Ready... Set...

Dawn was beginning to seep over the horizon when I finally went down the stairs and crept through the house to go to bed. It was oddly comforting to walk through the place when there was no one else there. The rest of the house was utterly silent except for the boards that creaked when I tiptoed over them. I stopped when I reached my door and looked down the hall to Chase's room. For a moment, the memory of the night before hit me right in the gut.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I gasped, rubbing his jaw with my thumb. "In fact, if you stop this again, I might actually kill you."

The noise he made then almost sent me over the edge. His chest rose and fell quickly under my hands and he couldn't stop leaning in to kiss me, even when he was trying to talk. 

"You know we shouldn't—"