
"NO!" I screamed myself awake. I looked over to see the clock's digitals blinding my eyes. It read 02:36. I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to go and watch TV or check any emails that Tom might've sent me.

I opened my laptop screen to find an email pop up in the corner. I clicked on it, hoping this anonymous email i.d. was someone just pulling my leg. The page was refreshing very slowly. It opened up and dread filled my body. It couldn't be... no...

No matter how many times I've read the email again and again, it's still a shock. I wanted to email him back to tell him to shut the fuck up and that he couldn't do anything to me anymore. But I couldn't get myself to do that.

I shut the laptop and every step I took towards the living area, was extra weight I was taking on my shoulders. I thought it was over. I thought I made everything alright again. I plastered my face with smile on it everyday hoping that one day, I would truly smile and forget all of that had happened.

But clearly it wasn't enough. I slumped on to the sofa to think about it. The worse thing is, this time I'm all alone in this shithole. All alone... All I can do now is to try not to make this shithole deeper.

-Time Skip-

I wake up to see the time on my phone and realise that I've woken up on time! That's a first.

I see that I didn't turn the TV off and it was playing a weird morning yoga thing. I get up only to be forced back onto the sofa. The nightmare rushes back and the everything that happened last night forces itself back into my head. I brushed it off and thought that it doesn't matter. It was just probably a nightmare and that there is no email.

I get ready and start driving to Tom's house, hoping I would find the way easy. Today, the calendar shifted the workplace to his house instead. I did some research beforehand to find out more about his family so maybe I wouldn't be more of an odd one out.

Found out that he has a 3 brothers: Paddy Holland (the youngest and probably the cutest), Harry and Sam Holland (twins and are Valentine babies). I now have to try not come out like a creepy person. Even though I said I don't want to be the odd one out or anything but things need to stay professional.

I can't get too attached to this family and wish I still had mine or anything. Professional- means no crushing on Tom.

Whilst I was researching I found out that his best friend's name is Harrison Osterfield and he was his old assistant but Harrison has now gone off to modelling and acting in some films. He has gone off to his dream career. I wonder if I would be able to find mine whilst my time with Mr Holland.

I finally arrived, glad that I hadn't picked anything too fancy to wear today. It was a large jumper carefully tucked the front into my high waist jeans. I decided not to wear any other top under my jumper because the weather was going to be the same anyway.

---Time skip to when you reach to their house----

The home was a comfortable size for a family of 7 people (including Tessa). It was moderatley big compared to anything else that you have lived in. You had your laptop some important sheet's with Tom's sign ups and everything.

You rung the doorbell and immediately heard barks and and dog feet scampering all over the floor. I winced at the noise. And I heard shouts of people saying :"Down Tessa!" and "I'll get it!!".

Suddenly I had an overwhelming fear of all the memories flooding back in and I was worried that they won't like me or something.

The door opened and I was faced with a warm smile by Nikki ( I think).

"Hi darling! You must be y/n, Tom's assistant. Come in. He's in the study. Here, follow me" She smiled at me. She seemed like the sweetest person ever.

As we walked through the hallway, she introduced me to the brothers and I greeted them with a warm smile.