Damn! Damn! Damn!

They journeyed inside a wormhole. Cole would not believe it. He might be wrong but he did not know what else to pick it up as. He had only a vague idea about what wormholes and black holes were. 

It had no event horizons so possibly it was no black hole so probably a wormhole. Ahhh...damn! Whatever it was the shortcut that got them here.

"You guys start walking and meet me in six hundred seven apartments." Matty broke Cole's reverie.

"Yes..yes.. let's meet you Mat in twenty minutes." Chris cheered.

"Guys when will you all come to get me?" Vin groaned.

"We will get to you soon, Vinny," Cole said.

With that both, of the friends started to walk in the direction of the west as one of them kept their eyes upon the map and the other one acted as a guard for hiding enemies. 


"You have arrived at your destination." 

Barbie said in the air.