Meeting your boss

I decide that I need to control my anger because this is no way to start a new job. Grumpy. So I take a deep breath and enter the elevator towards the reception area.

"Hello, welcome to (enter name of actor's agency). How can I help you?" the formal looking receptionist asked. She looked like an actress herself. Like she was acting her job...

"Hi my name is (y/n)(y/l/n) and I'm here as an assistant for the actor named Tom? ..... I'm new here so I don't know where to go? First day.... you know..." I said, hoping she would understand.

She just stared at me and stared behind me intensely and back at me. What could she possibly be looking at suddenly? I felt an arm rest on my waist and I turn around to see a familiar face staring back at me. It was the dude who rudely bumped into me downstairs without apologising.

I realised that he was really close to me and only a few inches away from my face.

"Get off me, you twat!" I exclaimed at him and pushed him off quickly.

He straightened himself up and said "Sorry." He gave me his hand to shake. I look at his hand questioningly.

"This is called a hand, love. I'm doing a thing called a handshake with you. It's what people do when they greet each other. Or at least, I'm trying to give you one."

"I'm sorry, my bad. Excuse me for my dumb ass but why should I be .... shaking your.... hand?" I reply sarcastically.

"Very good question... Because I'm your boss." He extends his arm out again "Tom Holland."

I stand there shooketh and then quickly take his hand to shake it. Embarrassment fills my entire body and I start to regret everything I have done. I give an over the top smile, hoping it would fix everything. I even regret wearing a tight dress. I can't actually breath.

As I was shaking his hand I notice his little smirk, his gorgeous silky brown hair, his cute chocolate brown eyes and his diamond-sharp jawline. Stop checking him out.

Oh no! Holy fuck! I've insulted my boss without even realising it!!!!!!!

I stay silent as he leads me to his office. He walks beside me and even though he's kind of short, compared to others, I find myself shorter than him. "Nice to meet you properly (y/n)(y/l/n). And I'm sorry for the little accident earlier down in the parking lot by the way."

"Nice to meet you too Mr .....Holland" I reply. I realise that I look kind of overdressed. Everyone else in this building seems to be wearing normal clothes. I blush at that fact.

Mr Holland looked at me and smiled. He has such a gorgeous smile too. He puts his hand at the small of my back as we enter his office. I look at his face staring back at me before I look at his office.

It wasn't like an office office. It was more like a humble abode instead. I quite liked that. It added kindness to his character. "I'm sorry. I'm kind of overdressed." I say nervously.

"Don't worry about that. I like it... I was meant to say that in all honesty, I don't mind what you wear as long as you're comfortable." He said looking at me (almost checking me out).

"What do you want me to do first?" I asked so that I can get started with this job properly and not have to remind myself about my stupidity and embarrassment.