
Jay opened his eyes, struggling to remember what had happened to him minutes before. "What the- where am I?" Jay thought to himself noticing that instead of a roof above him, he saw nothing but clouds in the blue sky. He looked around without standing up and realized all around him was a vast plain.

Out of shock, He tried to stand and quickly fell back to the ground. "I feel so sluggish" he said while attempting to stand back up, this time much slower. "Am I dead, hallucinating, or in hell?'' thought a panicked Jay.

After a few minutes, Jay had finally regained his energy and calmed down. "If I walk straight, l will get somewhere eventually... hopefully". As Jay walked he noticed all around him was just grass except for a mountain barely visible extremely far away.

Another few minutes passed when Jay suddenly saw a black figure. "That must be some sort of vehicle" Jay said shocked at the speed it had. Maybe it will stop and i can get some answers.

It came closer and closer until tit's humanoid figure was clear enough to be made out. Legs, arms, and everything were now clearly in view.

"What is that?" Jay thought before seeing a blue screen appeared before his very eyes.

[Race: Demon]


Startled, Jay fell down landing in a sitting position. But before he could analyze whatever had popped up in front of him, it had already disappeared. The black figure was now approaching him. Then after a few seconds, it quickly stopped in front of Jay and was now clearly visible.

A man similar in height as Jay, in a black robe with red designs was now standing in front of him. He took off his robe revealing a black mask covering the bottom half of his face. His eyes were red and a scar was visible over his closed left eye. He had long black hair covering his forehead and extending past his neck in the back.

He stared at Jay for a while as if scanning his body taking down measurements or memorize his face.

The man handed his Robe to Jay and in a deep, ominous voice he commanded, "Put it on". Jay, afraid of what would happen if he didn't comply, quietly took the robe and put it on.

The man once again scanned over Jay's body and continued on his way.

Jay was not sure but it felt as if the guy had a smile on his face before leaving in the opposite direction.

Jay had completely forgotten about the screen that had magically appeared before his eyes only moments before and continued walking in the direction the mysterious man had came from. Little did he know, he would soon learn of his fate.

A couple more minutes had passed and Jay ready to give up, spotted another figure closing in on him. This figure on the other hand was without a doubt not human. It was twice his height and stood on all four legs.

As it came into view, the features of the beast was now visible. It had brown fur, fangs, and red eyes similar to the man before. Before Jay could let out a scream, a female's voice was heard.

"Don't move or we will attack!" the mysterious but soothing voice yelled from on top the beast. Jay not knowing what to do raised his hands in the air signaling his surrender.

It was then that a cold breeze blew past his body followed by ice growing out of the ground and extending all over his body. He could not move but fortunately for him, his head was not affected.

"What's happening?" Jay asked the female who had jumped off the beast and was walking towards him.

As she stood there, Jay noticed what stood in front of him was a beauty only described in the stories he read back home. The woman had short blonde hair that reached around the middle of her neck, and beautiful blue eyes.

She wore a white robe with blue designs which looked like it belonged to a wizard in one of Jay's favorite manga. The right sleeve had blue stripes and in her hand was a white book with a mysterious carving on the front which she quickly placed in a little bag on her waist.

"Your under arrest demon, and I am sure I could guess what your punishment will be!" said the unknown lady before punching Jay in his face with barely any effort.

It felt as if a cold rock had slammed into Jay's face. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was the female standing before him.

It was now dark out and Jay slowly opened his eyes to discover he had once again woke up in a strange new location. Unlike the last time, he was now inside of a building made of stone and could see a small window with bars above him letting in moonlight.

As he remembered what had happen before losing consciousness, Jay popped up to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. Sure enough he was in a cell just as he had guessed.

"I see your finished with your nap" said a deep voice from outside the cell. Jay turned to see an out of shape bearded man sitting on a box near the cell. This man wore a similar robe as the lady who had captured him earlier that day.

He notice the fact that he had one less stripe than the girl from before on his arm.

"What's going on?" Jay anxiously asked the man who looked surprised and then disgusted at Jay's words.

"We caught you off course. You thought you would escape us after attacking guild members?"

Jay was caught off guard from the accusations resulting from his quick to be angered trait and yelled at the man in an unpleasant tone "I don't know what your talking about, but it wasn't me. Now let me out."

As the man heard this, he stood stood up and walked closer to the cell Jay was in.

Just then Jay's face quickly changed from that of an angry tyrant to that of a scared puppy when the bearded man was right in front of him revealing his incredible height.

"This behemoth had to have been at least 7'3" thought Jay while moving back further into his cell. The man at that moment exploded into a blood curdling laughter for a few seconds and immediately stopped, staring at Jay as if he hadn't laughed at all.

"Listen here demon, you attacked humans and not just that, but adventures from one of our kingdom's top guilds." A smile appeared on the man's face followed by six words that made Jay's heart start to race. "Your offense is punishable by death".