
The next day, Sia woke up and get ready, after that she does some light makeup, after buying some clothes, she also buys some makeup yesterday, previously she is not good in makeup, she copied her sisters, but now she only buy Kajal, some foundation, some face powder, and lipstick, she is a natural beauty, and she doesn't want to use makeup, but it will not look professional so she do makeup, Ani who look her get dumbfounded, he previously think she is good looking, but now he considers her as a fairly, after that she buy some breakfast for both of them, then she again gives instruction to him, and tell him not go outside, she also give him some money, she is feeling too bad for leaving him, but what can she do, after that she leaves for the meeting place.

She don't understand who take meeting so early, but still she go, she is too familiar with this city, so their is no confusion on her sight, she know the place they gonna meet is safe, and morning time is always safe, most importantly she have her space, so their is nothing to worry, when she reach she see a man is waiting outside, she decided to talk in French so the man with whom she talk will recognise her, and she do the same, and surprisingly the man she guess is correct person, he ask her is she Sai on which she nodded, and then he take her inside, she asks him why the meeting is so early on which the man tell her that his boss and his wife are come here for vacation, and India is their favourite place, so they decided this time they will enjoy without any bodies help, they also know some Hindi words, so they think they will manage the trip, but they accidentally found a good business deal, and as business person they decided to work with this, the person is basically a native and his Hindi is also quite different so they need a native speaker, and he also tell her about previous translator, so he needed to find an translator immediately after listening this Sai know she is quite fortunate to get this job, anyway if she get her inheritance back then she will not need to work, no, no she can't think of this, she needed to learn more things and become more stronger.

After that they reach at room, and Sia found out the work is very easy, previously she wander with her grandpa, and while coming here also she heard lots of people talking in different type of Marathi, She understand lots of words, so it is not difficult for her to translate it smoothly, even she also help them to know more about the raw material, the secretary get very happy and the old couple too, even after completing the work they talk with her, Sai is quite worried about Ani, but still maintain her calm, after they end the secretary pay her, which is 3k for an hour and she spend two and half hours so she get 7.5K which is quite good for her, he also ask her is she available tomorrow evening, they are going to meet their other business clients, Sai tell that she will be happy to come but her little brother is alone, on which the secretary who has good impression of he ask her about her family background on which Sai tell him a very sad story, about how their parents died in accident, and how their uncles bully them so they run away from home, now she is working whatever job she get and leaving in Dharamsala, the secretary tell her, that if she can come with her brother, he will arrange place for them, but he needed to keep quite, and also she will get 5K for one hour, and the meeting will last for at least 3 hour, Sai calculated in her mind, she don't know if the address provided by the old couple is reliable or not, and having more money is useful, if lawyer uncle don't help her, then she needed to find another option so she decided to accept this offer, she also think this couple must be good people, she also ask the place and tell him that she accept this offer, after that she bid goodbye to them, when she is coming down, she suddenly see a familiar person, very familiar person that is Nimisha, and her step dad eating with other three man, and in the three man one is old, she don't know but feel uneasy in heart, seeing them laughing she is quite distributed, they kill her and now enjoying food, no she can't let this happen, maybe she is watching to intensely one man in them look towards her direction, and she froze, this is Nimisha's crush, Kartik, but she remember Kartik is not that easy target, if Nimisha is successful in getting his attention and if he help them then her revenge might be gonna too difficult, she feel bad and decided to go, while coming downstairs she find out their car,in reality this is the car of her mother which her step dad is now using, she look around and find out no one is here, the basement is somewhat dark, and even though it is morning, hour, today is work day, and not many people come to restaurant, she also check for CCTV, and from her purse she find a scarf hid her face, and also her body then she find a knife which she always have with her, after that she first puncture two tyres, and then with the help of the knife she write down, Karma is a bitch and it is spelled as Sai, she know she is making them alert, but she wanted to haunt them, and for now she can only think this way, while she is writing this in very secretive manner, she heard a voice saying"so you are bitch? Sai"

Sia get scared and her knife fell on ground, she quickly try to take the knife, but that man is bit faster, she look towards the man and he is none other than Kartik, oh no her game is cover, Kartik must be Nimisha's bf, he will kill her, she needed to do something, and but Kartik already hold her hands and ask her, "so miss Sai, why are you doing bad things just like a child, should I complain about you" Sai think something and said, "see your grandpa calling you" kartik reflexively loose her hands and see towards the side she directed, Sai take advantage of this and kick him with her full force, and run away as fast as she can, Kartik who is off guard get hurt, she use all her force, he can't help but swear, but after two minutes when pain lessen, he have smile on her face usually girls either wanted to be with him, or fight using their tears and words and those fights are also for him, but this is the first person who try to harm him, interesting very interesting he think in his mind.