
CHAPTER WARNING!!: Please read this before you go ahead. This chapter is based on sexual assault. If you don't want to read this... Don't read it. simples

As soon as I entered the shop, I felt more exposed than on the street funnily. The shopkeeper looked at me as though he was judging me at the finest but at the same time, he was definitely pitying me. Because this is by the beach and its kind of remote, the shop looked not very lived in. It looked like they barely had customers.

I looked around to try and find something that I could wear for a bit.

"Hey there! Is there anything you are looking for specifically?" He approached me and looked straight into my eyes. He had rough blonde hair that looked kind of hot on him. He had slightly tanned skin with piercing blue eyes.

His jaw line was extremely defined- simply making him more masculine. It was too much for my liking... He was taller and way more intimidating. I didn't feel safe what so ever. He looked way to young to run a shop like this- so miserable. This shop looks ancient trying to cake itself with makeup. He looks like he was around my age.

"Ummm... I kind of need new clothes urgently.." I said gesturing towards my side without showing it to him. He craned his neck to take a peek but I immediately turned away.

"Well.. we have a range of options" he said showing the entire shop.

"I can see that. But I was looking for something a little normal... maybe?" I didn't want to be rude but my patience was running out pretty quickly. This is not a normal shop.

It was very old swimwear rather. More vintage to my liking. My phone rang during this awkward silence. The ringing tone filling the entire shop. It was *BOSS TOM*. I shoved the phone bag into my bag and looked back at the dude.

"Oh right... I can't help you much in that but umm... maybe you would like to look in that corner. It will be hard to find something decent since this is the best swimwear shop in the whole region! My name is Bradley so if you need anything, give me a shout!" He sort of announces. My phone rang again with BOSS TOM written on the front. This really isn't the best time Tom.

"Yeah. I can see that" I roll my eyes. He really is starting to get on my nerves. I walk towards the corner he pointed to. I felt eyes burning into my back making me feel way more self conscious than I already do which I thought was impossible.

He kept staring as if I would steal his precious bikinis. I reached out to these flaring trousers which seemed reasonably ok for nowadays. But the price was not reasonable. £48 was way too much for the dust layered bell bottoms.

"Hey excuse me! Bradley?" I tried to get his attention when he turned away immediately as I turned around.

"Oh yes. How can I help you?" He said walking towards with a creepy- all too fake smile, leaning into my face too much. I stepped back holding the trousers in front me like a shield almost.

"Yes you can. Is there a better price you can do for this?" I said shoving the trousers into his arms. He stared at the trousers for a long time before he looked back at me.

"Well I could probably do something once you finish finding everything you need. I will put this on the counter for you." He said. He just stood there. Just stood there waiting for me to continue. So I just turned around to continue looking for something.

But I suddenly felt warm breath on my right shoulder. A deep inhale. I turned immediately around to find him taking in the air very close to me.

"You continue your shopping young lady.." I brushed the matter off my shoulders and decided to get out of here as quick as possible. The only shirts they had was really flimsy, sheer see through ones. Why can't there be ANY normal t-shirts?

A vintage swim top caught my eye that looked remotely like a normal top. I went over there, right next to the counter. It was a half sleeve, v-neck black cropped top (imagine) that had a black bow on where the bust would be.

I immediately thought it was cute and searched for one my size, however, the price tag for just the swim top was £43. The material wasn't like normal swimsuits but it was more velvet weirdly. But I was fine with that. Even though it was cold, I will have to buy that since I don't have another choice. I would just have to wear my jumper, which now has a rip, over it.

I placed the top on the counter next to trousers. "So, what's the best you can do? And do you have changing rooms here?"

"Ok. I can do £30 total if you do one thing. The changing room is over there, right behind the curtains."

"Perfect! I'll do that then." At that moment, I didn't really think of it. I just thought it would be simple. I handed over the money, grabbed the clothes and dashed to the changing room. I opened the curtain and a swift scent hit my nose. It was horrendous.

It smelt like a carcass was decaying here and dried blood - reminding me of things I wanted to forget long ago.

I took my jumper off and inspected the rip on the side. How the hell did I manage that? I took off my jeans and did the same. It went from mid thigh to mid calf, luckily not exposing my underwear.

As I was putting the flaring trousers on, halfway, the curtains pushed back so hard to show Bradley on the other side. Just as I was about to scream and hide myself, he slapped me onto the floor.

My legs were in the trousers tangled up so I dragged myself away from him as desperately as possible screaming:



He grabbed my hair and tossed me back into the changing room (shutting the curtain) and climbed on top of me and started to bite my skin, leaving hickeys and love bites, all the while there was blood coming out of my nose and me screaming.

He shoved his mouth onto mine to shut me up and his hands were roaming my entire body. His left tried to undo my bra and the other inside my pants. He was too heavy to push off. I cried for mercy but no use.

I stopped immediately as soon as he managed to undo bra. He tossed it aside and his eyes looked at my breasts with hunger in his eyes. His blue eyes now extremely dark. I screamed as soon he started to be rough again and sucked on them.

The shop door bell rang as someone entered the shop. He placed his hand on my mouth to keep me quiet and my screams came out muffled - hoping whoever it was would save me from him.

"Y/N? Are you here? Y/N?" a familiar voice rang out. Bradley looked straight into my eyes with a threatening expression plastered all across his face. He took his hand out and placed a finger in his mouth - licking it clean and then putting the finger on his lips to tell me to be silent.

I looked at him disgust. This was my chance. I spat on his face, which caused him to gasp and slapped my face hard again. The slap stung like a fucker but it was nothing compared to what I was used to. It made my skin all red and blotchy on my cheek. I screamed using my whole lungs.

I immediately heard footsteps coming towards us in a rapid motion and the curtain swished open for Tom to find Bradley on top of me and me with tears streaming down my face; blood dripped from the top of my head and some more from my nose; Bradley was covering my breasts so I was practically naked.

Bradley turned to look at Tom with a shock and I used that chance to push Bradley off of me and crawl into the corner with my trousers just halfway up and my panties still intact to where my clothes were strewn and tried to cover myself as much as possible.

Tom took his jacket off and threw it in my direction, looking at my face only. Only my face and not my body.

Tom immediately approached Bradley on the floor, climbed onto him, and held onto his collar and brought a powerful fist down to his eye. He punched him 3 times but then Bradley pushed Tom back immediately.

I screamed out to tell them to stop as I put my clothes back on quickly. I reached out for my phone to try and call the police. 9. 9. 9. I hesitated. I hesitated to call the police. I don't want them to get involved again. I couldn't.

I tried to get back up to help Tom but Tom was holding Bradley to the wall- choking him with Bradley's feet off the ground. I wouldn't have expected that. Even though Bradley was taller than Tom, Tom certainly was stronger than Bradley.

Bradley started to shake and tapped on Tom's hand trying to get loose from the grip. His face started to turn a little purple. Tom's face had pure frustration and his eyes looked like they could torture and murder him on the spot. I don't need this to get worse.

I made my way towards Tom and simply tapped him on the shoulder before my vision slowly faded to darkness. Complete darkness and it wasn't long after that, my head hit the floor with a loud thump.