Back to the city

The next day Sai wake up at 4 AM, she is quite used to waking so early, yesterday she doesn't go to the backside of the home, so she is pretty curious about what is in the backyard, so after taking bath, and cleaning the house, making breakfast she goes to sees the backyard, Ani also follow her and to their surprise, they see lots of car engine and other stuffs, like different machine, she also see one old car, a tractor, and another car which is in okay situation, Sai don't understand who put all this here, that time the watchman uncle come and tell her that this is all his stuff, he is previously working as a drive and then he opens his garage, but got in an accident and then leave the city, but he really like to experiment, all this part he collected from the garbage center, near the dump yard.

Sai ask angel can she copy uncle's skill, on which angel tell her yes, so Sai ask uncle to teach her some basic about the car, on which the old man agreed happily, he also wanted to share his knowledge with someone, but to his disappointment, this village is very remote, and lots of people don't have a car, so he made this car, but no one appreciates this, now when he got a student he will teach her everything. Sai told him that first, they will eat breakfast, and then they will start her education.

Angel ask Sia why she wanted to learn this type of skill on which Sai tell her that she don't have any skill, Angel said it is not possible, Sai think for a moment and tell system that she has skills like she know four languages very well, that is Hindi, Marathi, English and French, she also know how to drive, and she has some painting knowledge, and she also know some cooking, after surviving in jungle, she also learn some farming and gardening, and also some other survival skills like how to climb on tree, how to swim, but this is not enough, thinking about her enemies, they are her step dad, her aunt, her two sisters, grandma, uncle , his wife and his two children, in previous six months she realized everything, she know they plan for this from a long time, her mom has weak heart and after her father's death, she is less willing to leave, so they just add something in her medicine, she also know that her mom is goanna die, but they kill her earlier, talking about her nanu, same follows, he also get weak after his daughter and son in law's death, and he also have some other health issue, but they must do something to nanu, they must plan it for long time, and they must take help from outside, so even if she let police investigate it, they will not get anything, and now the mayor is her father's friend while the other aunt has brother who work in police. So even though she complains nothing gonna happen even if she go back, it is very difficult to prove her identity and also they may kill her anytime, she always needs to be alert because they can poison her, made her fake accident, so she still needed planning, she can't directly kill them first because she is not that much courageous, she can kill one person but killing eight person she can't have that much energy, she once think she will sneakingly go inside her house, and add some position in their food, but she knows she gonna get arrested, she is not very intelligent in planning the crime, and she doesn't want rotten in jail, also even if police found out that they are guilty, they will only arrest either her stepdad or aunt, but what about others, she remembers how they bully her, how they use everything in their house without her permission and how they plot of her killing.

So now she wanted to become strong and powerful, she know you must have power and money for revenge, now she doesn't have anything, Vilas is also there to help them, his family is quite famous and his family is considered to be on of the wealthiest family in the city, he is deeply in love with Nisha, and can help her, also there are lots of friends and follower of that scum father, that slut aunt, and that Nimisha, so taking revenge is not that easy, and even if she gets successful in getting revenge what about business, she wanted world know that her mother and father is the real owner of this business, and not that pair of slut and scum, she also has Ani now she can't get blinded by revenge, so she needed to become more powerful and strong, now she really wanted to do something and make them regret to play their dirty scheme with her family.

So the next week she spends in learning how to repair cars and bikes from Old man, she also learns some recipes from him, she read all those books in angel's space, she also got to know more about Angel, she tells her that she can't kill people directly or she will be disqualified to get powers from them, only if her life is in danger then and only then she can kill people. Listening to this Sai feels annoyed, she decided to at least kill that slut and in that case she will made some proofs and let people think her scum father is guilty but that plan doesn't gonna work, so she needed a new plan, for now, she decided to go back to her city.

After learning as much as she can, she tells that old man that she is going to the city, and if she gets successful then she will come to meet him again, she offers him some money but he refused, after collecting all their things, the next morning they catch the earlier bus and leave for the city when they reach thel city, it is just 1 PM, they again go to Mandir, and decided to go Dharmashala( it is the place where travelers who come to take darshan of God can live freely or with a minimum amount of money), fortunately for her, this time is working days, and there is not many tourists she gets a room in dharmashlala for three days for free of cost, her happiness is can't describe in word, now she understands the importance of money and unlike her previous self, she thinks twice before spending.

They take bath and go to eat Prasad, after that they again go and take darshan of God and tell God to help her, after that she also go to net café and search for work, she now spend lots of money and only 10k is their and she only have two days more, and even though they eat Prasad, they can't eat it daily, she also don't have any identity card with her, so for now she needed to find work, she also don't have bank account so for now she can only see the adds which pay in hand, and fortunately she found an advertisement that require a translator who know French and English language, she read the advertisement carefully and find out it must be authentic, so she decided to go and visit, tommrow thfey also give number so she found a public telephone booth and call them, the phone is taken by their secretary, she speak with them in fluent French, and the Secretary got impress, they need urgent translator, they appoint two translateor previoylsy but after attending today's conference they got in accident, so he try to communicate with their manger here, but due to some reasons he can't get it as immediately as he want, he want the translator at tommrow morning 8AM, so he put this add on internet, and to his surprise he got call in just half hour, he ask the girl to send her phone number on which the girl tell her that right now her phone is out of battery and he can send her details on her email, and tell him her email id,he said okay and tell her that she needed to come at 7.30 at the venue after asking him about work and other detail she cut the call, she now needed to buy clothes and smart phone, but she don't have money, so she decided only to buy clothes she take Ani to near supermarket and buy a dress which look like professional she also tell Ani that early in the morning she will go for work and come in some hour, he need to stay in the room, on which he agreed, he don't want to stay alone but he know that they needed money, he also see how much hard work Sai is doing, so he agreed, she also buy a slate and pencil box for him, and while returning again go in net cafe and look the address and other detail, that man tell her to send her resume, she quickly find a resume on internet for translator jobs, make some changes and send it, Ani who is looking at her feel admiration for her, in got to know that Didi(Sai) can drive a car, speak so many languages and now she also know how to use this TV like instrument, Sai also teaches and tell him while doing everything, his relationship with her is now quite close, Sai also treat him as her own brother, now he is her only family. She decided to sleep early, her body clock is good, and the address if not far away from here, she is only worried about Ani, but she needed to go, so before sleeping, she gives him lots of instructions.