Stone Bracelet

At dawn Sai wake up, her body is used to wake up at nearly 4 AM, previously she never see sunrise but now she daily see it, and it is very beautiful scenery, she see outside the train but don't know where she is, she drink some water, wake up Ani, and go to washroom, the station master tell her that they will reach at 5 AM, she see it is now 4.20 AM, so she decided to not sleep again, she found out remaining snacks, and give some to Ani, and they both eat, they both started to look outside, it is winter,so Sai take Ani her arms, so they will not suffer much due to cold winds, after one long hour they reach at station, train take more time than they consider, when they arrive, they both feel so good, they quickly take their bags, and come out of train, sun is stated to rise, and the environment here is very good. Too good. Sai feel relax.

After that they found a tap and wash there feet hands and face, Sai take nim stick with her, but now she realise that she needed to buy toothbrush, and toothpaste, after completing their body chores, they ask the TC, about how to go their village, the TC tell them to find a bus, and then the conductor will tell them how to go, after that they go to the direction. Tc tell them that it require nearly half hour to first bus to come, so she decided to eat something, she found out a tea stall, she really miss Tea, in the village, they don't have tea powder and sugar, if they wanted to eat sweet their is some jaggery in house, so she drink milk only without sugar, she have sweet tooth, but in these four months her taste buds are really strive, she quicky take Ani there and they both drink tea with biscuits, Ani never eat biscuits and tea, and he like it very much, then they found a canteen and go their to eat, Sai previously never eat in this type of places, she consider this type of places unhygienic, but now her views on lots of things are changed, she order khichdi for them, after both of them eat, she also buy some other snacks which they can eat later, she don't know if she get anything to eat in their village, she also bought two more water bottles, after they go to bus stand, when they arrive they got to know they miss the bus, but the next bus will arrive in 10 minutes, so they need to wait.

Sai asks Ani is he feeling good on which he tell yes, he in just two days, travel by ST, train and now by bus, he really like this experience, yup he is quite tired, but he also like to travel. While they are talking bus come, it is very early in the morning and one bus is already gone, so there are only five passengers including, Sai and Ani, they travel for nearly one hour and reach at their stop, the conductor tell her how to go to their village, it will take half hour to walk, the road is not for big vehicles, but for walking it is very good. After saying thank you to conductor, they both started to walk towards their destination.

This is somewhat similar to their home, but instead of jungle, here lots of farm are, and some people are using bikes, which Ani again never see previously, the village they live is very remote place, their is no proper road also, Sai know Aaji must choose this place to protect Ani.

As they start to walk, Sai also start to remember the road, it maybe some 12 year ago she come here, but not many things are change, while walking she reach at mountain she know where her house is, their is one hut, at the bottom of mountain, saying it mountain is too much, it is hill just somewhat large than normal hills, when they reach at near the hut, one old man asks her where they are going, Sai remember this man, it is the person who take care of house, she smile towards him and tell him that she is the granddaughter of Narendra, listening this the old man look her carefully, After losing weight, and after her skin become acne and blemish free she is looking more similar to her mother, so the man recognise her, and get surprised, no one come here from a very long time, he ask why she suddenly come here, on which she tel him, how her grandma let her mother marry second time, and how her step dad is bad, so she come here to live for some days, this way she can protect herself, listening this the old man get very angry, he know the old woman is very bad woman, so he console her, and tell her that he clean the house some days ago, and he has key of house and she can stay there, after that he take her to the house, previously Sai don't dare to live in the old house, but now she decided to stay here, when she come she found out that their is well here and that is in very good state, the old man give water to plants every day, so the water is clean , and as he said the house is not super clean but yup it is not also in bad condition, their is also soil's stove there, the old man come with a water container and tell her that this is the drinking water, and the water in the well she can use for bathing and other propose. He ask her about food on which she tell him that she bought today's food, and give him some money and tell him to buy some rice, vegetables and salt, the old man don't wanted to take it but she force him, and also tell him not to tell anyone she is here, on which he agreed.

After that Sia sit down for sometime, by continuous traveling she is tired, after that she clean the front are, wash herself, and then change clothes, Ani also do the same, then they eat and take rest when Sai open her eyes again she realise it is 5 PM, she is now feeling refreshed, she take a walk in home and garden, and found out a coconut tree and manage trees she play with Ani for sometime, that time the old man come with food, and the things she tell him to buy, she wanted to refuse the food, but this old man is like her grandpa, so she don't refuse, after eating she tell the old man to come tomorrow morning to eat with them, after some talking they bid goodbye to him.

Sai already found out the cupboard, she and Ani, go and open the cupboard, she previously see many movies with theme like this, like when they open cupboard which is close for long time, either ghost or monster or corpse come, so she as a safety measure make Ani stand far away form the cupboard, and tell him to run if something weird happen, Ani don't understand what is weird but still nodded, then she open the door and to her surprise their is lots of books, and one bracelet, which is look like a stone bracelet with golden chain, she is somewhat disappointed she is imagining that they will encounter either something wicked or either lots of gold etc, but still she take the bracelet, and wear it, she also see the books and found out tat lots of this are related with Ayurveda, yoga and cooking, she can't take so much book with her, she decided to stay here for one more day, and the day after tomorrow she will leave this place.

After that they close the cupboard, eat some snacks and go to sleep, what Sai doesn't know is the stone bracelet is gonna change her life.