
I entered into a comfortable sized room. It had many pictures of the Holland family at events and Tom's gymnastic awards and various other pictures. One picture caught my eye. It was a picture of Tom in a spider man suit and he was holding an African baby with the softest smile that anyone could melt.

And right next to it was a picture of Tom and Harrison (I think) standing next to each other in wetsuits but they have unzipped the top half. Damn he's so hot. How can someone be hot and cute at the same time and same goes with Harrison. How?

Tom cleared his throat. I turn around to see him standing behind his desk, leaning onto it. He was dressed casual smart today. I then realised that what I just did looked kind of weird. I was staring at the pictures on the wall and didn't even recognise my boss was in the room.

I silently scold myself before saying "Good morning Mr Holland"

"Good morning y/n. You can dump your stuff here." he said, pointing at the second desk which was quite close to what seems to be his desk. I went over and put my bag, coffee and laptop down.

"I don't really use my desk, bare in mind, which means that you are going to be doing all of the paperwork and sort of boring stuff" he told me. He looked straight at me and looked up and down and slightly licked his lips.

"Well, that is what I am getting paid for. The boring stuff" I rolled my eyes and looked down to take my laptop out. I got out the schedule to find it filled with things to get Tom to do.

I could feel Tom's intense glare on my head, like he was waiting for me to say something.

"Ok.. so according to the schedule for today.. it says that you need to go to the gym to get ready for a photoshoot this afternoon. We need to go to the gym as soon as possible so we get the right timings for the photoshoot. They sent an email saying that they want to get the right natural lighting, which is around 17:38. Whilst you are at the gym, would you like me to do anything so that I won't have to waste my time?" I asked.

"That sounds all fine. Ok, so I need to you to go through the paperwork for the photoshoot and see if everything is alright. I don't want to be surprised with tiny print in the paperwork that says that it's a nude photoshoot or anything! I'm dyslexic and everyone knows that. " he laughs.

I nodded and grabbed my coffee, laptop and my car keys and headed outside. Tom was hot on trail and he suggested that he would drive but I insisted. On the way to the gym, I noticed that Tom was fidgeting around in his seat.

"Are you alright, sir?"I asked. I realised quickly that sounded too formal.

"I'm alright. Please don't call me sir." He said and I saw his jeans getting tighter. It was funny in a way that he is getting turned on when I said sir.

"Oh sir! You know we have to be professional!" I teased him. I winked too.]

"Come on y/n. You can't do that to me." He said covering his crotch with his hands.

I simply smirked.

Once we've reached and Tom was in the gym, he commanded that I stay on benches inside the gym and do my paperwork stuff there. He said it was so that if I had any questions, he can answer it immediately.

I sat down on the bench and got the pdf out read it thoroughly repeatedly and thought that everything seemed fine and it was ok.

I got up to search for Tom. I saw him at the punching bags and he was giving the punching bag a hard time. I went towards him, hoping he wouldn't accidentally punch me.

"I read through everything again and again and it seems to be fine... sir." I said.

He turned around and nodded and started unstrapping the boxing gloves. "Okay. Bloody hell! Don't say that. What are you going to do now, then?"

"I don't know. I don't mind. What do you want me to do?"

"Have you boxed?"


"Ok then. Why don't you give it a try? I can teach you."

"Now?" I questioned.

"Yes. Now." I said plainly.

He handed me his boxing gloves and I put them on. I was kind of terrified and I know I will suck at this.