In Hospital

Sai and the others reach the hospital, the doctor after checking the injuries tells her that there is nothing to worry about, and they can go home immediately it is just they need to take care of their wounds. It just the driver get some minor injuries, and for Ravi, they need to let him go check and give treatment for a long time, not only due to these injuries but due to his previous injury too. Sai really blame herself, if she is not here, both Ravi and his driver are safe.

Ravi uncle gets married before but his wife gives him divorce, Sai doesn't know the reason, but Ravi uncle helps a lot of people, and his wife also has a very friendly relationship with him even after divorce. He also takes responsibility for some orphan children's education, he also helps people with special needs, and he is not a very good lawyer, he is not that smart and cunning, but he is very intelligent, so his career is mostly out of the court.

Ravi's driver is also a good person, he has two little girls, if something happened to him, what will his family do, thankfully Shree is their, If Shree is not there what will she do.

Now Sai regretted coming back, or even trying to take revenge, what is the use of that revenge which cost her life of her dear once, thinking this she starts crying that she even don't notice the people coming towards her.


Flashback : At Kartik's home.

Kartik after sending Sai come back after doing some office work, that time Ani and Adi already wake up from sleep and already drink their milk, and watching TV with his parents, but seeing Ani's face he didn't feel everything is good, when he come back both Adi and Ani run towards him, he wanted to give them hug, but instead that they both look behind him, he get puzzled and asked what they are searching.

"Mau?" Ani asked. He don't explain, but Kartik understand.

"Don't worry Ani she must go to buy some delicious food for us, right uncle?" Adi try to comfort his brother.

"no, she leave " Ani said and start crying, due to his sudden cry, everyone get scared. Radha comes forward and try to console him, but Ani avoids them, he really miss his mau, he knows that she leave him, and he also understand that these people are his family, but he want her.

Seeing Ani crying, Kartik doesn't understand what to do, in the case of Adi he sometimes give him food and sometimes he scold or beat him, but he can't do anything like that with Ani, he just pull him in his arms and started to pat him.

"She doesn't leave you, she just go back to meet her uncle, and she will come back with her clothes, do you forgot she only brings your clothes" Kartik tells him.

"....Really?" Ani asked.

"Yes, why will I lie with you" Kartik said while pinching his nose. Ani listening this give Kartik a big smile. Kartik also pulls his other trouble maker, who is looking at him.

"now let me take a bath and then we all go to bring her okay?" Kartik asked.

"Okay" Adi and Ani said in one voice. After that they go back and happily watch Tv. Kartik after taking bath, start reading the document about Sai's family, he decided to call her back, but he get a message from Shree some time ago saying that they are in the police station, so he don't disturb them, but after some time he get call and heard the report given by Shree.

"Is Sai injured?"He asked Shree on call, But before he can hear the answer his leg gets hugged by Ani or Adi, he is also confuse with their looks, but after a minute he realised that this is Ani.

"Ani why are you here?"

"Mau injured?" he asked, Ani don't understand what is injured exactly, but he understand it means to get pain. He feels stressed for his mau, his mau got in trouble, he feels too bad.

"...." Kartik is really in big trouble, he don't understand how to answer.

"No, it just she get in accident, I will go and see her, and bring her back, Okay" Kartik try to said as calmly and slowly as possible. He is somewhat annoyed too, for Ani only Sai matters, he understand that he is child, still he is somewhat disappointed.

"me come" Ani order him.

"Me too" Adi also said this, and this way Kartik ended up in the hospital.


When they see Sai sitting their crying Ani can't help but go towards her, and hug her leg. Sai is too surprised by this sudden hug, but when she look with her blurry vision, she get surprised by seeing Ani, but before she can ask anything, she see Kartik and Adi also come near her.

"How is your uncle?" Kartik asked her sitting near the chair to her. He put Adi on his lap.

"Thankfully safe, thanks to you and Shree uncle" Sai answered while pulling Ani on her lap.

"are you injured?" He asked her.

"no, by the way what you people doing here?" Sai asked while wiping her tears. Ani also helping her in that, seeing this Sai's all pain go away.

"Ani and Adi miss you so we come here to meet you" Kartik said.

"Mau uncle said that you will live with us, so can you stay in our room" Adi asked hopefully. Sai looked at Kartik and he give her a helpless smile, Sai understand what must happened, she also decide something in her mind, and decided to go with children.

"Yes, I will stay with you" Sai said while patting Ani's head, Ani who feel to happy, hug her tightly with his little strength, but with that Sai feel too much pain, Kartik notice the change in her face.

"You get injured right, Ani stands up" Kartik said while putting Adi on near chair, he immediately call the doctor, the doctor also come immediately, and they found out that Sai really get serious injuries on her back and leg.

"Are you crazy? I asked you are you injured but you say no" The doctor shout on her, what makes him angry is that he sees some marks of wound on her back, and the new wounds are also must painful, this little girl how she suffered so much, Kartik and children also get scared, Kartik quickly takes Ani and Adi out of that room, he don't want Sai to feel embarrassed and also don't want to make children worried.

After treating her wound, doctor tells her that she need to stay in the hospital for two days, on which Sai wanted to refuse, but Kartik says okay, children also declare that they will stay with her, that time Ravi, driver and Shree also come their and they scold her, but later also tell her to take care, Ravi uncle decided to go back, Kartik tells Shree and two other bodyguards to go with him, while he send one bodyguard with driver. Shree wanted to tell him about Ravi's secretary but he decided to tell it later.

Ravi wanted to stay here, but seeing Kartik he thinks that Sai find boyfriend for her, otherwise who come so fast, so he decided not to disturb their lonely time and said goodbye to her.

"Thank you" Sai said to Kartik, she is really thankful to him.

"You are welcome, wanna eat something" he asked. But Before Sai can say anything Adi tell Kartik that he wants to eat pavbhaji, Sai who don't have option and now feeling angry decided to not being formal and eat something.

And this way they eat pavbhaji for dinner.