All at that moment, he could think was what did she mean by his eye muscle accepting the lens in without a protest? Did she try them on with other people and it did not work? What was even happening?

He wanted to escape but he knew it was too late and he could not. His heart was beating fast against his chest.

The yellow light from her eyes again scanned his left eye and then she put the lens inside his eyes as the same way before the eye muscle absorbed the lens in and the excruciating pain came alive.

He knew by now that it was only momentary until the lens gets inside totally absorbed by his eye. Right after being absorbed, he felt the exact similar tingling sensation and he knew that the lens was moving inside like the first one.

Her eyes emitted the yellow light for the nth time to examine if both the lenses were placed in the right position.

"Now do not close them. We have another ten minutes to go."