Chapter 22 Finale

"Mom we need to go we will be late…" of course a day passed by so quickly and we need to go back to Korea

"Make sure to come here once in a while I'll miss you honey!!"

"I'll miss you too mom don't worry I'll promise to visit"

"Brix take care of my daughter and make sure to visit me here okay?"

"Yes, ma'am I Will…"

"Mom!" she said to correct Brix

"Yes, Mom I will…"

With all the dramas of Goodbyes done, we went to the airport, board on our plane, and waited for the departure.

"Your mom was really nice, I got nervous on the first day for nothing she totally liked me!" he smiled

"He was just charmed by you…"

"Oh! right she also gave me a picture of you when you were still a baby…"


"Here… have a look…" He took out his wallet and showed it to me…

"Why would you put it in your wallet?"

"Because I wanted our daughter to look like you…"

"Stop joking around!!" as I lightly slapped his face.

In just a few hours we arrived at Incheon airport

"Oh, I have a magazine shoot tomorrow and the day after…"

"Okay I'll have to report to the hospital tomorrow anyway, I have tons of patients who were scheduled to have their operations, I might not be home for 2 days…"

"Then let's have dinner tonight, since we won't be seeing each other for 2 days"


"Let's take a rest first it's currently 2 pm… I'll meet you later at 6 pm…"


We each entered our units to take a rest before our date…


"Mom sorry I called late, I was so tired and went to sleep immediately"

"It's fine honey so you arrived safely?"


"Did you have dinner?"

"I was preparing for a dinner out"

"Oh, are you going to have dinner with brix later?"

"yeah, and I was wondering what to wear"

"Honey go wear a dress you look best on a dress"

"ahh really?"


"Thanks mom I need to hang up I'm going to get ready…"

"Okay honey take care!"

"you too!!"

<<<< Phone call ended>>>>

"She says to wear a dress hmmmmm…."

I think this blue long sleeve body fit knee cut dress would be good…

"Let's put some light makeup on…"

Just after finishing my makeup I heard the doorbell rang

"I'm coming!!"

I went down the stairs and saw brix at the end of the staircase

"Do I look weird?" I said

"N-no… you look perfect… I mean you look pretty!!"

"oh thanks, I thought I looked weird because you had a blank face right there"

"Way far from weird! you looked so pretty and I couldn't think of anything…"

Brix drove to a fancy restaurant at Han River

"Oppa you looked great on that black shirt"

Brix wore a Navy-blue coat and a long-sleeved black polo on the inside, he took the coat off as soon as we arrived and folded the sleeves to three-fourths he looks so stunning with his clothes and his hair brushed up…

I think our colors coordinated without even telling each other…

We ordered food and ate…

"I'll be really busy tomorrow…" I said

"same here, I'll send you messages just read it if you have time"

"Okay, but I'm not sure if I could reply to your messages…"

"It's fine… I'll just report to you… Ma'am!!" He chuckled as he salutes

"Ah please!! Hahahah!!"

"Want to stroll around Han river?"



"That would be good"

"Here… wear my coat."

"you'll be cold" I said

"I'd rather be cold than people looking at you… your dress flaunts your gifts… I don't like sharing my gifts…" he winked

"Brix!!" I slapped his arm

"wear this now…" as he puts the coat on me


We went out and walked arm in arm

"Brix I have to ask you something"

"Go ahead…"

"How was your reaction when you first met me at the hospital?"

"It wasn't our first encounter, right?"

"what do you mean?"

""Hey watch where you're going!!!" that's what you said when I almost hit you, I was driving that black Lamborghini, I just laughed at you because you were wearing such thin clothes and the weather was too cold… that was our first encounter"

"Ohh right!! We talked about that when I first rode your car… HAHAHAHA!!"

"But how about when you found that I was the surgeon who operated on you?"

"Well I was trying to kill myself back then, and then there you go saving my life… imagine how pissed I would have been… But when you scolded me and said you were my fan, that really struck me and I hated myself… But I was really thankful that you came to me and said those words, I couldn't thank enough…"

He smiled...

"It's time for me to ask…" he said

"About what?"

"How many ex boyfriend's do you have anyway? Well I know Joshua so that's one…"

"Don't make me look bad I only had two, compared to yours…" I laughed

"Who's the other one? Is he the reason why that girl from your reunion was so bitter about you?"

"Yeah… I heard he became an airline pilot and on the day I had my first flight going here he tried to call me because he was the captain of the aircraft and saw me at the airport, he also tried to call me when I was working, but I never got to answer his calls cause it's from an unknown number… because his girlfriend caught him trying to contact me, they always fought and they split up… that's the reason why she's so bitter…"

"I see so there are a lot of man chasing you I definitely should make you mine as soon as possible…" He chuckled


We kept on walking and talked about a lot of things until we got tired and went home….

The next morning, I came to my kitchen to eat before I go to the hospital and found a cooked breakfast on the table.

>>> NOTE:>>>

I cooked you breakfast before I left, you can heat it up if it's already cold, see you soon! Saranghae!!

"I've got no time to heat this up, it'll still be good even if it's cold…"

After eating, I took a bath and went straight to the hospital…

"hey guys!!!"

"Team leader!!!" they all stood up and gave me a hug

"We missed you so much!!!"

"I missed you too guys!! I have something for you guys!!"


"Choose whatever you like…"

"Doc. Xia we really had a hard time without you here…" Bona said

"Doc I'm sorry that I would be telling you this but you have 4 surgeries scheduled today, one at 9 am"

"It's 7 am now, let's prepare? Guys!!! Can you do that later? let's have a meeting for our operations today… gather at the meeting room"

So, we had a meeting for our operations and they were the ones who briefed me about each patient's situation…

"prepare the first patient I'll be at the OR"

So, I spent the entire day inside the OR until midnight. I finished my last operation at midnight

"Sugohaesseo doc Xia…"

"You too… I'll be at my office just call me when you need me"

I went to my office to rest then I remembered, I promised Brix to read his text when I'm free. I looked at my phone and there were no texts at all…

"He's probably too busy"

I went inside my resting room to sleep…

But in just an hour my phone rang and I hear my name being paged, I went out of my office and heard there was a code blue in the ICU, so I rushed in…

The night went by so hectic that I couldn't even grab a sleep…

"Doc you have 2 operations later this afternoon…"

"Okay… I'll be at my room I'll rest for a while you guys rest too for our operation later…"

"Yes Doc…"

3 pm:

"Doc the patient is ready"

"I'll be at the ER in a while" I said

"okay doc"

Another set of operations for the day. I had a rough time with the last patient so after I came out of the OR I went to the garden to get some fresh air I lay down on the long bench and looked at the stars.

"Oh… it's already 12:51, I wonder if he texted…"

I looked at my phone and there were no texts

"mwoya?! (what) no text? That's weird…"

I tried to call him but he's out of reach"

"Doc Xia?" someone at the back called out


"Doc the Pulmonology department asks you to be at the OR they're operating on a patient they said they want to ask some opinion…"

"I'll be there…"

"Okay doc"

I went immediately to the OR and relayed my opinion, I stayed at the observation room until they finished the operation…

When I came out the sun was already shining brightly

"Are there any scheduled operations today?"

"No doc just a few consultations and a General meeting at the AVR 3"


It's the third day since Brix and I lost contact, I don't know if should worry or not, I'm stuck at the hospital because of all the works I left…

Is he already home and tired that's why he forgot to tell me? Or what?

When he left me before it started like this, it couldn't be that he's with someone else right? I have to put my trust onto him. Anyway, it's just 3 days…

Just three days…

Am I over reacting? That I kept thinking this way?


"ahhh... it's you…"

"Were you expecting someone sunbae?" Bona said

"not particularly…"

"I'm just here to tell you the consultation will start in 5 minutes"

"Right, I'll be there…"

I gathered up my thoughts and went to the consultation room, I had 12 patients in que.

"I'll be seeing first those patients who are complaining chest pains"

"Yes doc…"

I went inside the room and started the consultation it'll probably end in an hour and a half. I have 4 hours until the meeting though…

I ran lab tests, x-ray, ECG, and Physical exams in all patients, I've talked through their concerns, some were just mild cases, but some were too early to give a final diagnosis so I've scheduled 3 patients for further examinations.

After 2 hours, which I thought I was going to finish within an hour and a half I finally got some time alone in the consultation room…

I looked at my phone and sent a text

Oppa maybe I can go home today, are you already home? I'm worried coz you haven't sent me a message…

For the next two hours I was just pondering on how come he hadn't called me yet, two hours went by and I need to head to the AVR

Eventually the meeting started and I didn't know there are a lot of things that this meeting will discuss, it went for 3 hours…

"sunbae I got a call from the interns, there was a letter for you at the office"


"Sunbae, can we all go home after this?"

"of course, but make sure to stay on-call"


We reached the office and an intern handed me a letter

[Namsan Tower]

"Oh?! was it today?" well there were a lot of things that happened in between, to the point we lost track of time…


"No, nothing… I'll be at my office"

"Ne!" (yes)

I went inside to open the letter, was it a year already when both Brix and I wrote a letter for each other at the Namsan tower? Then he might have received mine too…

I opened the letter…


Sky villa, 249, Jindong-ri, Changseon-myeon, Namhae, Gyeongsangnamdo I want you to come here…

"igeo mwoya?" (what's this?)

"should I really go here today? But this was written a year ago…"

I tried to call him to ask but he doesn't pick up the phone so I've decided to go there anyway…

"I'll be taking off first guys… you may go home after all your work…"

"Yes sunbae!!!"

I went to get my car and took off…

I tried calling Brix to ask him if I should go there today or not, but he's not picking up his phone, I kept on trying until I reached the location written…

"Oh? the gates are closed though…"

I went out of my car to look for people around. I kept peeking at the gate but there's no one I turned back and about to enter my car…

"Miss Xia?"

Someone inside called out my name and I kept on looking to recognize the face but I just can't it's really dark…

"May I know who you are?" I said

"Sir Brix Is waiting inside…"


"This way please…"

She led the way and we just kept on walking there's a pavilion in the middle of the lake I just realized how wide this place was…

I saw a familiar face as I got nearer the pavilion "Brix? It's so dark in here… what are you doing here?"

"Come…" he took my hand as soon as I got to where he was standing.

"Good thing you found this place really quick" he said

"You haven't contacted me for three days is anything wrong?" I asked

"nothing…" he said as he smiled and stroked my hair

"What are we doing here? Are there no other people?"

"This is a private property… come closer…" he pulled my hand and hugged me then he was stroking my hair while I'm wrapped around his arms…

"You're really acting weird, there must be some problem, you've got to tell me…"

"Honestly there is a problem…"

"Tell me…"

"Your ex was the engineer of this villa…"

"Oh, this is what he meant on the letter before he left? So, you own this?"

"The Villa is now done…"

"So, the problem you want to tell me is that you'll move here and leave your unit? Well it's fine though…"

"My problem is, how am I going to make you move here with me…"

"What do you mean?"

Lights around the villa lit up and I was astonished of how beautiful the place was and then he spoke.

"When I took you at Namsan tower this thought never crossed my mind until when I saw you earnestly writing a letter for me, I was thinking 'what could she be writing that she's so engaged with the paper and pen she was holding?' I was so curious, then I thought 'what should I write?' so I kept on looking at you then suddenly I saw my future flashed like a movie, in that future I saw no one but you… You're the first person I wanna wake up to and the last person I wanna talk with before I fell asleep…Then I wrote the address of this villa that I'm building for my future wife, I never thought I'd found her right at that moment… I want to build a family with you here… I want this place to be a witness of all the beautiful things that's going to happen.

He paused and suddenly he knelt down and showed me a sapphire ring

"Would you grant me that extraordinary honor of being your husband? Xia will you marry me?"

I couldn't process anything and tears of happiness just rolled down my cheeks and I nodded

"Yes! Please stand up… I'll marry you!!"

He stood up and hugged me then suddenly I hear people cheering from behind… all of my team mates from the thoracic surgery department was there so as his band members and his family as well as my mom and Arry, even SSMC's director were there…

"Hey I haven't read your letter yet I want you to read this on our wedding day…"

And that was how he proposed to me, things got busy as we prepared for our big day, articles were released but gladly the fans took this positively but of course we can't avoid few fans who were against it but who cares this is our life we had more people rooting for us than those who don't, we also picked furniture for our home so we could move in immediately, we arranged our reception, our wedding ceremony. Until that wonderful day came.

"Honey be sure to visit me in the Philippines even though you're already married okay?" my mother says as she cries…

"Don't worry mom"

"Ms. Xia? Please get ready, we will start the ceremony in 5 minutes"


I finally walked down the aisle while his band members sang our wedding song as I drew nearer, I saw my future husband waiting for me at the altar smiling while his eyes are welled up with tears, he reached out for my hand and then began the ceremony…

We gave our vows and as promised I'll be reading my letter for him

"ahemm!!" I cleared my throat

"As you know I wrote this letter with you at Namsan tower and this was a year ago,

Dear Brix,

As you know I am your fan even before we met in person, I never imagined that my first patient after coming here will be my idol, I was totally out of it for a second every time I moved my hand during the operation I thought twice, thrice and a lot more, I was too careful not to commit a mistake. I saw your worst and your best, and I have to admit that fixing your broken heart was the hardest thing to do than operating to save you. But everything felt so fulfilling when you asked me to be your girlfriend. Honestly, I was worried, 'would his fans accept me?' 'Will he stay forever?' but you reassured me and I trusted you without holding back, am I selfish or should I say am I delusional that we could settle someday? I'm just hoping we could. Whatever happens along the way, always remembers I love you and always will."

"Xia…" he said and caressed my face

"You can finally sign off…" he whispered

"You may sign off as my fan and enter my life as my wife, I'll promise to love you and protect you, I'll be your husband, boyfriend, bestfriend, and your brother. I'll be your refuge and your home I'll keep you warm and at ease. So, let's overcome the bumps and waves together, let's go forward and slowly take our steps in achieving our goals, saranghae…"

And that is how I ended my one-sided love for the man whom I thought I can't have. This is me ending my career as a fan to start a whole new world as his wife…