What Have I Done?

I gape at Chase's trim bulk, wrapped in the medical bandages.

"W-what are those for?"

Chase glares. "Because the fire spreads when you touch it and I had to get Jason to the water."

I cover my mouth with a hand. No, he's just trying to get me to walk away from Aiden. I swallow hard. "That could be anything—"

"I'm not lying, Kate. And you know it." Chase puts a hand on my arm above the elbow. I want to pull out of the grip, but it's gentle. I look away from him instead. But he's relentless. "Pretty soon Aiden'll stop playing with you, and you'll have to decide. For real. He'll ask you to join, and give you the chance. Don't do it, Kate. Please."

"I'm not a Shade!" I hiss, but I'm unnerved. What he described is already happening.

"I know. But your power, and being close to him . . . they'll try to make you one. Soon. And that could kill you, Kate. I' m not exaggerating."