Getting injured

When Ravi and Sai discussing with Shree what they don't know is someone is listening their conversation, this is no other than Ravi's secretary, Mangal after not getting Sai's body, somewhat doubt her death, and she also knows that Sai has the only person who can help her is Ravi, so she decides to bribe this new girl who is Ravi's secretary, Sai is always cautious, but this time due to emotional overwhelm she let her guard off, while they going outside, Shree feel that someone click their photo and looking at Ravi's secretary he feels something is off. But don't know what.

Anyway, after they leave, Ravi's secretary calls Mangal but this time Mangal is with her daughter in an important shooting, and she literally forgot about her this little chess piece, it is seven month and Sai is not back, for previous car incident, she feels it is someone pranking on them, because after that nothing happened. So she forgot about Ravi's secretary.

Secretary again called but found no one picks the call so she sends a little message that Sai is back, and for more information she needs money.

Here, Ravi, Sai, and Shree immediately go towards the police station, with the help of Shree, and also due to Ravi's contact they start their work, Ravi already come here regarding Sai's case, he tried his best to find her, and police too, it just that her stepdad give false information to police, Police also feels something is wrong, but they don't get enough and right information from her family, also they get political pressure for closing this case, so they are unsuccessful in finding Sai, also there is one police officer who has a connection with her stepdad, so he tries to create trouble for them, but yes there are too many good Police that his plan gets unsuccessful but he still immediately informs her stepfather.

Here Mangal also see the message and call the secretary back after paying her money she found out that Sai is back, the secretary also not able to listen to everything, she just listens that they are going police station, that time Mangal also got a call from her husband and they decide that this time they will kill both Ravi and Sai because keeping both of them alive is bad for them.

Here it takes nearly three hours to confirm that Sai is the real Sai, before coming here Sai discuss with Shree and Ravi and decided to act like she doesn't know much about the kidnapers because even if she tells them that her family is behind her kidnapping and attempt of murder no one will believe her, their all neighbors and other people think that she is a spoiled girl and all family treats her like a princess, even she somewhat think that before knowing their true face, what more she is confident that they already destroy every evidence.

"So do you have any suspect or anything you know about the kidnappers?" Police asked her while writing down her statement.

"Yes, they put me in the broken empty building near the highway, they call my family and asked money from Mangal aunt, they ask for 1 billion which is a not very big amount for them, I think they will save me, but later those people say that my family wants me to die, they refuse for that money, after that those kidnappers try to kill me in a road accident, so noone care for me, because that day I also get drunk, but fortunately I somehow manage to run from there, but again fall from the hill and get saved by villagers, after that, I need to spend to some days to recover, and also that time I don't know where I am, I am also still in fear, I even don't have money or any other device to contact and don't understand much words of villagers so it takes me some days to come back," Sai tells them.

After that police asked her some cross questions but she already practice this so she answers very smartly, after that they tell her they will try to find that gang and punish them, Shree also manages to call some reporters there, and those reports asked her about her experience, reports are interested in this news due to various reason, first, her so called sister is a film star who is very sad after her death, second, her stepfather is a very famous businessman and also have the ambition to join politics, while her other family members are also famous, also the accident is somewhat getting famous that time because four gangster died in that accident.

Sai tells them about her experience, and also narrates the same story which she tells to the police, she also doesn't forget to mention that this so called family don't have any blood relationship with her, and all the success they get is due to her mom and nanu. A smart person can guess the story, and reporters want masala news so they get it. After that Sai leaves with Ravi, when they are near a very low traffic area, someone attacks their car,.

Due to sudden attack the driver loses his control and nearly hit the pole, the attackers are nearly 10 peoples, they try to pull Sai from the car, and also attack Ravi with an iron bar, thankfully Shree is trained, and Sai also know some basic self-defense, they both come outside and start hitting these bad peoples, also the driver is also smart, he also tries his best to injure those attackers, and he is also very strong, so they somehow manage to save themselves, Ravi called police, still they all get injuries, especially Ravi and his driver.

Sai who is also injured, seeing Ravi in this state feels too guilty, she is enough smart to know who do this, she blames herself, she is too unlucky the people around her always gets in trouble, Shree who is enough professional take all of them to hospital and also call Kartik, Kartik knowing this news get somewhat restless after got to know about Sai, he hires detectives on her family and got to knows that Sai's family joins hands with one of Arnav's killer, now they have a common enemy and this time he not gonna let them harm anyone.

Here, Mangal who don't know that Sai is changed and have strong backer send some local gangsters to kill her, she wanted it to look like a robbery, She is waiting for a piece of good news to come, she is too jealous of Sai's mom, and seeing Sai she feels like she gets a slap on her face, in previous six months she is too happy, but who have thought, that the person they try their best to kill will come back, but now after today they don't need to worry, she once again look at the photo which Ravi's secretary sends, and smile coldly, once again Sai is gonna rest in peace. She thinks in her mind but what she doesn't know is that her peace is gonna completely ruined.