Getting What I Deserve

Chase's eyes never stop searching mine. He leans in close until I can smell pine and rain and him.

"We can get you out of this, Kate. Now. Here. The Shine can help. The Light is stronger than whatever spells they used. We can protect you from what they threatened if you back out. But you have to tell the truth. And you have to trust us."

I hope he can see that I'm being honest when I say, "I know I need help, Chase. I can't do this by myself."

"It'll be okay, Kate. I promise," he murmurs. Then he hesitates, but a second later takes my hand. I'm grateful for the contact when every inch of me screams with fear. "We'll help. You just have to let us help."

"I will."

Then the shame shatters me.

I mocked him. Burned him. Chose his ex-best-friend, his enemy. I yelled at him for being kind to my sister, and used him when he offered to be good to me.

All of that, and he sits here, in this broken, terrifying moment, whispering reassurance.