Unlikely Allies

I sat in my room on the edge of my bed in the near dark, too many options, too many fears, too many hopes. What would Chase do? I hadn't told him the truth. He only suspected. But…if the roles were reversed? If I thought he was up to something that might get him hurt? I'd be doing anything I could to stop him. 

Would he tell Nathanial?

Should I sneak into his room again? The urge was there to ignore the problem and just throw myself at him. We had days at best. Maybe hours.

I couldn't go with this between us. But I couldn't tell him and give him what he needed to stop me. I let myself fall backwards on the bed with a frustrated groan.

When the quiet knock sounded on the door I sat bolt upright and leapt towards it, certain it would be Chase. So when I opened the door and it was Nathanial standing there looking awkward in the darkness I blinked. 

"Did you find my dad?" I whispered urgently.