Code Red

When I got to the living room where everyone else was, Chase had saved me a seat on the couch next to him. Everyone had puffy eyes and messed up hair, but they were all seated and ready as Nathanial looked at something on his phone, then glared at me for being the last person in the room. I gave him an apologetic look and squeezed between Chase's knee and the coffee table to sit next to him. One of the security guys winked at me.

"Okay, if my phone rings I need to answer it because we still have information coming in. But I need you all on deck and focused right now, because everything changes from today forward, you hear me?"

There was a murmur of agreement around the room. Chase put his hand on my thigh and squeezed. My heart pounded. Was this going to be about Amy?

"Kate, I'm sorry to tell you like this, but we don't have time to mess around. Your father never made it home tonight."