First Salary

Sai run so fast that even if she don't injure Kartik, still he can't able to catch her, after coming out of basement, she halt a rickshaw, and tell the uncle address of Mandir, the uncle ask her is she okay, because due to fear and running so fast her face is flushed, and their sweat on her forehead, she said it just one boy is trying to harass her, on which the diver uncle tell her if certain event like this again happen, shout loudly, anyone will help you, and then he lecture her about her safety, previously if someone lecture her, she will get angry, and if that person is servant or outsider then she will get double angry, but now she can understand that this type of people who give advice or give lecture are really have goodwill for you, she previously thinks that this people don't have their stuff, so they are nosy, but now she understand this people have their own problem but they are still willing to help other, unlike her who is too emersed in her life, she in this some days meet and see different type of people and the negativity in her heart is now lessen, indeed in the world their are bad peoples, but their are also good people too, everyone is combinations of both good and bad.

She remembers, her nanu will read the Geeta and the Dnyaneshwari, according to those our qualities are classified in three different forms that are Satvik, Rajasik, and Tamsik, Tamsik is darkness, chaotic and destructive, which means people are full of arrogance, ignorance, they are oversleeping, overeating, they have no emotional control, they have lust, are all included into this while Rajas is following anyone blindly, getting too indulge in something, while Satvik is harmony, self-knowledge, intelligence, and Joy, it can be said as the balancing factor. For being a good human we need to become more Satvik, it means you need to recognize your thoughts and your action and judge it from third personal view.

Sai previously is person who overeat when she is stressed, angry or happy, she also like those who said good words for her, and hate those who said bad things or try to discipline her, she love her nanu and mother but never take initiative to help them, she is not lazy, but she is also not motivated, she is somewhat selfish person, oversleeping and over thinking are also her specialty, she get jealous and angry very easily, she has so may prejudice about lots of things and people, she is arrogant, and look down on people, so God give her a lesson, in this six months she also introspect herself, and decided to change her self, she know that we can't control what will happen with us, but we can indeed control how we react, so she decided that she will help everyone except her so called family and those bad people, she at first when she know the truth, sometimes think what is the use of living anyway she is gonna live alone, but now she has Ani, and she is looking forward to meet new people.

Here, after Sai run, Kartik decided to check the CCTV surveillance, this whole building is their property so it is not that difficult, while he making the phone call he see the guest they have today coming outside, they come to him near their car,and the girl what her name, he forgot give him smile, he has some impression of this girl, not bad but not good too, after his brother's death, he who is once a playboy and happy go lucky person learn lots of lesson, and also learn how to read people, so he know this girl is not that pure, maybe his grandpa also have hunch so they tell him to investigate her, actually his grandpa is have a best friend but they got separated some years ago and now they are in this city, they found out one of the painting which belong to his friend, he promised his friend if possible he will let his grandson marry his granddaughter, so they send message to the family, and the family tell him their one granddaughter is not in this world, but this is second granddaughter, grandpa is somewhat doubtful, but still invited them, and the girl is quite okay, she is intelligent and beautiful, also have clean background, so even though he is doubtful he tell Kartik to think about her, and today they again meeting, he don't think much about it, anyway he is not in hurry for marrying, his previous lesson is still leave shadow on his heart so he decided to take it easy, he don't like controlling people, he just want someone to take care of his nephew, that all.

Amar who is still talking come towards the car, and when he read the message which scratch on the car he got froze, Nimisha also feel something so she also go to see the message and she also tremble, no that bitch can't be alive, it is someone else, how can that pig is still alive after falling from that height, and their is no food or money with her, so it is very difficult to live in that situation for a normal person and Sai who never face any difficulties and was overweight can't survive, thinking this her soul come back to her body, and she nudge her father, Amar(Sai's step dad) also come out of daze he also have same thoughts for Sai, and even if she is back, they can't let her leave, right now they get opportunity to let his favourite daughter to marry her crush and such a rich person how can he let Sai spoil their plan, and the chances of Sai coming back is very less, so it must be their enemies, so he also return to his calm face, Kartik who is observing this changes realise that they must do something bad with the previous girl, he decided to investigated it, anyway he already tell his assistant to do this task, when they first meet.

After this Amar don't give chance to other people see it, and tell them that he needed to go home, his old mother in law is waiting for them, and after that they hurriedly bid goodbye, this message is on left side of the so he needed to leave in high speed so not many people can read it, thinking this he drive very fast but unfortunately after some time he got in an accident and get injured, even thought the injury is not big, still it is gonna take many days, Nimisha also get some injuries thankfully her face is alright, but due to this she lost her chance of giving audition which is soon gonna happen.

Sai who don't know the outcome of her little trick is now facing a problem Ani is very angry on her because she is too late, right now it is 11.40, she left home at 7, so it must be long time they are separated she decided to treat this little naughty boy, because she earn her first salary, and she wanted to celebrate.