
I stood there waiting for instructions. Not really knowing what to do. Tom had gone outside to refill his water bottle. I don't think I might be able to box in this jumper and skinny jeans. Well I can't do anything about the skinny jeans.

It's not like I can take them off because I am not wearing my sport shorts underneath it. But... I am wearing my sports bra so I guess that would be fine. As I was taking the jumper off, the bloody jumper got stuck in my hair and I couldn't get it off.

And my hands had the stupid boxing gloves on them. I grunted and growled in frustration. There wasn't anyone in the gym. Tom had it cleared off so that he could train in peace.

I heard the door open and I immediately started blushing inside the jumper that's currently stuck around my head. So my vision is gone and I don't know who just entered the fucking room.

"Do you need a little help there, love?" Tom's voice rang through the gym.

"Yes please." My voice was muffled. I suddenly felt two slightly warm hands on my waist and Tom assured me that he is in front of me. His hands travelled upwards and onto my jumper. He took my jumper off and I stood there jumper-less in front of Tom; bodies a few inches away.

"Thanks Mr Holland." I said looking up at him.

"That's quite alright" he replied, biting his lip ever so slightly. He looked so hot with his cheeks a little red and his lips pink and they look so warm. His hair was wavy and messy. A few curls falling in front of his face. His black sports vest clung tightly to his body showing off how toned he was. He looked .... perfect.

"Shall we get started princess?" He asked, placing his hands at the small of my back. I simply nodded in response.

He went in front of the bag and showed me the basic stance that protects yourself. I imitated him and hoped I looked as intimidating as he does.

He smirked and walked over behind me and lifted my arms into the air higher. His front was pressed onto my back and I could feel his crotch little above my ass. He was feeling me up and I didn't mind that.

"Your hips need to be titled more like this." He almost whispered into my neck with his hands on my waist, tilting it closer into his crotch.

"NEED TO GO. NEED TO GO. " my phone rang its reminder through the gym. I stepped away from Tom and ran towards my phone, throwing my gloves onto the floor. I grabbed my phone and switched the alarm off. Without this alarm I wonder where things would have gone to. Stop that. Keep it professional. You are at work!!

I picked everything up and almost had to shove Tom out of the building because of how careless he was about being late to this photoshoot.

"I think I might need to take a shower.. please don't be mad at me." He said once we get in the car. I give him a slight death glare.

"Actually, I'll be fine. I should have a bottle of body spray in my gym bag." He says whilst still keeping his eyes on the road. He was the one driving because he said he was comfortable like that. I didn't force him to make me drive or anything.

I just stare at him trying to get him to elaborate because his gym bag was in the back seat.

"Can you... can you grab that for me?" he says finally meeting my eyes - giving me puppy dog eyes. He's making me weak!!

"Okay... right." I say as I undo my seat belt. I getup and turn around with my knees on my seat. I reach over to the bag and undo the zip. "So where did you put it?" I ask.

Tom is still driving at this point - "It should be in the little zip on right inside the bag!"

Once I struggled to grab the bottle, I manage to get back into my seat without falling or without the police catching us. Popped my seatbelt on and gave the bottle to Tom. But his face was flushed bright red and couldn't keep his concentration on the road.

"Are you alright? Is it too warm or something. Your face looks like a cherry at the moment." I'm worried immediately because the photoshoot is in 15 minutes.

"Oh.. nono. It's nothing. Don't wo wo orry.." He hesitates. He's lying. Something's wrong. I think over what just happened to see if I can figu- Wait. My ass was right next to his face for fuck's sake..

"Did you stare at my ass?" I asked straight forwardly.

"PARdOn?" He said almost immediately.

"You stared you little sneak. It was right next to your face and in the mirror..."

"I'm SOrrY!!!! I didn't mean to I mean...!"

"Shhhhh. It's ok darling. I know you can't help yourself." God it felt good to flirt.