Addicted to Aiden

The next morning, driving to school with Amy is a battle of silent wills. She didn't talk to me all night—not even when I addressed her directly. I got sick of it, so I stopped talking too. The only reason she's with me this morning is she doesn't want to ride the bus.

She's convinced I'm scaring Chase off, and I know he doesn't want her. But I don't want to be the one to tell her that. So, there's not a lot to say. So we don't.

It's a relief to see Aiden's car already parked when we arrive. I'll find him before class.

As soon as I stop the car, Amy unclicks her seatbelt, clambers out, and slams the door. She's stalking down the pavement before I'm even out of my seat.

I grab my bag from the backseat and am locking the car when the skin on my neck starts to tingle. Then someone slides up behind me. "Hey, Beautiful."

I turn around in Aiden's arms, stiffening as he walks me backwards until I'm against the car.