In the Shade

"So, you can't say it, but you want me to believe it's nothing, Kate?" His voice is low and penetrating. "Coward," he spits.

"I am not a coward!"

"Yes, you are. Because you can't even say it. You can't even say they're treating you like a Shade, can you?" His eyebrows lift. "Even though you understand why. I know you do." He steps closer. "They're treating you like one because you're acting like one. And you're the girlfriend of one of the strongest Shades any of us have ever met. And . . . don't give me that innocent look. You hurt people."

"What? I do not!"

Chase's full lips press thin. "I didn't say it was a habit. I meant this weekend. You hurt people this weekend."

"Hurt who? I was making out with my boyfriend at a bonfire for goodness sake. I wasn't—"