The First Day

I don't even know who my boss is so I hope that I manage to find the right room. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty because I only knew his first name: Tom. I walk out of my apartment feeling queasy in this tight office dress that I bought last minute.

I didn't want to look too professional or too laid back. I want to be able to impress my boss, so I went to New Look and bought the first dress that caught my eye that had the right price...

The blue velvet fit snuggly around my body with the hem of the dress riding just an inch or two above my knee and a slit that ended on my mid-upper thigh. It was kind of tight and little too short for my liking, but right now, I don't want to be late so I've just got to deal with it.

--Time Skip to when you reach to the office--

Once I got out of my car, carrying my laptop and coffee and I noticed from the corner of my eye, a young man, who probably was in his twenties (he was wearing a pair of jeans and a tight black t-shirt), slammed the door to his car and was running towards the elevator.

I was on my way to the elevator too and it was such a close call. He bumped into me slightly causing a little bit of my coffee to spill onto the top part of my dress. OMG!!!

"Use your fucking eyes!!" I screamed at him as the elevators doors were closing. I growled loudly and took a few seconds to regain my calmness. I have a thing about anger. It's one of my best friends.