Cole and Chris tried for the fourth time and finally slid the case aside making sure they did not hurt Matty anymore than he was hurt.

"Can you try getting up now?" Chris asked with concern.

"I guess I could try. Hopefully, they are ok down there. " 

Matty replied looking at his freed limbs trying to move them sideways, it ached in the joints but with the help of his two pales, he finally stood up with their support.

"You think you can walk?" Cole polled.

Matty nodded his head, "Yeah...yeah I think I will be alright."

"Then come to me now. I m dying all alone here, blood all over me." Vin groaned.

The three of them laughed finally breathing in relief after brief hard labor and completing it successfully without regrets. 


Cole closed his eyes as he wished to locate Vin. He was somewhere in a place called Shelter. 

"Vinyl*Intrepid located! Sixty five-degree north of Shelter."