Day of separation

"No, I wanted to live with mau today," Adi says when he heard this, he really wanted to sleep with both Ani, and mau, also eat what she cooks, and also hear the story she tells, Ani who is in the arms of Kartik also started to struggle, he doesn't want to separate from his mau. Kartik seeing this reaction feels somewhat disappointed.

Sai who see Kartik from very close and realize why girls are still crazy for him even after he leaves the film industry so many years before, he is tall, too tall, also his facial features are too good, if you look at him once, you can't able to take your eyes from him. She understand why Adi and Ani look so handsome, but she come out of her thought when she heard Kartik's last sentence, so she is gonna separate from children today. Her heart feels pain.

"Grandpa and Grandma waiting for you Adi, mau will come to meet you"

"so we will come to meet them with mau tomorrow, "Adi says, listening this Sai's face brighten, but Kartik's face becomes dark, his little troublemaker only spends some days with this girl, and wanted to stay with her. He is angry.

"oh, so I work so fast, only to meet both of you, but you don't care about me, ok stay here," Kartik says while acting pitiful.

"Uncle you can also stay with us, "Ani says while kissing his uncle. Kartik who suddenly get a wet cheek, somehow let go his sadness, he also understands why Adi is acting like that, his mom dad is somewhat strict, so Adi doesn't like to go there, and this girl really treats them good so they don't want to leave her.

"You... both, okay, you two can stay here today, but tomorrow morning I will come to take you, and you need to come with me okay?" Even though Kartik acts like he is asking the question, children understand that they don't have any other option except saying yes.

"Okay," Adi said, Ani is still in Kartik's arm, so he put him down, again kiss him and tell him will he wanted to go for shopping, but Ani refuses, he is scared that this uncle might lie with him and take him away from his mau.

Kartik can guess what Ani thinking, he is somewhat helpless, Sai once again request him to come inside, she really doesn't understand how to be a good hospitable person, still, she tries to do her best, Kartik also decided to spend some time with children so he agrees.

Sai tells the children to talk with him, and bring the samosa which she made with tea, Kartik really regrets coming inside, he has a diet, and he genuinely doesn't like to eat oily things, but seeing her enthusiasm he eats, he found the taste is good, and not much oily, still he hates this type of food, after talking for some time, which is basically the same as phone call he bid them goodbye.

Kartik think it is also good that he let them stay there for tonight, he directly comes from the airport, so he doesn't take bath, even don't eat anything and directly come here, his home is one and a half-hour away from here, so even if he takes children back it is dinner time, so they might not get time to communicate with them, he tells his driver to take him his apartment, which is very near from here, after reaching there he takes a bath, he order food, but while eating his diet food he remembers the samosa, that girls cooking are really good he thinks in his mind.

After eating he calls his mom and dad, he also wanted to give them a surprise so he doesn't tell them that he is coming back, but now his plan is already changed, he tells them that he is coming tomorrow with the children, and they should be ready for that, he also tells them their attachment with that girl.

"We should properly need to show our gratitude to that girl," Raman says,

"Yes," Kartik agreed.

"So according to you, this girl is the same whom we consider dead?"Radha asked.

"Yes," Kartik said, but what he doesn't understand is how she change so much, and how she meets Ani. They talk for some time, about how to welcome Ani, Radha also tells him that Kartik's grandpa is at home, the doctor first doesn't get agreed, but seeing him acting stubborn the doctor finally agreed to let him get treatment from home.

Kartik understand the underline meaning of this information, but he is also helpless, he doesn't want to get married to anyone, and live a life of tragedy, just like his brother, and he understands that even though he doesn't have a feeling for Kira as intense as before, there are still after-effects of that relationship, he needs to think something, otherwise, he needs to get married to the girl they will fix for her, and it is not fair with that girl also.

Here, Sai even though sad trying to make sure to lift Ani's mood.

"Mau I alone," Ani said while somewhat crying.

"How can you be alone, Adi will be with you, and also your uncle and his family is there, and I will also call you," Sai said while patting his back, Ani is sitting on her lap, while Adi is sitting while hugging her stomach, they all three are somewhat sad.

"Only call?"Adi asked,

"umm, I will also come to meet you, we can go and watch a movie and also go to play," Sai said trying to cheer them up.

"no movie only you want," Ani said while crying.

"Okay, okay see Ani I told you about those bad people, let me teach them a lesson, then I will come and stay near your home, and you both promise to do study, so you also need to go school and now I don't have money so, for now, let's fool you uncle, and later we can fight with him, and live together," Sai said with excitment.

"Uncle is good, don't fight with him, let's stay together with him," Adi said.

"Yes uncle is good" Ani also supports his brother.

"Yes I know, so he is also there, and in somedays, I will buy house in your neighborhood, so don't worry, until that time stay there and be good okay," Sai tells them. After that, she read a story for them, and then they fall asleep.

Here Kartik who heard this conversation have some thoughts in his mind, but for that, he needs to consider some things, if things go according to his thinking then he doesn't need to worry about grandpa and children.