The System

After the events that had happened to him, Jay was unable to sleep all night. He thought the best plan of action was to think about everything that happened that day and figure out what he could do.

He thought back to putting on the ring and experiencing extreme pain before passing out. He remembered waking up, running into a guy with a black robe that insisted he took and wore the robe. The girl on top of a huge beast and ice appearing before him and covering his body.

"Where the hell am I?" thought Jay now pacing up and forth in his cell.

Then almost instantly before his eyes, appeared a holographic blue screen. He was caught off guard and jumped back, nearly hitting his head on the stone wall.

"The same screen that had popped up when running into the first man." He had completely forgotten about it until now.

"You are in Lionel." said the screen floating before his very eyes. Jay again caught off guard, this time by a voice, turned around frantically looking for whoever the voice came from.

"Who said that?'' asked Jay in a low voice as to not alert the guard who was now no longer by the cell but in a room nearby.

"Hello, I am The System." replied the voice as Jay continued checking his surroundings.

"What do you mean The System?" thought Jay not sure if he should ask the person hidden in the darkness. Just then as if his mind was being read, Jay received a reply.

"I am The System, I will be your guide in this world and help you on your journey to become stronger."

Puzzled, he wondered how this person was able to read his mind when it suddenly clicked. The screen and the voice was connected and was in his head. He was sure no one else would be able to see this screen or hear the voice.

The only reason he was able to figure this out was because of his vast collection of manga and light novels. Of course it was just a theory and needed to be tested.

"This couldn't be real though, could it?"

Just then an idea popped into his head and although it was dangerous, he thought it would be the best way to figure out what The System could do.

Jay started yelling random words to get the attention of the tall bearded man that was tasked with watching over him. "Tall geezer, get out here" "Let me out, i'm innocent" "I'm going to escape, better hurry."

Just then the door to another room had swung open and in came a man Jay had to yet see. This man was around Jay's height but was well built. He had very short black hair as if he was in the military and a bushy beard.

Similar to the female and tall bearded man, this guy wore a white robe with blue designs and 4 lines on his right sleeve similar to the female.

"What's all the racket in here?" asked the bushy beard man followed by a yawn. It was obvious that he was asleep and rushed in here as soon as he heard Jay's words.

In Jay's head, he gave The System a command and wanted to test out the capabilities. "System analyze the man in front of me."

[Race: Human]


"Do not engage in combat?" thought a shocked Jay while staring at the words on the screen which was somewhat transparent enough to see the man behind it. He was sure the man was unable to see or hear The System which was clearly visible to him.

The man looked around as he remembered the words he heard from the prisoner moments before. He looked all around but saw no possible escape that the prisoner could use. As the man stared back at Jay, he had an expression that indicated he was pissed off.

It was at that moment that the man reached around his waist and pulled a brown book with carvings from the bag on his side. It was a similar sight to what Jay saw from the lady he first encountered.

The man while reading the book started to shout some words that Jay could not understand. He then extended the hand not holding the book towards Jay and said the final word. In an instant Jay felt as if he was being held in place by some kind of snake.

"What the fu-" said Jay as he fell over as if losing control of his own body.

He was tied by a mysterious rope that was not there before. The rope slithered around his body as if alive, locking his arms at the side and going down to his legs which were now locked together as well.

He was unable to get the rope off as he tried his hardest.

Staring at Jay wriggle in his cell, the bushy bearded man turned and went back to the room he came from. Before closing the door he made sure to say one thing loud enough for his prisoner to hear.

"Your trial is in a few hours, be good and maybe you will get a painless death."

"System, what was that?" Jay asked in his head still unable to move as the rope stayed attached to his body.

[Magic Was Used] read the screen in front of his eyes.

[Host is not strong enough to escape]

"Magic?" asked a rather confused Jay before deciding to ask another question.

Another piece of the puzzle then clicked in Jay's head. There was a system only he could see and hear. He woke up in the middle of nowhere and encountered crazy events such as the female that froze him in place, the beast, and now a man who tied him with a rope without coming near.

Jay with a face saying "I've figured it out" then took a guess at what happened.

Similar to the stories he loved to read so much, he was probably in another world. A world full of beast and magic. He was sure of it but asked The System which was another reason for his conclusion.

"Am I still on earth?" Jay asked the System in his head.

[No, you are no longer on Earth]

[Current Location: Kingdom of Lionel]

[Use command self analyze to see host info]

"Self Analyze" said Jay not expecting outstanding stats.

[Current Level 1]

[Current Class: None]

[Current Skills : None]

[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Health 10/10]

[MP: 0]


[MP stands For Mana Points]

[Using spells reduce mana points, which restores while not being used.]

[Host has 0 MP and therefore cannot use magic currently]

Jay wasn't really shocked by not having magic power. He was new to all of this after all but was a little bummed.

Author's note.

When speaking in his head, The System's word will use "

When written on the screen, The System will use [ ]