
Here, Kartik's grandpa is happy to see his great grandson, Arnav is his favorite, and he is the one who somewhat forces him to join politics, so grandpa blames himself for Arnab's death, after Arnav's death, and losing Ani, his health somewhat starts to worsening, but now seeing Ani, his regret his guilt somewhat lessen.

He weakly pats their head, Adi and Ani sit down near him, Ani remember his Aaji, she is also old like this, remembering her, he holds great grandpa's hand, due to this little action, grandpa thinks that Arnav forgives him like he is giving him his message through his Ani, he takes the gifts he prepares for both Adi and Ani, and give it to them, Ani first refuses, remembering mau's lesson, but Kartik tells him to accept it, so he takes it after that grandpa try to speak something, but Adi and Ani, don't understand much after that grandpa look pales, Kartik understands that he needs rest, so he calls his doctor and takes children downstairs.

Here, While talking with Sai, Radha realized that Sai is way different than they heard about her, Radha knows that it is not good to trust rumors, but still seeing all the information, Radha concluded that Sai, is somewhat irresponsible, somewhat annoying and stupid type person, but while talking with her she can see this girl is honest, humble and intelligent, not at all annoying. If Sai can hear her thought she might laugh, because before the accident she is really annoying, it just now she becomes calm, and learn somehow to control her feeling.

"Adi and Ani love your cooking, but you should try some snacks which I prepared for you," Radha says while she asked helpers to serve Sai. Sai sees the different snacks, and her appetite awake, but she also understands that she can't act greedy in front of them, so she just eat something and keep talking with them. She can see that these people sincerely wanted to know about Ani's past so she is telling them everything which she think will be helpful.

"So what about your family?" Raman asked, Kartik already tell them not to let her know that they know her true identity unless the time comes, Raman feels like his son has some motive behind it, so he decided to act as his son wishes. So now they are acting like they don't know anything about her.

"I...I am an orphan, I don't have family" Sai replied with some hesitation, and at this time Ani come downstairs with Adi and Kartik, he doesn't understand many words, but he understands the meaning of don't have a family. He doesn't know why but he feels sad. He runs towards his mau and hug her.

"I and you family, "He said, his sentence is not correct, other time Sai might try to correct him, but now this boy said something which makes her heart feel too good. What good things she does that she meets Ani. She kisses Ani's head, and ask him is he meet his grandpa, on which Adi also comes forward and shows her gift given by grandpa. It is jewelry but Sai can see it must be expensive. After that they talk for some time, and then Radha tells them to come and eat.

Sai tries to refuse, but in front of all these people she can't help but eat, while eating Ani can't able to eat with a spoon, because Radha makes a different type of food, she doesn't know what will Ani like. So Sai need to feed him, seeing Sai feeding Ani, Adi also looks towards his uncle, but get only a glare. Anyway, the lunch ended like that, after lunch Radha gives them ice cream, both Adi and Ani like ice cream, so they wanted to eat more, Radha and Raman can't able to say no to them, Kartik wanted to scold them but before that he sees Sai taking the ice cream away from them, and with some words she makes them agree with her.

Kartik sees that Raman and Radha wanted to spend some time with the children, but due to him and Sai, children are not giving them proper attention.

"Ani and Adi you play with granny and grandpa, I have something to talk with Sai mau," Kartik says to the twins, Ani is unwilling, but he wanted to give a good impression to his uncle so he agrees relucantly, Sai wanted to question but realize Kartik's motive.

When they come outside, Kartik seriously shows her his house, and as expected he gets praise from Sai. He decided to test this girl.

"So when you are gonna reveal your identity?" Kartik asks, now they are in the gym and due to it is afternoon, no one is here.

"what?" Sai asked. Kartik doesn't reply, he just pulls his phone, and show her two photos, in one photo she is previous Sai, who is overweight, and have pimples and other skin issues, while in another, she sees her own photo of childhood with her mother, but her mom and her childhood photo match with her new changed face. She also gets surprised after seeing this, she realizes that she forgot her mom's appearance, not completely it just her head is full of other things, during this time, she can't help but some tears fall from her eyes.

Kartik who expects surprise, or shock or fear never expect that this girl will cry, is he scared her too much, he wondered.

"Hey, I am not blackmailing you stop crying, I am not your enemy," Kartik says.

"Yes I know, it just seeing my mom I can't help but feel emotional" Sai decided to tell the truth, anyway today lawyer uncle come so maximum in two or three days everyone will know who she is, indeed she is feeling low, because her previous self is not something she should be proud, and Kartik knows her previous self in so detail makes her somewhat embarrassed. But anyway that is not her priority.

"If you need any help then you can contact me directly, you have my number right?"Kartik asked, he doesn't think that she will tell him the truth so easily, but he really likes this type of straight forward people.

"...Thank you," Sai said after a pause, she wanted to deny his help but she knows her stepfather and his family has some influence, and she is not gonna ask help unless it is too much for her. So she said this. After that they return to the villa, they both are immersed in their thoughts. When they return they see Ani and Adi are quite comfortable with their grandpa, seeing Sai come Ani run towards her and give her a card, she looks towards Ani with a question mark on her face.

"Money, buy a dress for you," Ani tells her in his broken language, but Sai understand everything, this card must be a gift from Ani's grandparents, but this little fool of her wanted to give his all money to her, why Ani is so cute she can't understand.