Paying the Piper - Part 2

Jerry shifted in his seat and glanced at Nathanial. "I'm kind of waiting for an explanation myself," he said quietly, but his voice was underlined in warning. 

Nathanial shook his head, narrowing his eyes at Chase. "I should have been their guide. It should have been my call. They weren't ready."

"Bullshit," Chase growled. I blinked. I hadn't heard him swear even when—

"Does she know, Chase? Did you tell her what you've done?" Nathanial hissed.

"I wanted this, Nathanial," I said carefully, though my stomach dropped at the question. What had Chase not told me? There was a flicker of memory, a moment the night before when he'd seemed unhappy. But I couldn't remember why—and it had seemed like such a little thing at the time. I did glance at Chase, but he wasn't taking his eyes off Nathanial.

"Did you?" Nathanial snaps