" It was nice working with you. Remember not to tell about this to anyone. Promise me."

He was finding everything that she was speaking outright then seemed like this entire thing that she did to him was meant to keep a deep secret. But why?

He wanted to ask although he knew better than to ask her directly because she would of course not blurt out one word to him.

"I promise? But why though? Don't you want your research subject to be known by others?"

He interfered even though he knew what her reply would be like yet he wanted to give it a try and he knew better than to tell his mother about all these. She would just clap two slaps on his cheeks for walking away with a stranger.

Plus he had no one except for Vin to whom he tells everything. He did not know if he should tell him or not this time though. Was this whole matter meant to keep top-secret?