Uncle I love you

Ani and Adi enjoy watching the circus, but after the circus Sai regret teaching them philosophy because, after the circus, they wanted to help someone and unfortunately they aren't able to find someone while coming back, they found a puppy falls in the gutter, and they wanted to save it, Sai can't send them, she wanted to ask help from Shree, but she remembers her attitude before and leave that thought, and she herself do the work and pull the puppy from the gutter.

If Sai is previous Sai she might not dare to touch such a dirty puppy. But when she is kidnapped, those people put her in a very dirty place, and even after that, she doesn't know how many unclean places she already goes. Thankfully Shree sees what they are doing, and buy some water and help her to clean herself, he even helps her to clean the puppy, they found out that the puppy is injured, so this time without hesitation Sai accepts Shree's help and send children with him to treat the puppy.

After they go to visit the Vet, Sai come home and take bath, she is feeling too dirty, but after taking bath for a long time she feels clean, after she completes her skincare routine, she decided to cook something, but before that Adi and Ani come with a puppy, the puppy now looks way better than before, Shree also bought food and also dog food for the puppy.

Seeing the food Sai gets happy, and her impression on Shree improved, they invited him to eat with them, but Shree refuses and leaves. After eating Sai do some cleaning, and decided to go to sleep early.

Adi and Ani who wanted to play with the puppy, get disappointed seeing him sleeping, Sai tells them that he is injured and needs some rest. After that, they with a sad face decided to sleep.

"One more thing, you both are still little, so you don't need to show kindness, or help anyone"

"But we want to help others like you," Adi said,

"Yes mau" Ani supported his brother.

"You can help others through little things"

"like?" Adi questions.

"Like by giving someone a bright smile, but remember only give smile in appropriate situations, if someone is crying don't smile okay" Sai adds the next sentence due to today's experience.

"Really?" Ani asked his doubt about how can smiling help others.

"Yes, see me, your uncle, your family and also that Shree uncle, want to see you happy, also you know na smile is infectious, if you give me a smile I can't able to but also wanted to smile, and both of you are too handsome so your smile must give happiness to lots of people"


"And you can also say thank you when someone helps you, you can say please when you want help from others and....."

"And?" Ani asks.

"You can say I love you mau if you like me this way I feel happy," Sai said smugly,

"I love you mau," Ani said excitedly,

"I love you too baby" Sai also said happily.

"Will my uncle also be happy if I say him?"Adi asks,

"...Yes, why not?"

"But if other girls say him this he feels bad no, "Adi asks while scratching his head,

"arrr that girls are outsiders, you are insider, and what about me? you don't love me?"Sai asked pitifully, at first she don't think she will feel love for this child, because, in the case of Ani, she spends a long time with him, and Ani is too pitiful and also well behaved, it is impossible to not like him. But with Adi, she doesn't even spend a whole week, but still, she feels love for him. Maybe the reason is this boy is too cute, or maybe he tries to curry favor from her, or maybe he looks identical to Ani, but indeed she loves him.

"...." seeing the troubled expression on Adi's face, Sai feels somewhat disappointed, she understands that little children have difficulty in lying, and she doesn't expect that Adi will love her, but still she feels upset.

"Now sleep, and tells your uncle tomorrow okay," Sai said while patting Adi's head. But before she can take her hand back Adi holds it and murmur "I love you mau," and then quickly go inside the quilt.

Sai is plesantly surprised due to this, so Adi also considers her, huh, she feels happy, she kiss both children and then they all go to sleep.

The next day, she wanted to take them out, but due to the injure puppy they spend the day at home, she cooks a huge breakfast for them, she invited Shree, after hesitation, he also comes, that time children get a call from Kartik, he is very tired due to work, and also somewhat frustrated due to other issues, so he won't have the energy to talk more still he wanted to hear the voice of Adi and now also Ani, so he calls them.

"Hey sweetheart," Kartiks says,

"Uncle, I love you" Kartik who is ready to hear what they eat today, what they do today, froze after listening to this, his Adi is somewhat tsundere, he never kisses him, when he is awake, but he knows that when he acts like sleeping Adi comes and kiss him, but today that boy is saying I love you, what happened, is that girl bully his nephew.

"..." Getting no response from his uncle, Adi feels bad.

"Uncle I love you, don't you love me?" Adi asked, in a somewhat sad voice.

"of course I love you, otherwise I will throw you in an orphanage, who have the energy to act with your tantrum" Kartik tease him.

"hmph you are mean, "Adi said,

"wait wait, Ani also wanted to say, that he also loves you" Adi again says,

"oh really?"


"then why he is not talking"

"He is shy uncle, and come home soon, I miss you, and mau tells me you must be tired because there must be night this time, so eat on time, and sleep early," Adi says as Sai teach him. Sai gets surprised due to her sudden mentioned, indeed she teaches children some sweet words, but who knows what Ani's uncle will think, but before she can say anything Adi cut the call, Sai also don't know what to say, so she leaves the matter behind.

After that children try to help the puppy, but Sai pulls them and stop their over enthusiasm, then they play some games, today Ani first time talk with his grandpa and grandma through a video call. Sai also notice the increased security, and know that now Ani is in safe hands.