confident you could do it?"

"Yes, I am"

"I believe that you are a good doctor, so I am entrusting this patient to you"

"Thank you, doc"

"I'll go talk with the patient's family and if they agree to have the surgery, I'll arrange it for you…"

"Thank you, doc…"

He left the ICU and he said he'll just call me…

I went home and video called Brix and told him what happened when I arrived, we talked for almost 5 hours… I didn't know that I could talk that much to a person for that long period…

My phone rang, it was a text message saying that the family was glad that someone was going to operate their mother…

The next morning, I went to the hospital as early as I can and met with the students to discuss how the procedure will go.

Since the structure of the surgery room is not like SSMC there will be a camera installed above so the students can monitor while I do the operation.

To give them some knowledge for tomorrow's operation I discussed while showing a video on an operation I performed while I was in SSMC it was about 5 hours discussion.

"The operation will be held tomorrow afternoon it might take 4-6 hours. That will depend on the situation during the surgery. I want you guys to pay closely to the operation. If there are questions you can raise it during the surgery."

"We are excited to see you do the surgery doctor Xia!"

"Thank you, I want you guys to study the patient's condition so you could follow the procedure tomorrow well, we're done for today let's meet here tomorrow 2 hours before the operation starts"

"Copy doc!" they said in unison.

I went to the mall just to unwind, Philippine's Mall is indeed jam packed and crowded even on weekdays, Big malls in South Korea is not as crowded as this, but I really miss this…

I went home after unwinding and of course someone's waiting for a call

"Oppa!! How are you?"

"I'm not fine��"

"Why? are you sick?"


"Then what's the problem?"

"I miss you…"

"Oh my gosh!! it's so cringey!! I should hang up"

"Oh no!! wait!! Wait!!"

"Hahahaha!! Just kidding…"

"Oppa I have a difficult operation tomorrow, maybe I can't call you…"

"It's fine just do well!! Well of course I know you would, you're one of the best doctors I know."



"A co alumni of my Highschool invited me at the home coming this weekend should I go?"

"You seemed troubled, is there a problem?"

"Well my pre-med College wasn't as good as you think, though I'm an achiever there are people who envied and tried to ruin me, they made issues, you know my ex right? He had a fling with a girl which was the friend of the girl who invited me to the party, they made issues so people would think I am the ex who can't get over, people were talking behind my back. That's the reason why I don't wanna come is that I don't want to experience the same thing again."

"Don't worry you should go you're successful you should take pride of it above all, do you think they'll be able to reach the position you're at? No, be proud and ignore them… show them that what happened in the past doesn't affect you at all…"

"it's indeed nice to have someone you could share your problems with… thank you oppa…"

"So, when is that party going to happen?"

"2 days from now at Leonne Hotel"

"I wish I could accompany you but I had some things to do…"

"Don't bother oppa besides you're too far away from here…"

"yeah… that's why I miss you, I got used to having you just a door away or just blocks away from home…"

Our conversation continued until we both fell asleep…

2 pm I'm already at the hospital

"Guys I told you to study the patient's condition, right?"

"Yes Doc…"

"So, I believe you have an input on what's going to happen during the surgery, right? I want you to tell me the possible events that may occur during the procedure"

The students had a brainstorm and gave their inputs during the procedure for an hour…

"okay guys let's go to the OR to get ready"

We went to the OR and an Hour later they went to get the patient, upon having the patient here I gave the briefing and the anesthesia was administered and I began the operation.

"We're now going to stop the heart…"

I continued until I was able to remove the thickened part of the septum, all we have to do is to bring back the heart beat…

"Let's bring back the heart beat…"

I was working with the paddle but we didn't get a beat it's been 15 seconds I only have 45 seconds left keep calm this isn't going to be her death table…

"hold the paddle, I'll massage the heart"

I can hear the trainees talking and worried

I kept on massaging… until…

"We've got a beat!!!"

Everyone in the room gave a big sigh, unlike in Korea the assistant surgeon will be responsible for closing up the patient but here I will be the one to do it…

After the operation the trainees gathered at the AVR and congratulated me for a successful operation they were telling me how amazing the operation went, they also asked questions and even asked me the technique for massaging the heart… we took a while in the discussion room…

"Guys maybe we should get some rest, I'll meet you tomorrow and we'll discuss about the things that happened today and I'll be showing you some of the videos of my operations back in SSMC and I'll discuss it one by one."

"Okay, see you tomorrow"

I head home and went to sleep as I was so tired…

As I didn't get to talk to Brix last night, he just left me a message and I read it in the morning.

Like what I promised I discussed the events during the operation yesterday it's a good thing we got a video of yesterday's operation and I was able to discuss it very well I also showed some of my operations and gave a proper lecture.

I requested a dummy for today's lecture because I want to conduct a simulation of what happened yesterday…

I happen to finish 5 trainees for the simulation.

"I guess we will have to continue on Monday? We're done for the day guys!" I smiled and waved to say goodbye

I went to the hospital's parking lot, I borrowed mom's car so I could look for a dress for tomorrow's home coming party… it's a perfect time I don't have work tomorrow so I could definitely come.

I went to a dress shop I know and bought a black, backless, flowing night gown decorated with diamonds.

I guess I'm all set for tomorrow night? I went home and just in time Brix called…

"Are you home?"

"yeah, I just got home, I bought a gown…"

"So, you finally made up your mind to attend tomorrow?"

"looks like it…" I said

"Will other alumni bring some dates?" he asked

"Well I guess so…"

"I'm sorry I couldn't come… Actually, I'm still at the studio working for a magazine…"

"That's no big deal, it's your work…"

"Wanna see the set? I'll tour you around" he showed me the set by changing into the back camera of his phone"

"Oh!! the set is pretty cool!! That explains your wet look…"

"I pull the concept perfectly…"

"Wow!! Coming from you… hahahaha!! I think you're too full of yourself hahaha!!"

"Well…. Hahahaha!!"

We just kept on laughing our asses and kept talking nonsense

"You know what I should sleep, I should be pretty tomorrow…"

"Okay, Send me some pictures okay!?"

"yeah! Goodnight oppa!!"

"Goodnight! Saranghae!!" (I love you) he said

"eung!! Saranghae!!"

He ended the call and we both went to sleep.

The next day I got ready for the party

"Do you have a party to attend to tonight?"

"Yeah mom! It's my College's Home coming party"

"Ohhh, well! have fun tonight!"


*Phone Rings*


"Are you ready?"

"yeah! Where are you?"

"I'm outside your house I'm picking you up!!"

"Okay! Okay!! I'm coming down…"

I hurried and went down the stairs


"Oh! there you are c'mon!! We're gonna be late!!"

I rode immediately her car…

"There's a traffic outside this village"

"So that's why you're in a hurry…"

"yeah… Hey did you do your hair and make-up?"

"well yeah…"

"You look stunning girl!! If your boyfriend was here, he'd probably fall for you more!!"

"you're joking me…"

"No, I'm not! anyway, at the party there'll be those people who hate you the most."

"Well I also don't like them I think it's fair enough…"

"wow!! You weren't this strong before…"

"Some man taught me to be strong…"

"I suppose that's Brix?"

"yeah…" I chuckled

In a while we arrived at the venue

I saw a lot of familiar faces and of course…

"Xia!! You're here…"

"yeah… your friend invited me" Gilliane the one who's responsible for the "Ex who can't move on" issue…

"Did you come with a date? I heard your kpop idol boyfriend broke up with you? So, I guess you don't have a date of course, how silly of me hahahaha!!"

"I thought you were going to become a doctor too? But carelessly you got pregnant after you graduate college?" Arry said with a vengeful tone

"Well things happen…"

"Yeah right! you got miserable after the boy left you for another girl, I even heard that you miscarried the baby after you attempted suicide"

"Hey!! You're out of the line, let's not talk about that…"

"Arry, stop…" I said

"Right! See? Your friend here wants you to stop and quit blabbing about the past…" Gilliane said with a defensive voice…

"Xia, I bet you're hurt about your breakup with your idol, do you want me to set you up with a good guy I know?"

"Well Actually…"

"Actually, she doesn't need to meet someone"

Everyone gasped and someone put his arms around my shoulder… And when I looked back

"Hello beautiful…"

"oh!! w-what are you doing here Brix?!"

"Surprised? I came here to be your date…"

"I- I thought you two broke up" Gilliane said with a puzzled face

"We just got back together about a week ago… who are you anyway?"

"Oh, she's Gilliane- Brix, the girl who spends time ruining your girl's reputation when we're in college…" Arry said with a sassy tone

"Nice to meet you, but I'm not happy about how you treated my girl…"

"ooooh!!!" the crowd at the back responded

"Brix let's go…"

I pulled him away from the scene

"How come you're here? I thought you couldn't come because of a photoshoot?"

"I did everything yesterday…"

"You flew from South Korea just today?"


"I bet you're tired you should've rested, instead of coming here…"

"Naaaah… I don't want to leave you out without a date…"

"Where are your things? Where did you put them?"

"They're still on the car…"

"The airport's service??"


"Hahahaha!! So, it's waiting outside?"

"yeah I paid for a whole day service…"

"We'll get out and transfer your things to Arry's car later…"


"Why don't we enjoy the rest of the night… Come with me I'll Introduce you to my professors they're near the stage…"

"Goodevening ma'am and sirs"

"Xia!! How have you been?"

"I'm good, how about you? It's been a while."

"Well I'm getting old now…I heard you're no longer working here in the Philippines?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm currently working as a head of the thoracic surgery department in SSMC in South Korea…"

"Wow!! You finally made your dreams come true!! By the way young lady who's that gorgeous man you're with?"

"Good evening, I'm Brix Kim Xia's Boyfriend…"

"You look familiar… Have I seen you before?"

"Ah… Ma'am he's an idol and an actor"


"Ummm yes… well you kept on asking me when I was in college if I have someone I like and I kept answering I love this idol and then you said I'd probably be single for a long time if I kept on doing that… he's that idol I've been talking about… I know it was kinda impossible thinking of how we could possibly meet, but things just happened" I smiled

"You're very lucky Xia, Brix this girl is a good person please make her happy she deserves it…"

"Rest assured ma'am…"

"Okay, guys why don't you look for food and eat I bet you guys are hungry."

"Thank you, ma'am. It was nice to see you again after a long time…"

"Same here"

We went to get some food and sat on our assigned table the program started and there were a lot of things they prepared.

Around 11 pm the party ended, as we were about to leave after putting Brix's things on Arry's car…

"Hey!! Brix!! Didn't you know that the girl you're dating was once known as the 'Ex who can't move on?' it'll probably be difficult to dispose her when you get tired of her…"

Gilliane shouted from the entrance as Brix was assisting me to get inside the car… He stopped and talked…

"Maybe it's the other way around because I have no plans on leaving her, you don't know what we've been through together, rest assured she will not be left broken… As for you, stop bugging her, your insecurities are too obvious live your life prosperously and stop ruining people's lives like how miserable you are…"

"Who are you to tell me I'm miserable?!?"

"It just shows all over your face, you try to make someone miserable just like you are, I may not know you but I don't like how the way you're treating my girl… just a piece of advice stop messing around with my girl, you know I'm an idol a public figure, my fans won't stay still, you might have some crazy thoughts if they would try to attack you… They love this girl for me I don't know if they'll become fond of you if you continue doing this…"

"Brix… Leave her alone I think she had a punch on her face" I told him so he would calm down…

We walked towards the car and he put his jacket around me…

Arry's driving us to my home…

"I bet your Mom will be shocked after seeing Brix…"

"I think so too…" I laughed

"Hey are you alright?" I asked Brix because he looks pale

"Who? Me?" he asked

"Yes, you… You looked pale"

"Well, I-I'm nervous…"


"What if your mom won't like me?"

"hahahaha!! So that's what making you nervous… don't worry for sure she'll like you"

We arrived home after an hour

"Xia!! How's the party?"

"Mom I want you to meet someone…"


"Good evening ma'am I'm Brix Kim Xia's--"

"Oh my! you're Xia's Boyfriend!!" mom's face became so bright and that shocked me…

"Come in!!! Come in!! Xia you didn't tell me your boyfriend would be coming…"

"Mom I had no idea that he'd be coming too! Mom!!" haaaa…. See there's no reason for him to get nervous my mom forgot about his daughter is still outside….

"Friend!! I should go home your housemaid took all of Brix's stuff…"

"Thanks! Arry, take care on your way home."

"Yeah! Thanks!!!"

I went inside the house and found my mom laughing with my boyfriend

"Mom, should I be offended? When you saw Brix, you left me outside!"

"Oh… common Xia! don't be such a baby, I'll only get to see your Boyfriend once in a while, well actually today's the first time."

"Brix do you have some place to stay??"

"Ma'am I'm planning to get a hotel room tonight so I can stay there"

"No! No! No need!! You can stay here as long as you want… and you should start calling me mom too…"

"Mom!!" I shouted

"Try it…" my mom telling Brix to call her Mom too


"woah…" I said with a "WTF I can't believe what I'm seeing" expression

"So, what's the reason why you were nervous before we came here?" I asked Brix while smirking

"Mom he was pale when we came here… he thought you wouldn't like him…"

"Oh… there's no need to worry I like you for my daughter… Do you want to marry her? that won't be a problem… just remember I want a grandchild ASAP!!"

"MOM!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!" I exclaimed

"Don't worry ma'am I don't think that is impossible…"

"Oh… will you both shut up?! Mom, go to sleep!!!"

"Okay fine, treat your boyfriend well okay?"

"Mom…" I said while looking at her with an annoyed face

My mom went upstairs leaving just the two of us…

"You! What are you smiling about?" I asked

"Mmmmm Nothing…"

"You can stay on my room until I get the guest room done"

"I'm going to see your room? oooh I can't wait… Anyway, your house is so huge… you're from a well of family? I didn't know…"

"Stop talking" and pushed him toward the direction of my room

We entered my room and he kept on looking at my pictures inside… I went to the guest room to arrange his things. But when I came back to my room, I found him sound asleep…

"Maybe I'll be the one sleeping on the guest room tonight…" I uttered to myself

Morning came and I went into my room

"oppa wake up… Mom cooked a breakfast for us…"

"really? wait for me I'll just take a bath…"


I waited on the couch inside my room, he took quite long…

"You're finally done?" I asked


"wait… why are you dressed? you're going somewhere?" I asked

"I'll come along to your work…"

"I promise I won't be in the way!!"

"No, you can't…"

"I swear I'll just be at the lobby…"

"You'll just get bored there…"

"No, I won't… I have my phone and power banks I'll just play some mobile games… common!!"

"Fine!! Now let's eat, mom's downstairs"

We went down and mom's face while we were eating was so happy to the point, I found it weird…

I borrowed Mom's car again we can't possibly commute right? I have an idol around it'll be a riot…

"You know what? I don't think you'll be safe at the lobby come with me on my lecture room but I want you to stay put okay?"

"What am I? a child? Of course, I'll stay put, that'll be great I'll get to see your trainees and get to experience how you teach…"

"tch, are you that happy?"

"Of course…"

We arrived at the hospital. Just as what I expected my trainees were shocked seeing him…

"As I was saying the hospital presented me another case of HCM the patient was transferred from another hospital just yesterday he'll be operated the day after tomorrow, so I want you guys---"

"ahhhh guys??"


These people kept on looking at my boyfriend at the back…

"TRAINEES!!! You're not paying attention!!! Fine let's settle this that guy over there yes, he is Brix Kim my boyfriend he kept on bugging me to come along, but he's somewhat disturbing you so I should tell him to go out…"

"No doc… ummm we'll pay attention now…"

"yes doc! we promise"

Gladly they kept their promise so I won't have to forcefully evict that guy sitting at the back hahaha!!

8 hours of lecture, simulation, and demonstration was done…

"Hey guys… I'll be seeing you often but please listen to doctor Xia during her lectures… just don't mind me I just want to spend time with her that's why I'm tagging along…" Brix said with a smile before we get to go out of the room

"yiieeee how sweet!!" the trainees teased… and I just face palmed.

Like what he said for 4 days straight that I'm having my training he always came with me and the trainees got used to his presence at the back of the lecture room.

"Oppa, there's a 4 days holiday starting tomorrow and I won't be having a training session as requested by the hospital to give their surgeons-in-training a break too, let's go travel, I'll show you around"

"That will be great!! I can finally spend time with you"

"We'll go on a road trip but first we need to buy some food for our trip tomorrow let's go to the mall??"


We went to the mall and brought some food and some necessary things for our trip tomorrow.

"I'm going to take some cola…" he said


"These snacks are pretty good oppa… You should try these…"

"Oooohh!! Okay…"

With all the preparations and stuff, the day of our trip came so fast…

"Oppa, you ready?"

"Of course!"

We began our journey, we will be going to a mountain over view it has a great landscape view and sometimes there's also a sea of clouds.

"Oppa, when I was young, I imagined myself travelling with my boyfriend like this, go on a road trip and chill…"

"Really? It was my dream to travel with a girl like this too, without the media and away from my fans, but you know what I really wished for?"

"What is it?"

"Is that I could find myself a woman who will show me her world and a woman who'll get the support from my fans, and I'm so glad I've found her… and she's right next to me…" and he gently caressed my hair…

It was a four-hour drive from the city to the Mountain view

"Oh my gosh!! Oppa look!!"

We were greeted by a sea of clouds and on the right the landscape can be seen clearly!! it was perfectly romantic!!

"Good morning ma'am"

"Oh, Good morning!"

"I'm the care taker of the place you are so adorable with your husband I just want to ask if we could take a picture of you and upload it on our webpage?"

"Actually, he's not my husband he's my boyfriend"

"Oh! but I do think you'll still end up marrying each other"

"Oh, thank you but… ummm" I hesitated because Brix is a celebrity if fans would find out I bet they'll come over…

"Sure! But can we ask for a favor?" Brix interfered

"Of course, sir…"

"Can you upload the photos after 4 days?"

"Yes sir! We promise you…"

"Okay take our picture then…" he said

I was shocked and I looked at him

"Oh, come on smile!!" he said…

I was shocked that he asked for that favor maybe he had a hint that I was worried we might get disturbed…

"okay I'm going to take a picture, ma'am you guys have to look very sweet"

"Sweet? Okay! Okay!" Brix slyly smiled

He pulled me closer to his frame and looked at me in the eyes dearly I feel awkward and my heart's screaming!!

"1- 2- 3---"

Then suddenly he kissed me…

"Perfect!" the caretaker said

"Can we look at it?" Brix was so excited to look at the photo…

"Oh! we look great here." He said

And here I am still shocked and my heart's still running as if it's our first kiss

"hey… you alright?"


"you're blushing…" Brix teased me

"no, I'm not…" I touched my cheeks

"I'm still amazed that you never get used to my surprise kisses… that's cute…" he then patted my head

"Sir can I take another photo?"

"Sure!! Xia come here."

He held my hand and we are now facing each other

"Okay 1- 2- 3-"

"Saranghae" he said very seriously which made me smile and blushed even more…

"Ma'am you really have the best smile here"

The guy showed me the photo

"You'll never find a guy who bring out the best in you he's someone you need to keep and cherish dearly I wish you all the best ma'am" the guy said

"Thank you" I told him

"Thank you, ma'am and sir please enjoy your trip…"

"Oppa let's get going? Let's get some food for lunch I know a good restaurant along the highway and it has a good view"

"okay, okay"

I drove for around 30 minutes and found the restaurant

"It's really great here, your country has a lot of good places!"

"I'm glad you like it…"

We ordered some food and waited for it…

"Oppa, try this one…"

"What's this?"

"It's called Sisig, It's actually good with beer"


"Do you want some beer?"

"Well, but I might get sleepy while you drive…"

"It's fine I can handle…"

I ordered some beer and they served him. He'll be the only one drinking…

He had a taste of the dish.

"So how was it?"

"Well it's really good! It does match the beer!"

We ate our food and continued our road trip

"oppa there's another 4 hours before we get to our lodging, but for sure it'll be a great place there'll be a lot of extreme sports and a great view"

"I'm excited!! You're a good tour guide!! So far I'm loving all the places!"

On our 4 hour drive I know that he felt sleepy because of the beer but he kept on talking or he sing along with the music in my car so that I don't get sleepy…

"Oppa can you bring our things I'll go to the information desk to check if there are rooms available"

"okay, I'll be right there…"


I went to the desk, there were a lot of guests in the lobby

"Excuse me miss, do you still have a room available? 2 rooms?"

"As of the moment ma'am we only have 1 room available it's for couples"

"Ohhh…" I scratched my head

"So, do they have some rooms for us?" he asked as he laid our stuffs down

"They only have one room left…"

"Ma'am most of the hotels around here are fully booked since it's a holiday"

"We'll take it…" Brix said

So yeah, we basically took the room and went to look at it…

"There's only one bed…" I said dumbfounded

"I'll put our things here…"

"Oppa, there's just one bed and the couch is small."

"I'll sleep on the floor"

"No! The floor is cold you'll get sick let's just share the bed it's huge anyway"

"Okay!!" he grinned

"What are you thinking?" I said suspiciously

He pulled me and threw me on the bed and he teased me by acting like he's going to kiss me… I was too nervous.

"I won't, until we get married… I promise!! I'll protect your virtue." he smiled and caressed my hair. He's definitely an old school and I love this part of him.

"I know, I trust you…"

"Good… So, what are we gonna do?" he asked as he sprung up.

"Let's go outside, bungee and then, zip line, RC cars, wall climb, sky swing, hillside ball, oppa let's do everything…"

"Okay! Hahahaha!! You sound excited…"

We first road the RC cars

"Xia let's race, whoever gets to the finish line first will have his or her wish to be granted by the loser���"

"hmmmm… okay…"

"okay!! For sure I'll win…" he said

"Okay Start!!" I started running so I can have a good start

"You're cheating!!!" he said

And I was laughing very hard, but he caught up really fast

"Hey how did you do that?!?"

"Meet you at the end loser!!"


He went very fast and I lost the bet…

"Oppa what's your wish?"

"ummm I'll think about it… maybe I'll use that wish in the future… hahahaha!! You were really slow…"

"agh! Stop teasing me…"

"Okay! Okay… hahahaha!!"

"oppa let's go to the zipline! This is the 2nd longest zipline in Asia… and then let's do bungee I heard we can go bungee together"

"You're not afraid of heights?"

"Not really, I actually love heights and extreme sports, I love the adrenaline rush…"

"well I think I can manage zip line but bungee…"

"Ohhh come on! We're going to do it together anyways…"

So, he had no choice, we did the zipline and he barely managed…

"hahahaha!! Oppa!! Gwaenchanha?" (Are you okay?) as we set for the platform for the bungee

"I'm not fine, I wanna go home…" he whines in an adorable way

"hahahahaha!! Oppa…" I held his hand


"I'll kiss you for 15 seconds if you jump with me…"


And then we're all set up we just have to jump…

"I'm really scared"

"Sir you'll have to hug her tightly, you too ma'am so you won't hit each other during the fall"

He's hugging me really tight and I can feel his tensed body and I can hear his heart beat as my ears are right on his chest when he hugs me…

"Oppa" he looked at me

"Hmm?" I tiptoed and gave him a kiss for 15 seconds

His tensed body relaxed after the kiss but his heart was even faster…

"Are you ready to jump?"

"Yes, we do!" he said

"In 1- 2- 3!!! Bungee!!!"

We both jumped and the adrenaline was real!!

He then whispered

"Saranghae" (I love you)

"Nado saranghae" (I love you too)

We tried all the stuff the whole place has to offer until night came

"Oppa let's have our dinner here they serve really good steak here"


With the open view and the night lights it became pretty romantic. We went back to our hotel room after we had dinner.

"Xia… what's our plan tomorrow?"

"Ahhh we will go to a nearby falls and travel for 3 hours to a resort, we'll go to the beach!!!"

"That sounds fun I'm looking forward for tomorrow"

"You should!!" I said proudly

"Do you want to go wash first?"


"okay you go wash first"

After I washed, he came next when he came out wearing a white shirt and black shorts with all that boyfriend next door look my heart was throbbing so fast…

"Xia I'll blow dry your hair… sit here" he offered

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, my queen come sit here"

I sat I front of the mirror and he blows dry my hair

"I'll blow dry your hair too oppa…"

"okay… here…"

He handed me the blower. I saw him smiling like a fool in front of the mirror

"What are you smiling about?"

"Ummm just few things, I just thought that we're like a married couple doing things like this"

He held my hand and faced me he stood up and let me sit he looked at me lovingly and then he kissed me.

"I promise not, until we get married…" he said when he stopped kissing me.

I'm happy that I met such a person who values my dignity and protects it for me.

"saranghae" I whispered

"I love you more" he said

Our remaining three days was spent meaningfully and happily.

It was just like a blink of an eye then I'm back again teaching trainees and Brix stayed until every end of my lectures every day. When there are operations, he waits outside the OR that sometimes people mistaken him as a family member of a person in the OR.

"People!! Dear trainees I'd like to tell you that tomorrow will be our last lecture and your certificates will be awarded tomorrow, but before that please prepare a learning summary in a form of PPT tomorrow, so see ya'll guys!!"

A month went by so fast and it's quite a shame that I have to leave my family behind again.

"Xia, are you going to go back right after your training here?"

"Mom I still have a job back in Korea"

"I know, but can you ask for even just a day? So, we could bond more?"

"I'll try to ask my director about it"

"I'll take care of it, Xia… I'll talk to the director" Brix said

"Thank you, Brix!" my mom hugged Brix to thank him

"No worries ma'am"

"Oh!! It's 'MOM'" she emphasized

"Mom" brix repeated

I can't stand the sight of these two, I think I can't get used to it…

As promised, I stayed for another day and bonded with my mom, we did everything there is in a mother and daughter date itinerary, I shopped for her, treat her for a meal, we went to a salon and a spa…