"Damn! An iPhone eleven plus? " Cole spoke out in amazement.

" iPhone eleven plus for you."

Mr. Evans mumbled looking at the boy's happy face. That made Cole stop all his actions and turn sideways to look at him. What did he mean by this phone was for him? An iPhone? So expensive...

His last broken phone was a Samsung J7. It was alright but not cool to play games in. It had only a ram of one point five gigabytes. While to play games, he at least needed a phone having two or over two-gigabyte ram. 

But he could not afford such even though his mom would let him have one, he was aware of the fact that their financial status was not all merry and jolly. So he never asked for it and continued to make use of his old dying cell phone.

"It is for me?" Cole implored if he heard it right the first time.