Book Store Fantasy Pt 1

I had ordered a book from my favorite author a few months ago but with its limited supply, I had to wait 3 months for it to arrive at my local Bookstore. I had just received the call and was walking in. I had always loved reading this book's specific handsome of the best lines and well if you're a mature reader then you can guess why I had wanted it so bad and in a small town like mine. Yeah, I had to act fast before it got taken by all the Needy Soccer moms and Horny Teens. I laughed at the thought of the Moms trying to play it off when they bought a The Book. It had been a good mix between Freaking 50 shades of grey and Vampire diaries. Which by the way happens to be some of the greatest works. Well if you can get over the Lead syndrome. I chuckled at the thought not paying attention to where I was going at the moment when I bumped into something and almost landed on my face.

Shit! I accidentally yelled out as I landed on my knees my hands saving my face. The pain from the fall Letting me know it would bruise. I had looked up and behind me to see a woman in front of me with her kid. Her eyes wide with fear as she pushed her child along.

I was shocked as I just realized that it wasn't because I cursed that the woman had reacted that way.

My Underwear

It was then That I realized that my Garter belt and underwear could be seen. I blushed as I quickly shot up and sat on my knees. But it was too late as I heard it

" Aww fuck " A Deep, tremulous voice says from behind me. It was then that I tried to stand up.

Unfortunately, my knees had decided otherwise. Making my attempt of getting up seem feeble.

I looked down bathing in my embarrassment before the voice spoke again only this time in front of me. It was in my ear. I quickly looked up at the stranger. If I hadn't already been On my knees I would have been for this man.

" Uhh, I'm so sorry;" he spoke again, His sorry hanging in the air.

The way he spoke feeling like he was whispering it in my ear. Slow and sensual. I smirked. This man looked like he walked out of a Calvin Klein photo shoot. His Lusciously dark, long, Ash Black hair. It laid so perfectly on his head. Cut so cleanly it framed his face perfectly. I couldn't help but bite my lip at the thought of gripping it. My eyes trailing down his slightly stubbly face. His Slender pretty emeralds eyes shining through his round lenses as he looked into my eyes. Even The way his eyelashes are curled looked beautiful. Soon my eyes drifted to his neck as he took a soft gulp. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, admiring how sexy his pale skin would look covered in hickeys. They would look delicate. It would have made his clean and serious Deminore that is much more erotic. I mean from The way he stood, The confidence emerging from his stance. He seemed so elegant He seemed so tall from my vantage point. This-

" Ehhm "

This man was an adonis. It was then that he looked down at me and tried to hide his smirk with his hands that had been beautifully covered with silver rings.

He coughed lightly before Speaking " Are you okay" There it was again, That sensualness.

I grinned awkwardly before laughing " Yeah, I mean my clumsiness knows no bounds". He smiled slightly before it faulted as a slightly worried looked appeared.

" Yeah, I'm sorry, it was my fault"

" Huh, wait what " I cut him off.

" no, No I mean I tripped on air."

" Pfft" He laughed causing me to laugh with him

" I'm sorry I just- I mean, " he chuckled again

"You do realize you tripped over my pile of books? "

" What?, No- I Hadn't been paying attention I had been thinking about the new Vampire Novel." He made an odd smirk before a soft chuckle left his lips.

" Yeah very interesting through- " He coughed softly stopping mid-sentence. I looked up at him oddly.

" Um anyway, Yeah I'm sorry bout that I was restocking as kinda got -, Distracted"

It was then that I looked at him again fully taking him in.

He- worked- here-?

This god of a man working in a book store. I tried to calm my mind off all the pervy thoughts I was having right now. I breathe in deeply Before looking back behind me only to see that he had been telling the truth as the books had been all around me. I chuckled slightly: " I guess you were right" He Smiled softly his smile a little crooked allowing me o get a good view of his teeth. The canine ones being a little sharper than expected. Soon he was extending his hand out to me.

" Well, Regardless, Let me help you up then". I mumbled In agreeance as I took his hand in mine and he helps to pull me up. His hand on hand contact sending a shiver down my arm. While it was easier to stand this time my leg still kind of ache. So as soon as I fully arose with his help of course I had almost fallen again in a lack of balance and crashed into his chest. It was only for a second but in that second, I could smell his sweet, and warm scent. He smelled faintly of coconuts and vanilla. It was then that I began to smile only for him to push me off him.

I had managed to catch my balance as he caught me again helping me to stand properly just less chess action. I was about to say something out of shock when he bent down and spoke.

" oh, crap, Your bleeding"

" Huh " I was still processing what had happened. When he picked me up and began to walk to the back room.