




This is the first day of your job. You had worked your ass off by doing so many interviews with other managers. The only reason you were trying to get an assistant job was so that it would help you with your 'business'. You had no idea what this business could be about. But everybody has to start somewhere, right?

However, you couldn't find a business assistant job that was suitable for someone who doesn't have any work experience. So, you had to settle with job of an actor's assistant. All you had to do to get this job was to give a few details about your self and give them a resume at this agency for assistants. BOOM! They say that there is a sudden opening in the Actor's category. I mean it is practically better than nothing so, you go ahead with it since the payment seems really good but also, you are living alone in your new small apartment and you need to pay the rent soon. (LITTLE DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO CHANGE)



