The Guild Hall

The sun was blazing down causing sweat to pour down Jay's head. His arms and feet shackled by the snake like rope from before as he was escorted out of the jail like structure he was held in for a day.

As he exited he noticed that instead of a building, the cell was actually in one of multiple rooms located in a cave. The cave traveled deep into the mountain Jay saw earlier as he traveled through the plain.

Jay was escorted by the man with the bushy beard who controlled the rope and another man with short blonde hair.

The dry grass blew in the wind as dried up leaves released a satisfying 'crunch' sound as they were stepped on.

Bugs could be heard all around and a nearby river flow was also emitted a low sound. They walked along a path covered by trees to a stable with multiple covered wagons and horses.

There, another man prepared a wagon and a horse before Jay and the two escorts got on.

The Journey began and Jay knew that wherever he was taken, his life would be put on the line in a trial.

It felt like as much as two hours passed before the men had reached their destination. It was a huge city surrounded by a giant stone wall. The front had a large metal gate which the men had to travel through and get checked.

The bushy bearded man in front, showed what looked like an ID before the wagon was let in to the city.

As they traveled through the city, all Jay could do was make out the sounds he could hear. He was in the back of the covered wagon and therefore could not see anything outside.

"I hear people. A lot of people as well as horses and kids playing."

A nice aroma filled the air within the wagon which reminded Jay of the fact that he had not yet eaten.

Another half hour or so and the wagon had finally reached it's destination.

Jay got out of the wagon and was intrigued by the giant building in front of him. It was a giant stone building with a giant flag in the front. It was a white flag with three blue horizontal lines and a star in the middle above the lines.

There were other buildings in the area with signs reading "Shop" "Inn" "Restaurant" and more.

However, Jay was escorted into the huge building with a flag and was immediately shocked at what he saw.

Most within the building wore the same white and blue robes as those he encountered in the jail.

Many coming and going however were wearing different outfits and carried weapons. Many even had a book attached to their waist.

"Oh wait, I know how to get some answers."

"System where am I, and what's with the matching get ups."

[Location: Lionel - Capital City: Bestia]

Jay then read the next words to appear before his eyes. "These white and blue robes are the outfits of the top guild in the kingdom. The Fortis Guild."

"So this is one of those worlds?" thought Jay. What Jay was thinking of could only be the worlds with guilds and adventurers from the stories he read back on earth.

After a couple of minutes of walking up stairs, Jay was taken to a room which had big metal doors. He observed the white walls, and red carpeted floors.

As the doors opened Jay could see people standing inside once again wearing those white and blue robes. They stood at the side allowing a clear aisle through the middle.

On both sides of the aisle were 4 people, all could be described as old men who refused to make eye contact with him.

At the end of the aisle was an old bald headed man with a long white beard. His eyes were blue and his skin was very pale.

Next to him was a much younger man with black hair who did not wear the same robe as the others.

This man wore all black and had an eye-patch. He removed the cigar from his mouth, put it out, and threw it in the trash. He stared at Jay who was still wearing the black robe.

The man in black with no warning or indication charged at Jay and stopped in front of him with a strong punch to the gut. Jay felt his feet leave the ground as saliva drooled out of his mouth.

It was like a cold hard rock had made impact with him, similar to the first girl he ran into. The one who froze him and arrested him.

The man then landed another punch to the mid section while Jay was in the air with his other hand resulting in Jay flying back a bit.

As Jay's feet touched the floor he felt the man's fist now on the back of his head. He crumbled to the floor with tears starting to drift out of his eyes.

In pain and knowing he was no match for this man, Jay stayed down although he wouldn't have been able to just get up anyways.

He looked to his sides to see what the men who brought him were doing. The bushy bearded man stood there staring at him. No expression on his face. The blond hair man was at the side talking to others who were already here.

"Get up demon, I held back" said the man in all black.

"Why do I keep getting called demon?" Jay thought.

"System analyze this man" said Jay in his head to The System while staring at the man and while trying to hold back his coughs and tears.

[Race: Human]


[Warning: Blood lust Detected]

[Warning: Magic Detected]

Jay watched as all of The System's messages appeared in his view like notifications on a phone. "Blood lust? Magic?"

It seems like this man wanted Jay dead and if he wanted to kill him right now, Jay would not be able to fight back.

"But this was supposed to be a trial right?" wondered Jay.

The man then kicked Jay in his chest followed by blood gushing out of his mouth.

[Host is injured. Level is not high enough to auto heal. ]

[Warning HP extremely low.]

[HP: 2/10]

Jay was about to pass out when in front of his eyes, a girl stood crouched in front of him. His vision was getting blurry and he could not make out what the girl looked like.

She put her hands on his back and chanted a few words Jay could not make out.

As she spoke, her warm and soft hands lit a green light and Jay could feel the pain fading away. A warm sensation raced through his body.

[Warning: Magic Detected]

[Host is being healed.]

[Host is being healed.]

[Host is Completely Healed]

The pain faded away and energy returned to his body.

Jay stared at the girl as he stood up slowly. She was a bit shorter than he was and had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her rosy cheeks and soft skin was visible to all.

She too wore a white and blue robe and had 4 stripes on her right sleeve.

Jay was still not sure what the stripes indicated. It had to mean something though.

The girl then introduced herself as Char. She said she was a top healer at the guild and walked away.

Jay was then dragged along to the front of the aisle into a small open space.

The bald headed man he saw earlier sat behind a counter with Char on one side of him and the man in black on the other side.

The trial will now commence said the man in a loud deep voice while staring at Jay.