She's My Wife

Jerry spoke up before I could get Chase to even meet my eyes. "I think we all need to calm down and remember we're on the same side."

Nathanial snorted. "Remember that, Chase? Remember when we talked about that?"

"Back off," Chase snapped. His eyes were finally on mine.

"You knew all this, before we bound. And you didn't tell me? You did it for this reason? To stop me?" 

"No, it isn't like that. But this isn't the place to—"

"Don't listen to him, Kate. He's been talking to me about this for weeks." I'd never heard Nathanial so venomous. It was unnerving. His face was red and he threw his hands around—but mostly towards Chase. "He's so damned blind to what you are, what you can do, all he can think about is losing his final chance at a regular lay—"