Don't Give Up

Don't give up yet, he thinks back to me. I sigh and his thumbs dig into my shoulders, right where they meet my neck and it hits the spot of the greatest tension so well I want to groan.

"I think I'll leave you two to talk—in a minute," Jerry says, still with a small smile. "But as your Guide, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't offer you some guidance for this. So… Kate?"

I open my eyes and look at him. "You need to understand that the Light uses us in each others lives. To support. To help. And sometimes to correct. I'm a firm believer that nothing happens without a reason. And when you're as connected to the Light as you are, He wouldn't have allowed this to come into your life if He didn't have a very good reason for it. So, since this is where you're at now—don't fight it. Ask yourself and the Light how the circumstances He's given you can work out in the very best way. Please."