
Sai even though somewhat angry still decides to answer him.

"Uncle, sorry but you have to come personally to take Ani, and also I need to see where he will live in the future, and yes I will also consult with my lawyer, after all, I am Ani's guardian, and you have to make sure that he will be safe and provided everything," Sai said whatever comes in her mouth, but she tries to act like a reasonable person.

"Okay," Kartik says, he is also somewhat upset from her word Uncle, if Ani or Adi said him uncle then okay, but why this big girl calling him uncle, anyway he needs to agree with her because he can sense that Ani is too close to her.

After getting a positive reply from him, Sai ruthlessly cut the call, and then Kartik tells Shree to go and meet her and also give her a credit card, and tell her to spend the money if they need anything. Shree does as his boss said.

Sai first get surprised to see him, she yesterday notice him, but never suspect that he will be Adi's bodyguard, she tries to get information from him, but Shree has a tight mouth, anyway after some efforts Sai give up, but she refuses to take the credit card, first, she has enough money, also these are her few days left with Ani, and also Adi, after they go back to their family she can't able to meet them often, she also knows that once she reveals her identity there are many troubles who are waiting for her, so she wanted to treat this two adorable children as much as she can, and for that, she wanted to spend her own money.

After that conversation, they spend the next day, while doing some little things, Shree bought Adi's clothes and other daily necessities, he also bought some new clothes for Ani, Sai wanted to refuse, but she realizes from now on her Ani is the young master, thankfully she knows some basic etiquettes, she tries to teach Ani, but she realizes that Adi has more knowledge than her. So she gives up. For now, her priority is enjoying her days with children, who knows what there future holds.

She makes different dishes for breakfast, dinner, and lunch, Adi is totally in love with her food, and in just three days, his opinion about her changed from annoying aunt to a good aunt, also he really starts to like her, Ani also started to consider Adi and Shree as his own people, he also talks with his uncle, but this talk is awkward because both Kartik and Ani don't understand what to speak, their conversation is usually like this.

"Hi Ani," Kartik asks,

"Hi, uncle" Ani shyly replied.

"What are you doing Ani?" Katrik asks,

"I am playing with Adi" or "I am helping mau" or "I am eating" is the usual reply given by Ani.

"oh good"



"then sleep early, we will meet soon," Katrik says,

"Okay uncle take care" Ani replied, sometimes Sai wonder is Ani take it as a work, but for Ani, it indeed like work, before Sai comes in his life, he lives with Aaji, and the old couple, so he never talks much, after Sai comes he started to talk, it also can be said he learn so many new words due to Sai, also he never talk with strangers more than two words, so talking with an uncle, whom he never meet is something which is very difficult for him. Adi is different, Adi looks like exactly him, so he doesn't feel that much strangeness from him.

Sai also understand this, so she decided that the next three days she will take the children outside, let them watch the outside world, she also has Shree so there is nothing to worry about, and she also wanted to go outside.

So the next day she takes both Ani and Adi to the circus, they both never see the circus, because Ani is grown up in the village while for Adi, Kartik doesn't have time to bring him outside much, maximum he takes him to the swimming pool and garden, and also different classes and his office, so both Ani and Adi are excited, while Sai also somewhat excited, her biological father, when she is a child is torn between his family and her mom, while after her father's death, her mom is too sad, to take her outside, and later her stepfather.... forgot about that, it is her nanu, her dear grandpa, who once take her to the circus.

So these excited people with two bodyguards following them from behind reach at the venue of circus, first Shree wanted to help Sai to book tickets, but she doesn't ask for help and he also feels that this girl don't like them meddling in her business, so they quietly follow them.

While buying tickets, there is a family of five in front of them, Sai can see that the family looks so poor, the eldest child must be somewhat 8/9 year old, and the other might be one is 5/6 and the third one is 3/4 year old, she can see the happiness from their face, Sai and other who are already happy, again get infected by their happiness and they have a very bright face.

"husband, do you have enough money, or I will not come to watch the circus," the woman in the front family asked in a low voice, but due to Sai and the children are standing behind them they heard it.

"Are I asked already the tickets are 100rs for adult and 50 rs for children, so I have 400rs so don't worry" the husband said with a smile. That time the couple's number come to buy tickets.

Sai sees them asking for tickets and then she see the man's face falls, then she sees the woman asked the man what happened.

"They are saying at first two days they keep the price lower, now the rates 150 for adults and 75 for children, so total, 525 rs"

"..." the wife doesn't know what to say, Sai see their faces and see the woman who is previously too happy now on the edge of crying she feels bad, she drops the note in her hand which is of 500rs, then after one minute she again picks the note from the ground, and then go towards the couple,

"Mister you drop your money" After saying that she put the money in that man's hand, the man look at her with surprised eyes. But after all, he is an experienced man, he understands her kindness, but still, he tries to give her the money back.

"Sir I see that note is falling from your pocket, please keep it and please take your tickets fast, so we can go inside early," Sai says with a smile, Adi also help her in her drama and says, "Yes uncle I also see the note falling please take it quickly"

The man takes the note and smiles towards them with gratitude, the woman from the couple, gesture thank you from behind. After that, they quickly buy the tickets and go inside. After sitting on their seats Ani decided to ask the question which is bothering him.

"mau that money is your na, then why you lie with them, lying is not good right?" Ani asked her curiously, he is too busy seeing the animals, that he missed hearing the conversation between the couple, unlike Adi who is observant, he is somewhat ignorant.

"Are, because Mau wanted to help them, they don't have enough money, and they will not accept money directly so mau act like that" Adi tries to teach his foolish brother.

"Actually I don't want to help them, aren't we feel happy after seeing them smiling?" Sai asked them.

"Yes," both children said in one voice.

"So I just help them, do you remember Ani, when we don't have money we eat in the mandir, that time someone else helps us, so as gratitude we should also help others, remember that"

"ohh" Adi says,

"anyway God gifted me two little angels so I need to make lots of people smile as gratitude"

"Who are your two angels?" Adi asks her.

"Are you both" Sai says while kissing them, Adi and Ani get too happy and also kiss her back.

Shree is also happy seeing Adi acting like his age. He wanted to share this news with the old master but for now he needs to wait of Kartik's return.