"Of course I will be there, Cole. Do not worry just go to school. Are you having issues right now too with seeing everything? " Ivory implored.

"No...I mean yeah but I can at least see. " Cole mumbled.

The honking of the SUV caught their attention. They both looked outside the window to see Mr. Evans's sleek black SUV parked outside of their house.

"Oh, it is Mr. Evans." Ivory said.

"Mom...I love you. I got to go now. See you at the hospital. "

Cole picked up his duffle bag and walked to where his mother stood, hugging her, and then finally heading out of the house and got inside Mr. Evans's car.

Ivory waved her hand as she saw them driving away from the neighborhood. Surprisingly this morning she did not feel tired after returning from the diner as usual instead she felt energetic.