Finding Unity...Or Not

The accusation burns in my chest. How can he think that? Can't he see? Is he not listening.

But it's clear… he can't. He's not. 

Chase shakes his head at me, his face a mask of pain as he turns toward the light from the window. It cuts across his face to create shadows under his chin. His eyes are so bright—green gold and burning with intensity. But I stare at him, chin pushed out, even though inside I'm shaking. 

Is he right? He can't be right. I don't want to give him up. I've never wanted to. It's what has made all of this so difficult. Can't he see that?

"You have to see it, Kate. I know you can. I can see it when I think about you."

"That's not the point."

"Of course it's the point!" he roars. "You're willing to leave me!"