Running from Myself

"So, what's the truth?" he snaps, his voice so deep I feel it in my feet.

I swallow. His gaze—piercing, accusing—never leaves my face.

I want to tell him. I do. I know he's my only chance. And the reason I panicked back there is because the truth about the Shades—and Aiden—hit me.

I don't want to be a murderer.

So, I want to tell Chase the truth. Give him a chance to help me figure out a solution. And yes, I'll beg his forgiveness for never listening to him to begin with, for lying even when I did come to him. But first I have to tell him the story. And the images in my head are . . . horrific. How can I tell that story without him thinking I'm lying again? Or not worth helping, even if he does believe it?