Leveling Up

Author's notes:

I have made many changes within the last chapter and would suggest those that have read it before the release of this chapter to reread it. This will allow a much better understanding of what is happening.

For starters,

The most important change is that the default stats were changed from 1 to 10. Therefore, the MC now starts at 10 strength, stamina, and agility (previously called speed). Along with other changes.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


As the pain faded away, Jay stayed still on his knees and hand. He stared at the ground as if waiting for it to talk to him.

His body was covered in sweat as his body temperature started to decrease back to normal. His nerves were no longer visible through his skin and his muscle tissue no longer felt as if it was being ripped like a piece of paper.

"What was that?" he asked The System still not moving from his position, afraid it might trigger even the slightest feeling of pain.

"Host body has successfully evolved" replied The System.

[What host felt was a stimulation of extreme body training]

Not sure what The System meant exactly, Jay finally calmed himself down and transitioned into a sitting position.

"Self Analyze" he whispered to The System after a sigh of relief that the pain was all gone.

[Level 2]

[Current Class: None]

[Current Skills : None]

[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Health 15/15]

[MP: 0]

[1 Available Stat Point]

[Analyze Feature has reached level 2]

[10/100 EXP]

The long list of stats appeared before Jay's eyes as only a few things caught his attention.

His stats were the same as before except for Health which increased by five. His analyze skill was also now level 2.

"I wonder what's new in that feature."

[Analyze can now scan and give info on other items such as rocks, plants, weapons, and more] explained The System as it was able to hear Jay's thoughts.

What really caught his attention however was the free stat point.

[All stat points used cannot be refunded.]

As someone who was always alone, Jay spent much time playing video games and knew what the Available stat point indicated. He could now increase any stat by 1.

The options being strength, stamina, and agility. Health was not an option but was the only stat upgrade on its own after leveling up.

"I want to quickly eliminate enemies rather than put up a good fight. I would prefer to be unseen like an assassin and able to dodge strikes as if I could read my opponent's thoughts."

Jay without hesitation used his 1 available stat point to increase his agility.

"Agility has now increased to 11" said The System alerting the host that the choice was locked in.

"System, explain how I can receive a class and skills.

"In order to receive a class, user must first hit level ten. The user will then be able to select a class from a variety of options" read the robotic voice within Jay's head

"Skills will be acquired through killing monsters. Most monsters have transferable skills. This is an exclusive ability of The System. In addition, some level upgrades have different rewards such as skills, items, and more.

"That will be very useful" Jay thought finally standing up.

"Now tell me about magic" he commanded as he turned and exited the way he had came from.

The current area was huge and across the lake was visible land along with another tunnel.

"No way in hell am I swimming across an unknown lake in a dungeon filled with beast".

The System after compiling its knowledge of magic was now ready to provide an answer.

"Practicing magic strengthens the body allowing the user to surpass their normal limits. All races are born with different stats such as Demon children at age 10 having the physical capabilities of adult humans."

"Such power." "How are humans even on top in this world?"

Just as he awaited an answer, The System rang.

"Human population far surpasses that of the demons. In addition, humans have higher magical abilities than demons who are more advanced in strength and speed. Humans have allied with many races, and own a vast majority of the world's land."

"Now explain the magical aspect of this world to me" commanded Jay stepping over a few large rocks blocking his path.

"Everyone in this world are born with a set type of magic. There are multiple types of magic such as those shot from your hands like fireballs or lightning strikes. Some change your body whether it is hardening, shape shifting, or an ability that gives the user animal like features. Most classes include exclusive magic abilities."

"Makes sense" replied Jay. "And how does one figure out such magic."

"At Guild Halls, Training Academies, or even the Castle, one can earn a grimoire which allows them to learn and use more spells. Many often use magic items as well due to having little to no control over their magic."

"I see" replied Jay as he turned onto a new path. This path had grass growing from between the stones which most likely meant a grassy area was up next.

"With the power of The System, the host can easily learn his destined magic. Abilities exclusive to The System can also be earned.

Hearing this, made Jay ecstatic.

Before he could ask anymore questions, a bright light shined upon his face as he made his final turn in the stone tunnel.

He knew it would not lead outside as this was supposed to be a death sentence, and leaving a criminal near an open exit would have been a terrible idea.

As he entered the bright room, he noticed that it was in fact covered completely by grass.

The light above was emitted from crystalline structures hanging off the ceiling.

"System what are those crystals?" Jay asked The System.

Those are Solar Crystals which glows brightly when it is daylight above ground. At night, they lose their glow and the cave becomes dark."

The stone walls forming the sides of the cave were so far apart, that an american foot ball field could be used as a form of measurement to describe the area.

Along the floors, paths formed by collections of different rocks. The rocks varied in size, shape and color.

Along the rest of the floor swayed short grass with patches of flowers every now and then. On the walls moss grew and a strong current of water flowed from a hole in the wall opposite where Jay had entered.

This water flowed down the middle with swerves every now and then before dropping down another hole located in the middle of the grassy area.

Although, the scenery was beautiful Jay stayed on guard as the fact remained that he was in a dungeon. Letting down his guard could mean giving up his life.

After walking up and down scanning the area, not a single beast was found. Jay walked over to the stream of water and used his analyze feature.

[River Of Exterreri] read the screen of The System.

[Water is pure and safe for consumption]

Relieved, Jay extended his hand towards the water hoping to satisfy his current thirst. It had been a bit over 2 days since he arrived to this world, and had yet to eat.

He was given a canteen filled with water at the prison but it was not much.

In addition, he avoided drinking water from the lake in the previous level as it could not be analyzed at the time for harmful bacteria or liquids.

As his hands penetrated the water, Jay noticed something strange. As he stared at his reflection, he felt as if it was actually staring back.

After a moment of staring at his reflection, he was pulled into the rapid stream of water and pulled towards the hole in the middle.

{Warning: Magic Detected]

[Warning: Host Is Affected By Magic]

The System warned Jay, before he was sucked into the hole below along with gallons of water.