The Trial

Jay stood before the bald headed man who was most likely the judge in this trial.

"I was transported to this world without consent, and then arrested after being framed. I was brought here and beaten up. Now I could be facing the death penalty," he whispered to himself.

The trial has started and Jay did not have a lawyer nor did he know if such a thing existed in this new world.

The sound of heavy doors shook Jay out of his deep trance as he turned to see a familiar face.

It was the girl with short blonde hair reaching down to her neck and blue eyes. She was the girl who used some sort of ice magic to capture him before knocking him out.

The girl walked towards the front of the room where Jay stood, never taking her eyes off of him.

"Hello, father" she said turning her gaze towards the old man. "Brother, sister" she said towards the two on his side.

Jay was not shocked at what he heard. It wasn't like he knew any of them anyhow so why would it shock him if they were related. In addition, Glacie and Char looked somewhat similar.

"You've finally arrived Glacie" replied the old man back. "Let's continue" said the old man as the very few spectators looked on.

"The man before us is rumored to be the demon who attacked guild members adventuring outside of the kingdom. Witnesses and victims have given us the height and build of the attacker. This man not only matches the descriptions but also wears the red and black robe only worn by members of the demon faction in question. I believe this suspect is indeed guilty."

"Wait a second" yelled Jay before the snake like rope around his arms and leg extended and now covered his mouth like a gag. He could not longer speak and was forced to stand there.

The bearded man made sure Jay could not speak nor move.

"Are their any objections or anyone who wishes to defend the suspect?" asked the bald man.

There was no answer. Then the sound of a mallet like object.

"I, Glaciei Mons, leader of the Fortis guild and judge of this case find the suspect guilty and subjected to death by a dungeon.

Jay unable to speak, tried his best to get the gag off resulting in random sounds and noises. He was hoping to get their attention but was also getting angry.


Jay's body fell to the ground as he was struck from behind.

The last words he heard before his eyes closed was the old man. "Report to the king that our Guild has disposed of a demon. We will surely earn his backing and gain more authority within the kingdom."


As his eyes opened, Jay found himself in some sort of dark cave. Memories of what happened before losing consciousness started to hit him all at once.

Jay looked around and saw nothing but darkness.

The only sound heard were drops of water slowly falling onto the rocks from the ceiling above.

"Is this a dungeon?" thought Jay as he remembered he was sentenced to death by a dungeon.

The back of his head was still in pain from when he was knocked out, but he stood up and realized he was now able to move.

The snake like rope was no longer around his hands, legs and mouth.

"I'll find a way out of here. I was framed and will definitely escape."

"What then though? I'll still won't be strong enough to fight back. Will I be on the run, maybe I will be caught again and then executed on the spot."

"Damn it, Damn it, Damn it" Jay yelled as his mind filled up with anger.

"I didn't do anything. I don't even belong in this world, I was brought here against my will."

As he continued to contemplate his situation, he felt a sharp bite on his leg.

Jumping back, he saw what had bitten him. It was a pink snake like creature. Unlike a regular snake, this creature had one eye and glowed a faint pink light. Two sharp fangs clearly visible.

Jay grabbed the snake with trembling hands, pulling it off of his leg and throwing it as far as he could hitting a wall.

More and more pink glowing snakes appeared before him as he slowly moved backwards unaware of what to do next.

"S..System analyze" Jay commanded as he continued to back up.

[Race: One eyed Snake]

[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Target's weakness: Water]

The System alerted Jay of the creature's weakness which was definitely a first. Not only that, but for the first time, The System did not tell him to avoid combat.

He did have the same stat line as the creature after all. The next statement from The System surprised Jay.

[Each One eyed snake killed will reward 10 exp].

"I have to find a river or something" Jay said running away from the snakes which kept a steady pace behind him.

"What else can you tell me about these snakes?" he asked The System.

"One eyed Snakes do not eat their victims whole but through small bites in which they suck out blood overtime."

Jay knew that if he was to get caught, he would have a slow and uncomfortable death.

After a couple of minutes running through the dry cave avoiding falling rocks, crevices, and sharp walls, he managed to discover an underground lake.

"I have to get them in their somehow" he thought to himself as he caught his breath.

"I have an idea" replied the system in his head.

A few seconds later, a dozen long pink glowing creatures had finally slithered along the dry stone ground into the big room containing the lake.

Standing in front of the creatures was their prey.

The average height, skinny human in a black and red robe stood before them with his arms wide open as if he was inviting them to bite him.

The creatures lunged at their meal, biting down with their sharp fangs.

[Health 9/10]

As the creatures bit down on his body, Jay grabbed them as tight as he could and made sure they could not escape.

It felt as if a slimy soft ropes wriggled within his hands.

[Health 8/10]

He then fell back into the lake while maintaining his grip on the snake creatures. They wriggled and slithered but could not escape as the water had already weakened them.

Water to them was like fire to humans. It burned their bodies until they no longer glowed.

A moment later, Jay climbed out of the lake and laid on the hard ground covered by the wet black and red robe.

He did it, he killed the snake creatures. He breathed heavily trying catch his breath once again.

[110 exp awarded]

[110/100 EXP]

Jay was not sure what The System meant but before asking, he received another notification.

[Level Up?] asked the screen now glowing in front of Jay's eyes.

"Yes" replied Jay with no hesitation as the previous message now made more sense.

Almost instantly, his body under went changes.

His veins were now visible beneath the skin throughout his body. Lines of bright red flashed through his skin. With it came great pain.

He tried his best to hold in his screams as the tissue within his body teared and repaired itself. His blood boiled and his legs began to wobble.

Jay was not sure what was happening but had no choice but to push through as he fell to his knees.

About a minute had passed before;

[Level Up Successful]