
Finally we arrived at the photoshoot just in time. Tom managed to look decent for the photos and not all sweaty. The photoshoot was of him in the middle of the beach and damn he looked yummy. Like proper yummy. I stood behind all of the cameras and in front of the car.

It got kind of cold at a point so I decided to go into his caravan and clean some of his stuff up and help him with some other paperwork in my emails. I sat down and got my laptop out and *ping* and there it was again.


Another email from a different sender though. I opened it up dreading every millisecond passing by. Hoping he didn't manage to find me. I tried to be as discreet as possible. The 4G in this place is terrible and just as it loaded up and the page popped up, the door of the caravan slammed open and the caravan was no longer filled with an eerie ear piercing silence.

Instead it was filled with Tom's out of breath huffs. I shut the laptop immediately and looked up at him. Startled by the sight in front of me.

Tom stood there with his red floral shirt damp and it stuck to his body so that i could see his abs through it. He looked like a fantasy with his hair wild and messy and his lips red because of the salty air. He stared at me, waiting for me to stop staring. STOP STARING.

"SOrry, sorry. What do you need?" I asked

"Just came back to get changed into a different shirt... are you alright? You look flustered.. "

"Yeah YEah" my voice crack giving me away.

"You aren't alright. I can tell. You shut your laptop as soon as I entered like you're up to something. You know if something is bothering you, you can always talk to me. Don't look at me like a boss- more like a friend. Ok?" he replied with genuine worry in his eyes.

"Thank you boss"

He gave me a warm smile with those cherry lips and his cheeks were a little rosy. God he looks like soft snack. He turned around to his clothing rail, staring at it for a bit then turned back around to me.

"Where is my next outfit? Do you have that ready for me?"

I nod and walk over towards the clothing rail and as I reached over to grab the hanger, my ankle decided it was the best time for it to play bananas. As I fell, I grabbed onto something to balance me out- instead I grabbed onto Tom's collar and dragged him down with me.

My jumper and jeans caught onto the rod of the clothing rail and and tear filled the caravan. I laid there for a few seconds, not daring to open my eyes. I could feel a weight on top of my body and the clothing hanger in my left hand and a bunched up cloth in my right hand (clenched hard).

I slowly peeked my eyes open to see Tom's beautiful dark eyes staring into my face. I felt cold air on the entire right side of my body, but felt extremely warm with Tom's body heat on my other side. His curls falling like waves on my face. He was so close that his damp clothes slowly made mine damp. My whole left side was exposed.

"ummm..... sorry?" I questioned. My chest was firmly pressed by his chest. Our breathing synchronised and my heart beat faster and faster by the second.

Tom let out a chuckle; his warm breath on my left cheek.

"It's quite alright love." He replied with a contagious smile. I smiled back and he kissed my left cheek before getting up. Once he helped me up, I felt really cold. Not only from the tear on my right side but from the loss of Tom's body warmth. I started to shiver a little and that caught Tom's eyes.

"Omg. Your clothes! You need new ones." Tom inspected my clothing rip. I felt insecure immediately.

"No no. It's ok. There's a shop nearby. I'll just pop over during your photoshoot if that's alright." I replied standing sideways with my right side away from him.

"Well ok then. If you need anything just ring me" Tom picked up his next outfit.

He took his shirt off and grabbed a towel and started to wipe off the seawater on him. His body was glistening and he looked like a treat in my eyes. I turned away once I realised I was staring at him a little too much.