Water Angel

At midnight Sai wake up, for drinking water, and while drinking she resilient that the stone bracelet is emerging a light, she gets surprised and tries to rub it, but nothing happens then she remeber that she read a web novel in which after dropping blood on some mysterious object the object get it powers, so she also do that but nothing happens, she also tries to hit it with her head, but only bump appear on her head, so she decided to ignore it, maybe it only gives light at night thinking this she go and drink some water while drinking water her all concentration and thoughts are on the bracelet and she accidentally spoiled some water on the bracelet, when the water touches the bracelet, the bracelet starts to emit more light, and after some time, Sai, get inside of it. Sai somewhat sacred, she doesn't know what it is, and mainly it is a good thing or bad, while she is thinking this she heard an angelic voice saying welcome. Listening to this she started to see everywhere, but it is the same as the home they are nothing but without furniture, and without anything.

"Who are you? and where I am?" Sai asked,

"You are in our space, I am the hidden power of this water bracelet" a fairy appear in front of her.

"water but isn't it made up of stone"

"yup, but you can see it has the color of water"

"oh ya, but why I am here, are you going to give me superpowers?' Sai asks very expectantly,

"You are very greedy, but yes I will indeed give you a superpower, you can see this place, you can store anything here, and also you can come here and study anything"

"Really, you are gonna teach me?"

"no, for learning anything you can use books or videos, but here you will not get an internet connection, the other thing is if you help someone, or someone is your friend then this space will store their knowledge, and you will get it in the form of videos and books, but remember some knowledge like sports and medicine needed practice, and you needed to go out and practice those skill, I can only copy their knowledge, and give you space"

"oh, not bad, but is there is anything which I should need to do, and exactly who you are?" she read lots of books, so it is not hard for her, to believe that she gets a golden finger, but she also learns from her experience that there is no free lunch in the world, so she asks carefully if this person or whatever she is wanted her to do something bad then it is better if she doesn't get a golden, finger.

"from the time you wear this bracelet, I can read your thoughts and yup, for now, you don't need to do anything, but you will need to find another bracelet, which fortunately is in your grandpa's safe, and for who I am, I am a water angel, who gets cursed by some reason, if you help me and my brother to help more people then we will get our puny(good karma) and we can go back to our place, but you don't want to do, then I will stay with you for one year, and then vanished, and go in some other place"

"oh, so you are good angels, but wait where is your brother?"

"he is in another bracelet, which is in your grandpa's safe, you need to find it in six months"

"Okay, now which skill I learn?"

"sorry for now you don't impress or help anyone, so you don't have the skill, but that book you can learn by coming here, here one hour is equivalent to 3 hours, and you can spend six hours here, that means 2 hours in your world"

"oh that's great, wait I will take those books, here"

"okay" after she heard okay, she come back where she is standing, she checks is Ani okay or not and then again open cupboard and started to take those book outside, and after she has done, she again drops some water on the bracelet, and again she is inside with her books.

"You don't need to drop water on me always, you can just remember me or talk with me in your mind"

"Okay, the wait can come with Ani"

"Yup, but he will sleep in this place, he can't wake up here"

"okay" She is only asking for security reasons, after that, she also ask angel about lots of things, like can any other person snatch this, or if other people drop water droplet on the other bracelet then can that bracelet become another person's, on which the angel tells her it is maybe possible, but to open this bracelet with natural elements the person's puny(Good deeds or good karmas) are necessary, in her case, she even though don't do lots of good things, she even doesn't do bad things, also she is physically and mentally stronger so she can take the burden on herself, and also her intelligence is also very good, so it chooses her, if someone is bad, no matter what they do they will not able to control this bracelets power.

Sia after learning this decision to stay here for two or three days, even though these books are about Ayurveda and food, also some are about lifestyle and Yoga, she can learn those after all knowledge in never get wasted, what more, because of continuous travel she is tired very much, also she needed to think carefully, she once again sees the books, and find out that there are only 30 books are there and five are about recipes, she understands that even if you read recipes for cooking you need to practice, like how much temperature is required, the way we made dough, the way we cut vegetables, and other things, so she can skip some books too, after she thinks everything she gonna do, she decided to go and sleep, even though she is tired she feel relax, God is helping her, this power is directly can't help her but indeed it is very useful now she needed to go city first and then has to decide how to successfully unlock the safe. And find out the angel's brother. She decided to think about this later, for now let's go to sleep.