In Villa

The next day, Sai understand what is the meaning of early in the morning, Kartik comes to take the children at 7 Am, thankfully they wake up early and have breakfast too. Kartik today wear causal clothes, yesterday he directly come from his meeting, without going back to the hotel, so today he is looking too handsome, Sai who is face cone, feel happy just seeing his face, she even though now become mature, who don't like to see good things, but yes she understands her limits, it can be said, that her confidence which is shattered due to body shaming before, is still in that condition.

Even though she lost weight, and her skin condition is good, she still considers herself low or not that beautiful, so she doesn't dare to think that anyone can fall for her, so in this life, her goal is to punish her scum family and then do something so she can make her late nanu, mom and dad proud. Sai already got to know that this family will treat Ani really like their grandchild, she understands that things might change when Kartik get married, but she can see that he really love Ani and Adi, so even if he gets married children are still safe, and after some years they are at the age where they can take care of themselves.

Thinking this Sai decided to send them alone, she also understands if she goes with them, she might get questioned for her identity, and also they might think she is come their for money, Sai is just like this, she overthinks and overanalyzes everything. Sai gives all the pack clothes to the driver who comes with Kartik, she kisses Ani and Adi and said goodbye.

"You don't come with us?" Adi asked in confusion, their are too many things he wanted to show mau.

"mau..." Ani doesn't know what to say, but he is angry, his mau is lying with him, he is sad, he doesn't want to leave mau, and.. he doesn't know how to express his emotions.

"Miss. Sai you need to come, you also tell me before that you need to check the arrangements, also my parents wanted to meet you and personally show their gratitude," Kartik says, he wanted to test something, so Sai needs to come with him.

"....Okay," Sai said after some thinking, anyway in future she needs to meet Ani, so it is better to go now, also she can see their behavior and then she can decide what to do.

After Sai said yes Ani somewhat gets calm, Kartik who is providing attention to Ani realizes that unlike Adi who is cunning, Ani is somewhat calm, but he gets angry easily, and his most emotions are attached to this girl. But why? If he calculates then this girl only spend some six months with him, so why he is too attached to her.

The reason is very simple, For Ani, Aaji always treat him as his boss, and due to her old age, and other problems she never plays or talks with him, indeed he love Aaji, but with Sai he can sense love, he like her, she play with him, she understand him and she try to teach him, he feels good with Sai, just like she is his mother, And he doesn't want to get separated from her.

After that they head off towards their location, Shree and driver seat in the front part of the car, while Sai, Ani, and Adi sit together with Kartik, Ani is hugging Sai, but Sai can feel his anger.

"Sorry" Sai murmur. Ani who can't be very angry with her, just hug her tightly, Sai pat his little head and get rewarded with a smile.

Sai realize why Shree call Adi young master because they are really rich, when they see their villa, Sai feels that her family is not that rich, because she is also considered from a rich family, but this house is still unaffordable for them, and Ani who is watching outside also see a big house, but unlike Sai he gets scared. He is never in such a big place, and now suddenly seeing that place and knowing that he is gonna live here make him somewhat nervous. He holds Sai tightly, Sai also can understand his nervousness, but he needs to become brave.

The Villa is too beautiful, forgot about the villa, only the garden is enough too make her fall for the home, the garden is peaceful and beautiful, Kartik also wanted to show Ani home, so he already instructed drive to drive along the road. Sai sees a helicopter launching pad, and also a helicopter, Ani who see this thing film, pull her t-shirt and tells her that it is "Hepiter" because he is not able to say the word helicopter, Adi who is sitting near him correct him and teach him how to pronounce.

"Do you wanted to sit in a helicopter?" Kartik asked. On which Ani nodded so much that Sai get scared he might hurt his neck.

"Okay, I will take you after two days" Kartik promise him.

"Mau comes," Ani tells Kartik, but both Kartik and Sai can understand that it is not a request but an order. Sai somewhat feel guilty, she is looking like she is taking advantage of Ani's love for her.

"Okay," Kartik says, he doesn't mind taking her with him.

"thank you," Ani says as Sai teach, and he looks towards Sai with expectations, now he is doing this much for mau, he hopes that she will not leave him. Sai just patted his head. She needs to leave him, this is his family not her.

They soon reach at home, while coming out of the car, Adi holds his brother, they come inside, Radha and Raman are waiting for them, seeing Ani and Adi they can't help but come forward but due to Sai let them wear similar clothes, it is hard to differentiate between, Ani and Adi.

"Ani, Adi how are you, do you miss grandma," Radha asked, seeing Ani she remember her son Arnav and feel sad. But yes she is also happy to see Ani again.

"I am fine granny," Adi said with a smile.

"This is your granny and grandpa, say hi to them," Kartik says. Ani remembers what Sai teach him, and he quickly bows down and touch their feet and do pranam, seeing him Adi also copy this. Radha and Raman get too happy seeing their grandson well-behaved. Sai is who is looking from the back also feels satisfied. Ani is even though scared still is a very well behaved. His future is safe, she also can see love from Radha and Raman's eyes. So she is relaxed.

Sai also stay behind them and try to minimize her presence. She doesn't want to disturb their family time. But Raman and Radha finally see her and happily say.

"You are Sai right, we heard a lot about you, please come inside," Radha says, on which Sai come inside.

"Sai talk with my parents, I need to let children meet my grandpa," Kartik says, and then he turns towards the children and asks them, "ready to meet great grandpa" on which children nodded.

Kartik's grandpa is in poor health, and after knowing about Ani, he is too eager to meet him, but every day his condition is worsening, so now, he just wanted that children meet grandpa.

After children go upstairs with Kartik, Sai pulls the locket given by Aaji and give it to Radha, seeing that Radha again remember those bad days and shade some tears, but due to Sai's presence she calm herself, and tells Sai to sit down, Sai obediently sits, after that Radha ask her how she meets Ani, on which Sai tells them about her accident while hiding some details, she tells them about the things which Aaji tells her, listening to this Radha feel to grateful to Aaji. If there is someone else they might not even care about the child, but Aaji protects him.

Radha and Raman also feel grateful towards Sai, she also can lie, they see Ani's dependence on her, so if she wanted to manipulate Ani, and lie with them that is not impossible, but her honesty wins their heart.